Tudor Life – Theme Planning – Sapphire Year 5/6 – Autumn Term 1 – 2012-2013
Learning Intention and Success Criteria / Main Teaching / Differentiated Activities / Resources
L.I to understand who the Tudors were and when they reigned.
* Explain to children that I want them to take care and work very neatly. First thing in topic file and needs to impress me. / Ask the children to discuss and periods in history that they can think of and any dates (talking partners).
Discuss any of the periods they mention and any characteristics of those periods.
Show the children the video clip from BBC – ‘Who were the Tudors?’
Watch and then discuss the Kings and Queens in the Tudor period. Note down the spellings of the Kings and Queens and discuss the use of Roman Numerals.
Activity 1
Using the whiteboard resource find out more information about the Kings and Queens and to see if their matching is correct.
Activity 2
Work through timeline activity with the children. Put the monarchs in order of their reign and discuss with the children.
Activity 3 / Activity 1
Give the children pictures of the Tudor Kings and Queens and information cards about them (without their names) – children to try and decide which statement relates to which monarch. Add post-its with their titles afterwards.
Activity 2
Get the children into groups of 5. Give the children a mask for each monarch. Explain that I would like them to act out being the King or Queen using the information on the cards. Start with the first monarch and work through the Kings and Queens. Give the children 10/15 minutes to rehearse. Watch the children’s mini performances.
Activity 3
Children to create a timeline of Tudor monarchs.
SN – to draw pictures of each monarch to prepared timelines
LA – to draw pictures of each monarch matching their names and information about the monarch underneath
Rest of class – draw monarchs, write names and add some information about each monarch to create timeline.
MM – support OH HF to support Lauren Akehurst / Pictures of Tudor Kings and Queens
Information cards about monarchs
6 x Tudor monarch masks (need to laminate in morning)
SN timeline
LA timeline
Information to add to timeline
Blank timelines.
L.I to know who married King Henry VIII and what happened to them. / Ask the children to remind you about the Kings and Queens of the Tudor period. Talk-Pair and the share.
Discuss what they saw in the video.
Activity 1
Ask for 6 volunteers. Place masks on them of the 6 wives.
Get children to discuss each wife and then place post-it notes on the wives with the information on them. Discuss with the children the feelings of each of the wives. / Activity 1
Children to complete a fact file for 1 of the wives. Draw a picture of the wife and then complete the information about them including dates of birth, when they married, died or divorced.
SN children to do Anne Boleyn and have prepared information strips about her to stick on their fact file. / Tudor wives masks
Blank fact files
Prepared information about Anne Boleyn.
L.I to write a letter
To understand how desperate Henry VII was to marry again
To use persuasive techniques. / Ask children to remind you all about the Tudors – recap the monarchs and then the wives.
Work through http://www.tudorbritain.org/court/index.asp
Looking at what life was life a Henry VIII’s court. Make sure children understand that court means the people who live close or with the King. / Children in mixed ability pairs to write a letter on behalf of King Henry VIII to Anne of Cleves on the website.
Print a copy each for their folders.