WD2XDW Experimental Part 5 station log –
- Station located at Bartlesville OK 74006 EM26AQ LAT N 36:42:25.430 LON W 95:57:41.019
- Experimental page stations status and info
- Operator Laurence Howell KL1X aka G4DMA, 5X1LH, VP8SB, JT1FCR, 3D2KL, PA9AQL
This experimental license was issued by the FCC to the holder allowing investigations into propagation and equipment/aerial systems in the region on 137 KHz in 2003 with a station located in Anchorage Alaska, thence to a Golf Course location here in Bartlesville.
The station is not on +24Hrs and modes and power do vary dependant on research and local weather status. The station aerials are located in a small suburban garden and consists of “loops” or vertical wires
Comments or reports are welcomed and can be addressed to the holder or via email at:
hellozerohellozero at hotmail.com replacing the at with an @
Note that no formal guarantee can be given that web pages and status are up to date.
Date/Time ON / Date/Time OFF / Power Watts out (ant) / Frequency KHz / Mode/Comments1st Oct 05 0100Z / various / 1000 / 137.422 / Thunderstorms – station intermittent
2nd Oct 05 0100Z / 2nd Oct 05 1259Z / 1100 / 137.4220 / WOLF
2nd Oct 05 1300Z / 5th Oct 05 1145z / 1000 / 137.7752 / Stepped carrier 0.085hz increases 5 steps
16th Oct05 2300Z / 23st Oct05 1300z / 1500 / 137.7752 / Coupler fault probably off 02Z 23rd, mode as above, intermittent on 20th.
24th Oct05 0115Z / 27th Oct05 1740z / 1500 / 137.7752 / Fault fixed back to stepped carrier
27th Oct05 1745Z / 28TH Oct05 0041Z / 1.4W / 137.7752 / Using DDS exciter, just detectable in ki0le grabber thru the day at 1100Kms
28th Oct05 0042z / 28th Oct 1212Z / 1300W / 135.7752 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
28th Oct05 1213Z / 28th Oct 1130Z / 1.4W / 137.7752 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
29th Oct05 0030Z / 29th Oct 0313Z / 1300W / 137.422 / WOLF QSO with WD2XES
29th Oct05 0316Z / 29th Oct05 1217z / 1300W / 137.7752 / Stepped staircase 137.7752 KHz
28th Oct05 1218Z / 29th Oct05 0300Z / 1.4W / 137.7752 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
29th Oct05 0316Z / 29th Oct05 1217z / 1300W / 137.7752 / Stepped staircase 137.7752 KHz – intermittent thru night tstorms
30th Oct05 1218Z / 31st Oct05 0315Z / 1.1W / 137.7752 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
31st Oct05 0316Z / 1st Nov05 1244z / 1300W / 137.7752 / Stepped staircase 137.7752 KHz
1st Nov05 1245Z / 3nd Nov05 2310z / 1.1W/1.1Kw / 137.7752 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
3nd Nov05 2315z / 4th Nov05 1245z / 1.1Kw / 137.4840 / WOLF = good reports/also occasional rx on 137.422 for XES on JST; some decode but lots of qrm
4th Nov05 1300z / 5th Nov05 1308z / 1.1Kw / 137.484 / WOLF
5th Nov05 2215z / 6th Nov05 1325z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF
6th Nov05 0044z / 7th Nov05 1230z / 1Kw / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
7th Nov05 2300z / 8th Nov05 1235z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF
8th Nov05 2300z / 9th Nov05 1305z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF
9th Nov05 1325z / 9TH Nov05 2339z / 1W / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
9th Nov05 2340z / 10th Nov05 1230z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF
10th Nov05 1231z / 10th Nov05 2359z / 1W / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
11th Nov05 0001z / 13th Nov05 1305z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF
13th Nov05 2300z / 14th Nov05 1300z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF 10 (new software allowing adj set speeds)
14th Nov05 2312z / 15th Nov05 1304z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF 10
15th Nov05 2324z / 16th Nov05 1234z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF 10
17th Nov05 0115z / 17th Nov05 1217z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF 10
17th Nov05 1312z / 17th Nov05 2313z / 1W / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
17th Nov05 2314z / 18th Nov05 1221z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF 10
22nd Nov05 0327z / 22nd Nov05 1253z / 1.0Kw / 137.7752 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
23rd Nov05 1200z
(was in Cabo San Lucas Mexico and received this signals from the car) / 30th Nov05 0515z / 1W / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
as seen at , J.B., VE3EAR - VE3WZL,Solar and wind powered
EN93dr –
2nd Dec05 0300z / 2nd Dec05 1215z / 1.1Kw / 137.451 / WOLF 10
3rd Dec05 1541z / 5th Dec05 0030z / 0.7W / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
5th Dec05 0031z / 5th Dec05 0451z / 1.1Kw / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
5th Dec05 2247z / 6th Dec05 0900z / 1.1Kw / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
6th Dec05 2350z / 7th Dec05 1301z / 1.1Kw / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
11th Dec05 0030 / 11th Dec05 0230z / 1Kw / 137.577 / Test WOLF10,20 and 40 QSO with WD2XES, unsuccessful on JASON NT –smpsu noiz
12th Dec05 2200z / 12th Dec05 2330z / 1Kw / 137.775 / CW and QRSS test WD2XKO – poor rx
13th Dec05 1300z / 13th Dec05 2300z / 1W / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
16th Dec05 0200z / 16thDec05 1200z / 1.1Kw / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
18th Dec05 1200z / 18thDec05 2200z / 1w / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
18th Dec05 1108z / 20thDec05 1131z / 1.1Kw / 137.7751/4 / DFCW60/90 later
24th Dec05 0000z / 24th Dec05 0110z / 1.1Kw / 137.577 / QRSS 3 QSO with WD2XES Holden MA – 2200Kms away
24th Dec05 0120z / 24th Dec05 1300z / 1.1Kw / 137.775 / Stepped carrier, 5 steps 0.085Hz increments
24th Dec05 1310z / 1.1Kw / 137.775 / Graphical MTHELL-QRSS3-CW10 “XDW”