Précis of Winterslow Parish Council
MonthlyMeeting Monday 9th January 2017
Chairman Ivan Moody 862964Clerk Jane Tier 862953
Pavilion bookings Jane Tier 01980 862953
Cllr Devine reported;
Wiltshire Council are working on completing the 2017/2018 Budget and it is expected that 4% will be allocated for Social Care with a further 2% cost of living increase.
Mill Lane will be repaired between 9th-13th February.
Whilst there are cuts in the police force, it is expected there will be night-time patrols following on from several burglaries of sheds and farms in the area.
Cllr Devine has received phone calls and emails regarding a potential planning application for the field adjacent to the Village Hall and he advised that he will remain neutral.
Cllr Devine has requested WC Highways to review the situation on the road surface at Lopcome Corner which suffers from delamination and Highways have reported in their opinion it is not a Health & Safety Issue.
Prior to the meeting the Parish Councillors viewed the plans on the WC web-site before final discussion at the meeting
Planning Applications;
Discuss and vote on Planning Applications;16/11286/FULL; Amendment to planning permission 16/02380/FUL to allow for the addition of 2 no.ground floor windows and change a door to a window on the side elevation on the permitted two storey side extension
8 Highfield Crescent Middle Winterslow Salisbury Wiltshire SP5 1QY
The PC discussed the planning amendment and a letter of objection which has
been received by a resident.
Cllr Taylor voted to object to the application as it was not in agreement with the original
plans and therefore the changes were not approved by the PC, seconded Cllr Fletcher, 2
abstentions, all remaining Cllrs in favour.
16/11866/FULL; Extension to existing cottage, removal of existing chicken shed to new position & demolition of piggery shed
The Cottage Roche Court East Winterslow Salisbury Wiltshire SP5 1BG
After a discussion, Cllr Robinson proposed no objections, seconded Cllr Taylor, all in
16/11309/FULL; Proposed Single storey extension to rear, new porch to front and
new retaining wall to side
Pyt House, Middleton Road, Winterslow, SP5 1QL
After a discussion, Cllr Port proposed no objections, seconded Cllr Brown, all in favour
Planning Applications Update;
16/10642/Full; Proposed 2. No extensions, removal of pitched roof and replace flat roof. 2 Bungalow, Middleton Road, Winterslow, Wiltshire, SP5 1QZ
WC Approve with conditions
16/10741/VAR; Removal of agricultural occupancy condition on 16/05343/Full; Cotswold Farm, West Dean Road, West Tytherley, SP5 1QA
A/W WC decision
16/10459/Full; Proposed single storey rear extension; Hazlitt House, Middleton, Winterslow, Salisbury, Wilts, SP5 1RD
WC Approve with conditions
16/11086/Full; Proposed single storey detached dwelling with parking; Bentley View,
Mill Lane, Winterslow, Wiltshire, SP5 1PX
A/W WC decision
16/10127/Full; Replace existing stable flat with detached dwelling; Cotswold Farm,
West Dean Road, West Tytherley, Wiltshire, SP5 1QA
WC Approve with conditions
The Parish Council will be installing an in-ground trampoline at the Recreation Ground which is suitable for younger children. This will replace the sandpit which is not used on a regular basis and unfortunately has been used by dogs which has made it unsafe for children.
The Parish Council continue to proceed with a plan to extend the car park at the Recreation Ground which will allow parking for school ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’ times as well as more spaces for local people to park at the Recreation Ground.
The Parish Council continue to work with the WC Parish Steward on highways tasks that need to be carried out in and around the village. These tasks include, cleaning road signs, clearing gullies / grips, etc.
If there are any tasks which you think would be suitable for the Steward to undertake, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk or a member of the Parish Council.
The PC discussed the Income and Expenditure Budget figures for 2017/18 and agreed to increase the Precept by 5% as it is vital that the Parish continue to receive service and provision of amenities such as; Grass cutting at Recreation Grounds, litter and dog bin emptying, provision of kissing gates, clearance of footpaths, cleaning of bus shelters, upkeep and maintenance of the Pavilion, maintenance of children’s play area and skate-park area.
The PC has increased the ‘Local Grants’ amount available which is available to local Community groups in the Village. Previous local grants include; a donation to the Drama Group for the stage, a donation to the local Brownie Group who can now safely store their equipment. For further information on local grants please contact the Clerk on or 01980 862953
The next Parish Council meeting will be at 7.30pm on 6th February 2017atWinterslow Village Hall