Administrator conducts a conference for possible long term removal immediately after the infraction. Present at this meeting shall be the administrator recommending removal, parent or guardian, student, the teacher removing the student from class, if applicable, and witnesses.
Based on the evidence presented, the principal will immediately make a decision as to the outcome of the conference. One of the following is a possible decision:
- Student is sent back to the classroom with teacher’s consent; if teacher refuses, then case will be referred to Placement Review Committee for a decision on that placement; or
- 2. Student is assigned to another classroom; or
- 3. Student is assigned to in-school suspension; or
- 4. Student is suspended from school (Suspension cannot exceed three days); or
- 5. Student is removed to the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Center; or
- 6. Student is removed to an on campus suspension setting or suspended from school for no more than three days pending a hearing for expulsion to Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program Center; (Suspension cannot exceed three (3) days).
If the decision is for long term removal, then the administrator shall complete the appropriate documents, either a Referral for DAEP OR A Petition for Expulsion, and notify parent or guardian. Administrator shall ensure that sufficient evidence (well documented-specific enough so that there will be no doubt as to what actually happened, i.e., police report or statement –a must, discipline referral, reports, Code of Conduct from duly executed, witnesses’ testimony is written, etc.) is included with the DAEP referral or in the folder that will be presented to the Campus Hearing Officer at the time of the expulsion hearing.
The referrals for DAEP placement and expulsions will be submitted to the Superintendent’s Designee, the Director of Student Discipline. The Designee will confirm that all necessary documents are present and that all procedures have been followed. Approval for removal to DAEP will be authorized by the Director of Student Discipline. Formal notification to student and parent will be from the campus hearing officer.
An approval from the Director of Student Discipline regarding a Petition for Expulsion will be submitted to the Board Campuses Designee for scheduling with the Juvenile Alternative Education Program Center’s staff members, student, and parent/guardian. The Board campus designee will then conduct the expulsion hearings, and present findings in written notification to the Director of Student Discipline and others identified.
This hearing shall be held at the campus in which the student is enrolled within seven (7) school days from the date of the notice of expulsion. Conducting the expulsion hearing shall be the Board’s Designee at the campus. Present at the hearing shall be the administrator of the campus petitioning for student expulsion, who shall present the evidence and/or testimony, parents/guardians of student, an adult who can provide guidance to the student and is not an employee of the district (if so desired by the student), student and witness (es).
If evidence warrants expulsion, written notice shall be given to the parent or guardian and student by the campus hearing officers notifying them of the decision. This decision shall be made whether or not each requested person is in attendance after valid attempts to require the person’s attendance. The decision to expel the student may be appealed.
The student or parent must submit a written request to the Board’s Designee at the Campus to schedule a meeting. The first appeal will be to the Director of School Discipline. If the parent and/or student are not satisfied at this level, the second appeal will be to the Board of Trustees. The parent shall be notified that they have seven days after receipt of written decision to appeal in writing to the Board’s Designee at the District Service Center and that they have seven days after that decision, if not satisfied, to the Board. If the student disagrees with the decision of the Director of Student School Discipline, the parent or guardian shall submit in writing to the Superintendent a request to place the matter before the Board. Present at the appeal shall be the principal of the campus petitioning for the student to be expelled, parent or guardian, an adult who can provide guidance to the parent and student and is not an employee of the District (if so desired by the student), and the Board’s Designees (Campus and District Service Center).
Our Student Code of Conduct states that our District will ensure that every effort is made to keep students orderly and enrolled at their regular campus. It also states that Discretionary Removals will occur only after the campus staff has documented attempts to assist the students to cease misbehaviors and develop appropriate, acceptable behaviors. It will be necessary for an administrator to follow the set procedures below before a recommendation for a Discretionary Placement can be considered. Documentation that each step was taken must be submitted with the recommendation. The recommendation procedures for Discretionary Placement are as follows:
- Appropriate discipline has been administrated after routine referrals. The parents have been contacted and a parent conference held. Documentation of the administrated discipline and the parent conference is attached. Administrative letter may indicate requested information.
- The student will be referred to the counselor to receive guidance that will assist him/her to understand the cause of the misbehavior and (together) will develop problem-solving and self-control strategies. Documentation of the counseling session and the parent conference is attached. Ensure that IDEA/504 issues are addressed and resolved as appropriate. (SAMPLE)
Student Name / ID# / Campus:
Date / Topics of Discussion / Problem-Solving Strategies / Self-Control Strategies
- The student’s school environment has been changed. For example, schedule changes, assigned to a different lunch period, assigned a higher degree of supervision, or other appropriate changes. Documentation of a parent conference is attached. Administrative letter may indicate requested information.
- A more structured and restrictive behavioral intervention, compliance, or modification plan with specific limitations, and/or loss of privileges placed on the student is developed and implemented. Monitoring of results on such a plan must be attached. Documentation of the parental conference with parental input and agreement is also attached. (Sample)
Student Name / ID# / Campus:
Date / Topics of Discussion / Problem-Solving Strategies / Self-Control Strategies
- Clearance by the Director of Student Discipline and/or the Executive Director for Support Services has been secured prior to seeking approval by the Superintendent of the Schools.
- Approval by the Superintendent of Schools.