MNCH TWG UPDATE - July, 2014
Dates: 1 July 2014
Venue: RCHS
Time: 09:30 – 12:30 pm
The main issues in the agenda were:
1. Synthesis of the Sharpened One Plan launch
2. Developing Operational One Plan aligned to the Sharpened One Plan
3. Preparation for One Plan II write-up
Key issues discussed and Way forward
Synthesis of the Sharpened One Plan launch
Briefing on what happened during the pre-launch and the launch event were provided by the chair (Dr. Msemo) and other members of the TWG including key activities and challenges. The government acknowledged contribution from all partners supported various activities and urged partners to continue supporting the MOHSW during the roll-out. Most partners supported the pre-launch events such as CSOs, Youth and Editors Forums; Press conference and media related activities as well as pre-launch conference with RCs, RASs, and RMOs from all 25 regions. The purpose of the pre-launch conference was to create awareness and advocate for roll-out of the Sharpened One Plan at the region and district levels. The pre-launch conference was held on 14 May and the launch was on 15 May 2014. It was noted that the pre-launch conference and the instruction to the RCs by the President during the launch has created a strong momentum at the region level to operationalize the Sharpened One Plan, at the same time the RCHS/MOHSW wasn’t ready with the roll-out plan. This seems now to be an urgent issue for the MNCH TWG.
· While more than 80% of region commissioners (RCs) attended the pre-launch and the launch event, 5 RCs (Tanga, Tabora, Mwanza, Mbeya and Kilimanjaro) missed the pre-launch conference. However, three RCs (Tanga, Mwanza and Kilimanjaro) were able to attend the launch and 2 (Tabora and Mbeya) didn’t attend. The concern was what should we do with them to ensure that they can support the region roll-out?
· The conference package bill amounting to TZS 11,564,000/= for the pre-launch conference with RCs has not been settled due to lack of funds. The launch event was financially supported by WHO through the Global PMNCH funding. However this activity was not included in the initial request sent to WHO/Global PMNCH, hence WHO might not be able to process at this stage.
· Limited funding and technical support to keep the media momentum rolling after the launch – the government is requesting support to maintain the radio and TV spot being aired and technical people to be available for panel discussion with media houses.
Proposals and action points
· No consensus on settling the bill for the pre-conference event with RCs
· Partners working in Tabora and Mbeya and the RCHS will organize for a more focused advocacy engagement before or during the roll-out to ensure the RCs take the leadership.
· Media – reflection from sub-groups engaged in organizing the launch, coordinating the media activities and preparing the scientific papers/presentations will be done and a media plan developed.
Developing Operational One Plan aligned to the Sharpened One Plan
The ministry presented a draft roll-out plan to the 8 regions of Lake and Western Zones. However the roll-out is not only limited to these regions particularly that other regions have shown willingness to start and more than four have even organized their own advocacy meetings and started preparing the plans. It is anticipated that the region plans will be a hybrid to the national Sharpened One Plan. According to the plan, a pool of facilitators will be oriented and each will facilitate specific region process and plan. Given that the speed of the regions have surpassed what the MOHSW anticipated, the meeting agreed that proper and quick plan to facilitate the regions has to be ready by mid-July. Initially it was indicated that WHO will support the roll-out to all 8 regions from Lake and Western Zones but the meeting was informed that there is still uncertainty in accessing the funds hence other partners (working in respective regions) were asked to help the ministry particularly that the implementation period of the Sharpened One plan is now less than 500 days! The required paper work has not been submitted to WHO to facilitate the funding process.
Proposal/action points
· Small group of 8 people (3 from RCHS and 5 from among partners) was formed to review the roll-out plan to ensure is more practical and realistic based on what is happening in some regions now. The small group will start meeting tomorrow (2/7/2014)
· More engagement and coordination between MOHSW and PMORALG[1] (MOHSW/partners) – PMORALG Health desk has instructed all Councils to prioritize MNCH and ensure key interventions in the Sharpened One Plan are integrated in the plans (CCHPs). The MOHSW will do the technical piece while PMORALG will continue with the administration.
· Solicit copies of 2014/15 CCHPs (MOHSW) – The team (MNCH TWG) need to review RMNCH interventions and key indicators included in the Council plans and how much budget is allocated; align with the Sharpened One Plan and the RMNCH Score Card and identify and address both programmatic and financial gaps before embarking with the roll-out - MOHSW.
· Develop ToRs for the regional facilitators (UNFPA) – by Friday, 4th July 2014
· Orientation of the regional facilitators – (MOHSW and partners), the costs for the orientation workshop will be covered by E4A.
· Conduct mapping to identify which regions have started, where they are, and what technical assistance is required. The mapping will also identify which regions are yet to start and what should be done (CHAI).
Preparation for One Plan II write-up
The meeting was informed that the RMNCH One Plan II has to be drafted and ready by Sept 2014 to feed into the HSSP IV. USAID and Jhpiego have agreed to bring in country international consultants in mid-July to provide ideas on the development of the One Plan II (some of them contributed to the current plan). The ministry assures partners that information/interventions that were proposed but left out during the development of the Sharpened One Plan will be included in the new plan. It was agreed since we have all the information from different sources including the MTR, the process will be light and we may only need a local consultant or a facilitator to guide the process.
Proposal/action points
Preparation of ToRs for the local consultant/facilitator – Jhpiego
Coordination of RMNCH interventions and resources
The MOHSW/RCHS will call a meeting in the next two weeks that will include all partners supporting RMNCH and all RCHS Units to share and harmonise plans including understanding geographical focus, resources and key interventions supported by various partners. All partners will be required to present their work plans and the RCHS will also share their MTEF. One of the deliverable of this meeting will be a consolidate RMNCH Annual Plan. The ministry will not accept partners operating outside that plan.
[1] Prime Minister Office Regional Administration and Local Government