IPA 16th International Congress

October 1-4, 2013 Coex, Seoul, Korea

Call for Abstracts

1. Introduction

The Scientific Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for free communication, poster presentations or symposia (Invited and Accepted Submitted only). All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and assigned to the appropriate session. All presenting authors of accepted abstracts are expected to attend the Congress and are required to register and pay the registration fee before the early registration deadline.

* Accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement issue of International Psychogeriatrics, IPA’s official journal, and will be distributed to all delegates attending the Congress

2. Important dates

•Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 31, 2013

•Notification of Acceptance: April 30, 2013

•Deadline for Early Registration: August 7, 2013

3. Abstract submission guidelines

•Abstracts should be submitted online.

•Abstracts should be submitted in English.

•The maximum number of words is 300.

•Authors must fill out all abstract details and authors’ information following the onlineabstract submission procedure.

•Authors may further edit and modify submitted abstracts until the submission deadline. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the accuracy of the abstract. There will be no additional editing after the submission deadline.

•Authors have the option of choosing their presentation preference (free communication or poster). However, the Scientific Committee will make the final decision after review.

4. Steps for submitting abstracts

A) Visit the IPA2013 website ( and click Submission, Call for Abstracts, and theSign-Up button.

B) Create an account for the abstract submission.

C) Click the “Abstract” menu.

D) Update the participant information and click the “Add” button.

E) Enter your abstract information as shown below.

* Mandatory fields

F) Enterall authors’ information as shown below. Click “Add” to enter information about additional authors. Be sure to identify the Corresponding Author and the Presenting Author.

G) Click the “Preview” button and check your abstract Information.

H To modify your abstract,click onyour Abstract No., and the “Modify” button. Remember: No edits can be made after the submission deadline. To modify the authors’ information, click on the “Add/Delete” button.

* If you experience difficulty with the online abstract submission, please prepare a paper copy using use the abstract template on the next page as a sample and send it to the Congress Secretariat via e-mail ().

5. Notification of acceptance

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee according to standard reviewing procedures.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and abstract submitting authors by April 30, 2013.
If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by August 7, 2013, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program. If you must withdraw an abstract, please notify the IPA 2013 Secretariat in writing as soon as possible.
For inquiries, contact:

Abstract Template

Abstract Title (Arial, 10 font bold, left aligned) Capitalize the first word in the title, the first word after a colon, and names of specific diseases and proper names, such as Alzheimer’s disease: All other words should be lower case with no punctuation at the end unless it is a question mark
Authors(Arial, 10 font, Surname and first two Initials. Presenting Author to be bold, Affiliations numbered in superscript)
HongG. D.1, ElenaS.2
Affiliations (Arial, 10 font, Italics, Affiliation, City, Country)
1Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
2Department, Affiliation, City, Country
ABSTRACT TEXT (Arial, 10 font, left aligned, maximum 300 words). Please allocate the data under the following heading Objective, Method, Results and Conclusion.
Briefly state the relevant background to the study to provide the necessary information and context to enable non-specialists to appreciate the objectives and significance of the paper.
Materials and procedures should be described in sufficient detail to enable replication. Any statistical procedures used should be outlined and their use should be justified here. Results should not be included in the Method(s) section. If statistical procedures are used, they should be described here in adequate detail. Choice of statistical technique should be justified including some indication of the appropriateness of the data for the technique chosen.
This section may contain subheadings. Authors should avoid mixing discussion with the results. Sample sizes should be delineated clearly for all analyses. Some indicator of variability or sampling error should be incorporated into the reporting of statistical results (e.g. standard deviation, standard error of the mean). Wherever possible an indicator of effect size (e.g. Cohens d, η², Cramers V, 95% confidence interval) should be reported in addition to p values.
Conclusions should state concisely the most important propositions of the abstract as well as the author’s views of the practical implications of the result.

Terms and Conditions:

Each author must agree to certain terms and conditions, and disclose relevant financial relationships and/or conflicts of interest to help ensure the integrity of the presentation and the quality of the Congress program. By submitting an abstract, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. I/we take full responsibility for the content of my/our abstract and presentation.
  2. I/we give permission for my/our abstract to be published in the meeting abstract book which is part of the IPA International Psychogeriatrics journal.
  3. I/we understand that I/we may not use my/our presentation as a means of selling my/our organizations’ products or services.
  4. The presenting author agrees to register and pay the necessary fee.
  5. If my/our research involves human studies it has been reviewed by the relevant ethics committee and has been performed in accordance with the ethical standards established in the 1966 revision of the Helsinki Declaration (JAMA 277:925:926, 1997).
  6. All presentation and supporting materials promote clinical or quality improvements in patient care, not any specific proprietary business or commercial interest. Generic names will be used when possible.
  7. I/we will disclose all relevant financial relationships and any conflicts of interest that pertain to the subject research of my/our abstract during this submission (see below) and at the beginning of my/our presentation.

[__] I/we agree to these Terms and Conditions.

[__] I/we do NOT agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Financial relationships include: consultant to a company, employee, major stockholder, receipt of clinical trial support, grant/research support, or speaker support.

[__] I/we have NO financial relationships to disclose.

[__] I/we have the following relations to disclose (include the author’s name, the company, and the nature of the relationship).

Recording of the presentation:

[__] I/we give permission to be audio and/or videotaped.

[__] I/we do NOT give permission to be audio and/or videotaped.

Use of the presentation slides:

[__] I/we have checked my/our slides. There is no copyrighted material and they may be posted on the IPA website at the conclusion of the Congress.

[__] I/we will provide a modified version of my slides during or after the Congress, which may be used.

[__] Please do NOT use my/our presentation slides.

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