Brinscall St John’s CE/Methodist Primary School Curriculum Map 2016-2017
Key Stage: Foundation Stage Year Group: Reception Teacher: Mrs Midgley
Autumn 1Baseline assessment
A new start
I am special / Autumn 2
Update EYFS Tracker
Down in the woods
Christmas / Spring 1
Let’s celebrate
Food / Summer 1
Growing and changing / Summer 1
Update EYFS Tracker
People who help us / Summer 2
EYFS Tracker to complete
We’re are on a journey
Values / Serving others
Friendship / Faith
Believing / Love
Sharing / Forgiveness
Living / Determination / Stewardship
Wow Weeks / British Values Week
Global tolerance, safety,
anti bullying / Arts Week
Make it week
Community Art Exhibition / Stem Week
Wow Days with KS1 / Fairy Tales/trad stories dressing up day KS1 / Forest School Day
Yr 1 Poetry
Rec music soundscapes / Gardening Day with KS1 / Building Site KS1
When I grow up I want to be a…
Building homes / Travel Day
Beach Party
Outdoor Learning / Exploring our new environment, our school grounds/ outdoor rules & routines
Squirrel Trail
Making mud pies
Exploring the garden
Pirate Day Treasure Hunt / Keeping safe outdoors
Bonfire night safety
Autumn Walk
Go to the woods to build dens with our Buddies. / Exploring outdoors in winter. Making hot chocolate outside
Artwork in the outdoors
Making a temporary exhibit / Making pictures using natural dyes.
Creating a prayer garden
Looking for bones
Looking for mini beasts
Caring for our garden / Planting, digging.
Playing in the garden.
Making pictures and structures using found materials. / Camping and sharing food on the school field
Bring Yer Wellies trip
Discovery on the school field focus for writing assessment
Visits/Visitors / Mags Williams (teeth)
Pre School key people to visit
Family session / Father Christmas
Nativity Performance
Brinscall Woods / Contact ASDA
Go to Londis for food. Class teddy Birthdays. Chef to talk about preparing food / Visit the Garden Centre to do planting ask Avant Gardens
Babies, toddlers to visit.
Flower arrangers? / Builders
999 services day, ask Mr Newitt to bring police van. Mrs Krige, vet. Postman, post a letter in the village. Go to Post Office. / Class trip to ‘Bring Yer Wellies’
Beach party, Transition, visits to Yr 1
RE / I am special
Harvest Link with Art / Special people (values)
Christmas / Stories Jesus heard
Stories Jesus told / Easter, develop a prayer garden ready for next half term / Friendship/ Special times
Prayer / Special places
Prime Areas
Managing feelings
Making relationships
Self confidence and self awareness / Rules & routines. Helping in school. Our happy school(yr1)
Making new friends & Y6 Buddies
Getting along
Getting to know my Key Person / To have increasing self- confidence to speak to others about wants & interests
Out & about (yr1)
Feeling safe & secure.
Stranger Danger
Owl Babies / New Year’s Eve parties, Birthdays, Chinese New Year.
Giving of gifts to show you care. / Keeping yourself safe outside. / Saying sorry. Forgiveness.
Getting on with people.
Sharing resources.
Be able to take some responsibility for own safety, medicines, safety at home and in at school. / Moving on, transition to Yr 1. Coping with change.
Road safety
motor skills / Personal hygiene.
Keeping healthy, diet, rest & exercise. Rules for safe PE and outdoor play.
Gross motor skills-
Mark making anywhere & everywhere.
Painting on the fence.
Chalking on the playground.
Weaving in & out of the fence. / Keeping safe outdoors
To manipulate objects with increasing control.
To enjoy & want to explore making marks.
Mark making with sticks, mud, paint, pressing objects into dough. / Choosing healthy food options. Know what it means to be healthy.
Dancing Chinese Dragon
Develop the following skills: cutting, peeling, slicing, chopping, mixing, whisking, mashing, spreading, squeezing, rolling.
Baking bread kneading and rolling. / To recognise the importance of keeping healthy and those things which contribute to this.
Growing movements. Sequence growing dance.
Gardening, digging, planting. / To understand why we need to visit the doctors or a hospital.
Being firemen - using hoses. / Making a healthy picnic lunch.
Sports day games
Speaking & listening
Understanding / Talk about personal holiday book.
Make a personal collection box of things that are special to you. Share with key persons.
Puppets for telling stories. / Telling the Gruffalo story. Using puppets to create characters’ voices.
Shadow puppets. / Talk about a party that you have been to. / Act out the story ‘The sunflower that went flop’.
Share the story ‘Titch’. / Listening to people talking about their jobs. Asking questions / To plan activities with others taking turns in conversation.
To know that there are other languages.
Specific Areas
Writing / To know that pictures are important & can help tell a story.
To know that there is a difference between pictures/print & we read the print.
To take part in rhyming & rhythmic activities.
Nursery rhymes to learn.
Incey wincey, Little Miss Muffet,
Rhyming pairs.
Jolly Phonics songs to learn.
Recognising your name and some key words.
Writing letters in response to hearing the sound. Linking sounds to letters.
Writing your name.
Baseline Writing Assessment, write a letter to Pirate jack. / Fiction
Shared reading Owl Babies & Oliver’s Wood.
Percy the park keeper stories, After the storm.
Non fiction – books about woodland animals.
To begin to have a concept of rhyme & alliteration.
To continue a rhyming string.
To be aware of print in the environment.
Segmenting for spelling words as we write CVC words.
Writing captions for our pictures and photos / Fiction – Stories about winter and animals who live in cold areas.
Non fiction – books about food, recipe books.
Writing birthday cards to the class teddies
To explore different forms of writing. Menus, recipes, shopping lists.
to use writing in their play
Writing labels / Poems about growing and animals. ‘Rumble in the Jungle’.
Non fiction – books about growing, life cycles & animals. / To begin to make comparisons between texts.
To begin to know that stories have a sequence, main character, plot & structure/ retell stories in the correct sequence. / To use their experience of stories as a basis for their own writing.
To know that stories can be changed and retold
to be able to discuss character and plot.
Begin to use a full stop at the end of a sentence.
Shape, space & measure / Looking for numbers in our environment.
To recognise numerals 1-5 then 5-9.
To know that the last number counted is the number of items in the set.
To know that a number is constant.
Ordering numbers to 5, 10.
Counting accurately. Counting treasure. I more than
2D shape recognition & properties
Shape hunt in the school grounds. / To be able to count a collection of objects accurately matching one number to each object.
To count a collection of objects and check the total.
To count irregular groups of objects.
Learning to play number games for independent learning.
Counting natural objects eg fircones, conkers, sticks
Comparing sizes and amounts(sets), sticks, sand, water
Repeated patterns inc shape patterns. / To recognise & record numbers through marks on paper, pictures & numerals
To use developing mathematical ideas & methods to solve problems
Adding and subtracting
Problem solving involving food, sharing.
1 more, 1 less.
Money in role play. Enterprise. Buying food. Recognising coins.
3D shape recognition, properties, packaging. / Working with numbers to 20.
Recognising larger numbers.
To make comparison /order items by weight.
To begin to measure using non standard units.
1 more, 1 less
Measuring, height chart.
Watering plants measure how much you will use. / Continue to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper or pictures
Working with numbers to 20.
In practical activities & discussion begin to use the vocabulary involved in adding & subtracting. / To be able to add two numbers with the aid of apparatus.
To understand & use appropriate vocabulary for addition.
To understand & use appropriate vocabulary for subtraction.
To be able to add two numbers mentally.
Telling the time
UW Science / To be able to ask questions & talk about what they see.
To begin to take part in simple practical investigations.
Pirate island/Making a volcano / Recognising natural materials, explore them using all senses
Planting bulbs for spring.
To examine objects & living things to find out more about them.
To show care & respect for living things. / Observe changes in food when cooked or left out, unwrapped.
To begin to explore changes in materials.
To begin to sort materials according to simple criteria. Different materials used for DT. / To begin to understand that living things have certain needs in order to live & grow.
To show an awareness of change.
To develop & use the vocabulary to describe the properties of materials.
Changes in materials. Changes during growth.
Growing plants & seeds. / Sounds
Sounds I like/dislike
Traffic noise/ birds singing.
Pushing and pulling / Testing wrappings for sandwiches.
UW ICT/computing
No’s 1 to 24 relate to Rising Stars scheme / To show an interest in ICT
Learn how to use programs
1 We have confidence
2 We can take turns
3 We are successful
9 We can listen / Become familiar with equipment to find out about & use everyday technology.
Bring in toys that need batteries
10 We can understand instructions
23 We can record soundtracks
11 We can understand messages
12 We are talkers / Send the Beebots to the shops!Programme and estimate distance.
21 We are games players
18 We are shape-makers
6 We are DJs
16 We can count / Using microscopes &Easiscopes to look at materials and minibeasts.
Typing skills
7 We can exercise
8 We are healthy
20 We can observe
14 We can email / Textease pictures
4 We have feelings
19 We are community members
17 We are designers
22 We are creative / Use Beebot mats with beebots, making journeys
Typing skills.
24 We are film producers
15 We can blog
13 We are digital readers
5 We can drive
Useful websites/programs / Sumone, Maths Whizz,
Cbeebies Charlie & Lola, songs with the Zingzillas / Julia Donaldson website
Espresso celebrations EYFS Divali Fireworks / Espresso Chinese new Year
Maths Whizz money , sorting coins
Espresso shopping
Make a life lunch box
Food for life / Espresso, people who help us / Espresso, Van Gogh Yr 1
EYFS Life cycles
Espresso zoo /
Espresso travel
Espresso Maths –dress the bear
UW Geog / Getting familiar with the layout of our school
Creating Treasure Islands
Our School within its locality / Divali looking at places far way / Chinese New Year
Our environment / Weather changes
Weather Patterns in the UK
Our environment
Places around the world / Our locality
Brinscall village / The British Isles
Places we go to on holiday
Locational Knowledge of the UK
UW History / Transition from pre school to school.
My family / To remember & talk about significant things which have happened to them. / To remember & talk about significant things which have happened to them. / Looking at changes over time / Looking at old buildings in the village.
To show an interest in the lives of people familiar to them. / To begin to understand chronology through sequencing.
A holiday that you can remember.
EAD managing materials / Exploring the making area.
Use the area independently and be able tidy the resources after use. / Using natural objects to make music and to make pictures.
Make Stick Men.
To begin to design, plan & make things.
Make a sleigh for Santa. / Making models using food packaging
To build & construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work when necessary. / Collage with a range of materials. Natural/man made.
Build on a large scale
Making Easter cards. / To construct with a purpose in mind, to build & balance.
Making an ambulance or police car , houses. / Making spacecraft
Sports Day celebration, artwork/props
EAD Being imaginative / Colour mixing; playdough,
watercolours, inks.
To explore what happens when they mix colours.
To know that mixing colours makes a different colour.
To look at work of artists & explore techniques they use.
Paintings in the style of Cezanne. Still life fruit. Crows over a corn field,
Van Gogh.
To learn new songs and sing familiar songs.
Listening to people playing live music, Kerry to play flute. / Clay. Making presents for families. Clay modelling, Diva lamps.
Mendhi hand prints, Rangoli, patterns
Printing Making wrapping paper. Repeated patterns.
Learn Nativity songs
Make music in the outdoors / Textiles. Making dragon heads with ribbons on.
Tying and knotting.
Paintings of dragons,
Paint Chinese symbols
Print blossom trees
Learn Chinese New Year song / To look at work of artists & explore techniques they use.
Paintings in the style of Van Gogh ‘Sunflowers’ / To explore mark making using different materials.
To explore qualities of line and learn how to hold drawing tools correctly.
To begin to understand what it means to draw from observation, memory & imagination. / Mixed media space pictures.
Making music to match the sound of a train on a track.
Role Play
(possibilities) / Fancy dress shop
House, kitchen
3 little pigs houses / Hibernation
Bear’s Cave
Santa’s Grotto
Toy shop / Winter Area
Chinese restaurant
Italian Take away
Fancy dress for parties / Flower shop
Garden Centre
Farm Shop
Dinosaur museum / Hospital
Garage mechanics
999 day
Castle Builder’s yard / Tropical Island
Space station
Natural History Museum/shell museum