Father’s Day Tournament Rules
3 games guaranteed. Each team will have 2 pool-play games on Friday. A single elimination tournament will be played on Saturday. Teams will be seeded according to results of pool play games. Higher seeds will be home team except for championship games – home team will be determined by a coin flip. Home teams will be responsible to provide an official score keeper unless otherwise designated by the umpire.
Time Limits. 12U and younger players will play no new inning after 1:15, 5 innings or 10 run rule after 3.5 innings. 13U and 14U will play no new inning after 1:30, 6 innings or the 10 run rule after 4.5 innings. For all ages if time is left and the 10 run rule has applied or the innings are up keep playing until the time expires. The game is official after the 10 run rule or innings are over.
Pool Play games can end in a tie.
Championship games for the 9U thru 12U will go 6 innings with a 1:45 time limit, 10 run rule will apply. (Championship games only). 8U will be 1:15 minutes.
Championship games for the 13U and 15U will go 7 innings with2 hour time limit, 10 run rule will apply.
Age divisions: Division ages are determined by a player’s age on April 30, 2017. Proof of age documentation must be available at each game and must be produced upon request of an umpire or tournament official or a head coach via an umpire or tournament official. If player is not of age or proof of age cannot be produced, he will be unable to play the remainder of the tournament and that game will be forfeited
Equipment: 8U-9U 2.25" bat only, 10U-12U 2.25"-2.75" bats. 12U and younger playersare not allowed to use metal cleats. 13U and older must use a bat that is BBCOR .50 certified or a bat that has an aluminum/alloy barrel. They may use metal cleats except to pitch from a portable mound. Non-Compliant bats are at the bottom of the rules sheet.
Illegal bats: If an illegal bat is discovered, it must be removed from the game and the offending team will receive a warning – if an illegal bat is discovered in use by a previously warned team at any future time in the tournament, the game will be forfeited. If an illegal bat is discovered in use during an at bat (after batter has entered the batters box, but before the batter puts the ball in play), the batter will be called out.
Pitching limits: A player may pitch a maximum of 6 innings per day and 9 innings total for the tournamentfor 8Uthru 12U. For 13 and 14U age groups 7 innings per day and 10 innings for the tournament. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched.
Dropped 3rd strike rule is in effect for 11U and older.
All players on the roster will bat for ages 8U thru 10U. For 11U to 14U teams 9 players are required to bat however the coaches of the teams can agree to bat as many as they wouldlike prior to the game with the official. If a player is injured, he will be removed from the lineup without penalty.
Protests: The result of a play may be protested with submission of a $100 protest fee. The rule in question must be found in a Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken rulebook and shown to the umpire and opposing head coach. If the protest decision is foundin favor of the protesting team, the fee will be waived.
Conduct of players, coaches and spectators: Unsportsmanlike conduct (as determined by umpires or tournament officials) by players, coaches, or spectatorsmay result in removal from game and possible forfeiture of game.
Free defensive substitutions with the exception of pitching rules.
A player may only be on one roster in the tournament.
Runs-per-inning rule: 8U teams will be allowed to score a maximum of 6 runs per half inning. After 6 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. All runs that score on the play of the 6th run, are recorded. 9U-10U will be allowed 8 runs per inning.
Higher seeded team will be the home team for the first elimination play game. After that coin toss will determine home team.
At the end of your game post the winner and your score on the official tournament bracket located near scoreboards.
Pool play bracketing will be as follows:
1: Best record.
2: Head to Head.
3: Fewest runs allowed to common opponent.
4: Fewest runs allowed to all opponents.
5: Coin toss.
Tie Breaker rules for Single elimination play:
1: Team will put a runner on 2nd base with 1 out.
Catchers are required to wear hockey style helmets
No defensive huddles allowed.
No jewelry allowed.
Coaches please follow these rules and help out the officials. If coaches do not follow rules after being warned you will be restricted to the dugout.
Updated: / For 2017 Playing SeasonBabe Ruth League, Inc. Approved and Non-Compliant Bats
"It is the policy of Babe Ruth League, Inc. to assure the safety of all participants. Accordingly, Babe Ruth League, Inc. reserves the right to ban any equipment, including bats, at any time, including during the season, based upon a change of existing policy and/or upon new information made available to Babe Ruth League, Inc."
To follow up our previous correspondence and information posted on the Babe Ruth League website, the following details on all baseball bats approved by Babe Ruth League, Inc. for local league and tournament play. Such descriptions are included as part of the Babe Ruth League Rules and Regulations.
The bat may not exceed 33"in length, and the bat barrel may not exceed 2¼" in diameter. Only 2¼" barrel non-wood bats marked BPF 1.15 will be allowed. Wood 2 ¼" barrel bats are allowed.
The bat may not exceed 34" in length, and the bat barrel may not exceed 2 5/8" in diameter. All aluminum/alloy barrel bats and all composite handle (only) aluminum/alloy barrels are allowed. Only composite barrel bats certified and marked BBCOR .50 will be allowed. Wood barrel bats conforming to the specifications of Official Baseball Rule 1.10 are allowed.
The bat may not exceed 34" in length and the bat barrel many not exceed 2 5/8" in diameter or be greater than a -3 length to weight ratio. Only metal/composite bats certified and marked BBCOR .50 are allowed. Wood barrel bats conforming to the specifications of Official Baseball Rule 1.10 are allowed.
Babe Ruth League, Inc. – All Divisions – If any bat in Cal Ripken Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball or Babe Ruth Softball cannot be clearly identified for its make and model to determine the barrel composition, then the bat should be removed from the game.
Click Hereto read about the USABat Standard to be used beginning on January 1, 2018.
Contained below is a current listing of non-compliant bats that are not eligible, or approved, for use in any Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball program or activity.
Effective immediately, and until further notice, the Combat B2YB1 Da Bomb Youth Baseball Bat is not eligible, or approved, for use in any Cal Ripken program or activity.
* Babe Ruth League, Inc. has been informed that Nike Bat Model #Aero CX2-BTO636 (light grey), CX2-BTO573 (dark grey) and CX2-BTO598 (blue)have failed recent performance standard compliance testing.
Effective immediately and until further notice, Nike Bat Model #Aero CX2-BTO636 (light grey), CX2-BTO573 (dark grey) and CX2-BTO598 (blue), including all graphic variations, is not eligible, or approved, for use in any Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken program or activity.
* The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has advised Babe Ruth League, Inc. that the BBCOR decertification process has been implemented for the following bats:
Marucci CAT-52 33-inch model, CAT-52 34-inch model, and Black 33-inch and 34-inch models
Reebok Vector-TLS 33-inch model
* Babe Ruth League, Inc. has been informed thatLouisville Slugger TPX Dynasty -12, (black/red/grey) composite bat has failed recent performance standard compliance testing.
Effective immediately and until further notice,Louisville Slugger (Hillerich & Bradsby) TPX Dynasty bat (Model - YB12D -- (black/red/grey) including all graphic variations, is not eligible, or approved, for use in any Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken program or activity.
* Babe Ruth League, Inc. has been informed that Mattingly Sports, Inc., Balistk (blue) composite bat has failed recent performance standard compliance testing.
Effective immediately and until further notice,Mattingly Sports, Inc., Balistk bat (Model - BTKYB, blue) including all graphic variations, is not eligible, or approved, for use in any Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken program or activity.
Effective immediately and until further notice, the bats listed above are not eligible, or approved, for use in any Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken program or activity.
TheDemarini Zen in all sizes is also not approved for play in this tournament.
- If the illegal bat is discovered prior to a batter completing his "at bat" the bat is simply removed from play and the "at bat" continues.
- A player who uses an illegal bat or non-conforming barrel dimension and hits a fair ball will be ruled out. No advancement on the bases will be allowed, and any outs during the play shall stand. This is an appeal play. The "at bat" will be considered legal once a pitch is thrown to the next batter.
- Any bat discovered prior to the game that does not conform to the above rule shall be directed to be removed immediately and not be allowed for use during the game.