USP 607 Planning Theory Seminar Sy Adler
Spring, 2011 370N URBN
Office hours: by appt.
4/7 Planning Theory
Susan Fainstein, “New Directions in Planning Theory.” Urban Affairs Review, 35, 4, 2000.
John Friedmann, “The Uses of Planning Theory: A Bibliographic Essay.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 28, 2, 2008.
Ananya Roy, “Urbanisms, Worlding Practices and the Theory of Planning.” Planning Theory, 10, 1, 2011.
Ernest Alexander, “Dilemmas in Evaluating Planning, or Back to Basics: What is Planning For?” Planning Theory and Practice, 10, 2, 2009.
4/14 Neoliberalism/The Right to the City
Mark Purcell, “Citizenship and the Right to the Global city: Reimagining the Capitalist World Order.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27, 3, 2003.
Mark Purcell, “Urban Democracy and the Local Trap.” Urban Studies, 43, 11, 2006.
Mark Purcell, “Resisting Neoliberalization: Communicative Planning or Counter-Hegemonic Movements.” Planning Theory, 8, 2, 2009.
David Harvey, “The Right to the City.” New Left Review, 53, September-October, 2008.
Michael Gunder, “Planning as the Ideology of (Neoliberal) Space.” Planning Theory, 9, 4, 2010.
Gavin Shatkin, “Coping with Actually Existing Urbanisms: The Real Politics of Planning in the Global Era.” Planning Theory, 10, 1, 2011.
4/28 The Just City
Susan Fainstein, “The Egalitarian City: The Restructuring of Amsterdam.” International Planning Studies, 2, 3, 1997.
Susan Fainstein, “Cities and Diversity: Should We Want It? Can We Plan for It?” Urban Affairs Review, 41, 1, 2005.
Susan Fainstein, “Mega-Projects in New York, London and Amsterdam.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33, 3, 2009.
Susan Fainstein, “Planning and the Just City;” Peter Marcuse, “From Justice Planning to Commons Planning;” Johannes Novy and Margit Mayer, “As ‘Just’ As it Gets?; James DeFilippis, “On Globalization, Competition, and Economic Justice in Cities.” In Peter Marcuse, et al., eds., Searching for the Just City, Routledge, 2009.
Susan Fainstein, “Philosophical Approaches to the Problem of Justice;” “Justice and Urban Transformation: Planning in Context;” and “Conclusion: Toward the Just City.” In The Just City, Cornell University, 2010.
Heather Campbell and Robert Marshall, “Towards Justice in Planning: A Reappraisal.” European Planning Studies, 14, 2, 2006.
Stanley Stein and Thomas Harper, “Rawl’s ‘Justice as Fairness’: A Moral Basis for Contemporary Planning Theory.” Planning Theory, 4, 2, 2005.
Heather Campbell and Robert Marshall, “Utilitarianism’s Bad Breath? A Re-Evaluation of the Public Interest Justification for Planning.” Planning Theory, 1, 2, 2002.
5/5 Community
James DeFilippis, Robert Fisher, and Eric Shragge, “Neither Romance Nor Regulation: Re-evaluating Community.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30, 3, 2006.
David Imbroscio, “United and Actuated by some Common Impulse of Passion: Challenging the Dispersal Consensus in American Housing Policy Research.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 30, 2, 2008.
Tom Angotti, “Community Planning without Displacement: Strategies for Progressive Planning;” and “Progressive Directions for Community Planners.” In New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate, MIT, 2008.
5/12 Complexity/Consensus
Judith Innes, “Planning through Consensus Building: A New View of the Comprehensive Planning Ideal.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 62, 4, 1996.
Judith Innes and David Booher, “Consensus Building and Complex Adaptive Systems.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 65, 4, 1999.
Judith Innes and David Booher. “Consensus Building as Role Playing and Bricolage.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 65, 1, 1999.
David Booher and Judith Innes, “Network Power in Collaborative Planning.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 21, 3, 2002.
Judith Innes and David Booher, “Reframing Public Participation: Strategies for the 21st Century.” Planning Theory and Practice, 5, 4, 2004.
Judith E. Innes, Sarah Connick, and David Booher, "Informality as a Planning Strategy: Collaborative Water Management in the CALFED Bay-Delta Program." Journal of the American Planning Association, 73, 2, 2007.
Judith Innes and David Booher, “Our Conception of Theory.” In Planning with Complexity, Routledge, 2010.
Lewis Hopkins and E.R. Alexander, “Introduction to Symposium: Planning in Complex Multiorganizational Systems;” and Nikhil Kaza and Lewis Hopkins, “In What circumstances Should Plans be Public?” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 28, 4, 2009.
5/19 Actor/Network Theory
Luuk Boelens, “Theorizing Practice and Practising Theory: Outlines for an Actor-Relational-Approach in Planning.” Planning Theory, 9, 1, 2010.
Yvonne Rydin, “Actor-network theory and planning theory: A response to Boelens.” Planning Theory, 9, 3, 2010.
Luuk Boelens, “Reflection on Yvonne Rydin’s response to ‘Theorizing practice and practising theory.’” Planning Theory, 9, 3, 2010.
5/26 Healthy City/Post-Katrina
Jason Corburn, “Reconnecting with Our Roots: American Urban Planning and Public Health in the Twenty-first Century.” Urban Affairs Review, 42, 5, 2007.
Jason Corburn, “Some Challenges for Healthy City Planning,” and “Towards a Politics of Healthy City Planning.” In Toward the Healthy City, MIT, 2009.
Journal of Planning Education and Research section on New Orleans, 28, 3, 2009.
Emily Talen, “New Urbanism, Social Equity, and the Challenge of Post-Katrina Rebuilding in Mississippi.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 27, 3, 2008.
Robert Olshanky, et al., “Longer View: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 74, 3, 2008.
6/2 Retrospect and Prospect
-Seminar presentations/participation
-Seminar paper on either: Neoliberalism/The Right to the City; or The Just City/Community; Complexity/Consensus/Actor-Network Theory; or The Health City/Post-Katrina