National Certificate in Working with Communities(G9YN 46)

Course overview and skills development summary


National Certificates are made up of Units. Each Unit is mapped against an agreed set of national standards to identify the appropriate level and credit value defined by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

The SCQF level is a measure of how hard the Unit is.

The credit value is a measure of the time, on average; it should take a learner to achieve the Unit. A single-credit Unit works out at an average of 40 hours teaching time and 20 hours self-directed learning. A double credit Unit works out an average of 80 hours teaching time and 40 hours self directed learning. If you’d like more information, it is available at .

Most National Certificates have mandatory and optional Units:

Mandatory Units provide the generic knowledge, understanding and skills needed to be successful in your chosen career. Every student has to complete them.

Optional Units give you an opportunity to choose a particular area of interest that you would like to learn about.

This document provides information about the Units that make up your Course and the skills you will be developing as you work through each Unit. It explains:

the way you will use Core Skills in your chosen area of work

how the Course is structured

It also describes the purpose of each Unit in the Course, including:

the subject-specific skills you will develop in each Unit

the Core Skills you will develop naturally as you work through each Unit

any Core Skill or Core Skill component that will be recorded on your certificate

Core Skills in your chosen area of work

As a community worker you will be using Core Skills every day.


You need to be able to speak to people within the community. This includes local people, colleagues, managers and groups. You will also be expected to speak in public. You will need to be able to read and produce reports, and to create posters and leaflets to promote forthcoming meetings and events. Most importantly, you must have good listening skills so that you can understand the needs of local people.


You will need to apply for funding to support the projects you are involved in. This involves working with numbers and calculations.

Information and Communication Technology

You will need to carry out a range of research, for example to find out what services are available in the area you work in. You will also need to word process reports, minutes of meetings, create posters and leaflets etc, and communicate with partner agencies and colleagues using e-mail.

Problem Solving

You will help and support local people overcome barriers to learning. To do this you will need to identify what the barriers are, identify possible ways to overcome them, and then choose the most suitable option.

Working with Others

Most of your time will be spent working with local people and colleagues involved in the provision of local services and partner agencies. You will need to interact co-operatively and sensitively with all interested parties to ensure you get the resources and or services that are needed to improve the lives individuals and groups within the community.

Course structure for Working with Communities

To achieve this National Certificate you will need to achieve:

seven Unit credits from the mandatory section

five Unit credits from the optional section

Mandatory Units (seven credits):

Unit title / Unit
code / SCQF
level / Credit
value / Date achieved
Communication / F3GB 12 / 6 / 1
Work Experience / D36H 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Communities: Equality and Diversity / F8LH 11 / 5 / 1
Working with Communities: Local Community Investigations / F8LT 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Communities: Sociological Perspectives / F8LM 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Communities: Values and Principles / F8LL 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Community Groups: An Introduction / F8LR 12 / 6 / 1

Optional Units (five credits):

Section one (two to four credits needed)

Unit title / Unit
code / SCQF
level / Credit
value / Date achieved
Health Promotion / F1RG 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Communities: Adult Learning / F8LN 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Communities: Capacity Building / F8LP 12 / 6 / 1
Working with Communities: Youth Work / F8LV 12 / 6 / 1

Section two (one to three credits needed)

Unit title / Unit
code / SCQF
level / Credit
value / Date achieved
Administrative Support / DR0F 11 / 5 / 1
Citizenship through Sport and Fitness: Volunteering / F40C 11 / 5 / 1
Community Drama / D642 11 / 5 / 1
Event Organisation / F5A3 11 / 5 / 1
First Aid / F19M 12 / 6 / 1
Information and Communication Technology / F3GC 11 / 5 / 1
Introduction to Counselling / EF4J 11 / 5 / 1
Personal Development: Self in Community / H18N 45 / 5 / 1
Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context / F5B5 11 / 5 / 1
Substance Use and Misuse / D12B 12 / 6 / 1
Teamwork through Sport and Recreation Activities / F40A 11 / 5 / 1
Working with Communities: Volunteering / F8LJ 11 / 5 / 1
Working with Communities: Working with Committees / F8LK 11 / 5 / 1
Child Protection Units: up to one credit needed
Child Protection: An Introduction / DF6J 11 / 5 / 1
Children and Young People: Rights and Protection / F2CR 11 / 5 / 1

Unit summaries

This section provides a brief description of each Unit in the Course. It explains:

the purpose of each Unit

the subject-specific skills you will learn for each Unit

which Core Skills you will be developing as you work through each Unit

which Core Skill or Core Skill components are recorded in your Core Skills profile on your certificate

The Unit summaries are in alphabetical order so you can find them easily. This might not be the order you do them in.

Administrative Support (DR0F 11)

In this Unit you will develop skills in carrying out various administrative functions within an office environment.

You will:

identify and follow current health, safety and security procedures in your area of work

establish the information required, consider where best to source information, and the most suitable format to present information

prioritise your own workload to ensure tasks are met in required timescales

organise travel and accommodation arrangements to meet customer requirements, providing alternatives where specified options cannot be met

organise meetings, arranging a suitable venue, taking account of the numbers of people attending, location and cost

maintain accurate records of expenditure

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Numeracy.

Communication (F3GB 12) 1 credit

In this Unit you will develop skills in:


summarising and evaluating


speaking and listening

The ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups is crucial in community work.

This is a Core Skills Unit. When you achieve this Unit, your Core Skills profile will be updated to show you have achieved Communicationat SCQF level 6.

Child Protection: An Introduction (DF6J 11) 1 credit

In this Unit, you will learn about the various categories of abuse and neglect which require child protection intervention. You will also learn about the legal framework, policies, procedures and agencies that are involved in child protection.

You will need to research the issues relating to child protection and legislation, and the role you and others play in protecting children.

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication.

Children and Young People: Rights and Protection (F2CR 11)1 credit

In this Unit you will learn about legislation in relation to child protection.

You will:

investigate the rights that children should have today in society, in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

explore these rights in relation to national and current legislation, and in relation to policies and practice within settings for children and young people

consider rights in three main areas as laid down by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child — provision, protection and participation

identify and describe the significant impact made on children and young people by adults who uphold and support their rights in settings

read and discuss case studies and relevant legislation on child protection, and write reports and essays based on your findings

identify and recognise signs of physical and behavioural indicators for categories of abuse and neglect among children, as well as providing detailed explanations for intervention and non-intervention strategies based on your analysis

identify appropriate agencies, taking into consideration each body’s specialities, in dealing with related child protection issues

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication and Problem Solving.

Citizenship through Sport and Fitness Volunteering (F40C 11) 1 credit

In this Unit you will learn about the importance of citizenship and volunteering within the local communities.

You will:

carry out research to identify and describe local volunteering opportunities

participate in a minimum of 10 hours of sport and fitness voluntary activity

review and evaluate your contribution to the volunteer activity, in particular how the activity helped to improve the group’s approach to citizenship and their understanding of the value of living in safer, healthier, responsible and more cohesive/inclusive communities

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.

Community Drama (D642 11) 1 credit

In this Unit you will develop skills you will need to present drama and drama-related activities in a community context.

You will:

discuss how drama, in its various formats, can impact on groups within communities

identify and consider social factors that will benefit from participating in community drama

get information on people and resources, including financial data on how to stage a community drama event

after discussion, planning and in agreement with others, participate in and evaluate a community drama event

produce written or oral evidence of your findings and experiences

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving, Numeracy and Working with Others.

Event Organisation (F3PN 12) 1 credit

In this Unit, you will develop skills needed for event planning. You will also learn about the methods involved in running events, and will work with others to apply these concepts to plan, organise, and participate in, an event.

You will:

demonstrate the ability to work with others to plan and organise an event

research and cost a suitable venue

promote the event

decide on and arrange resources if required and work within an agreed budget

document meetings

complete correspondence and communicate with others

carry out risk assessments

set and keep to a realistic timescale

complete a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis and evaluate your team’s and your individual performance

This Unit has the Core Skill of Problem Solving embedded in it. This means when you achieve this Unit your Core Skills profile will also be updated to show that you have achieved Problem Solving at SCQF level 5.

First Aid (F19M 12) 1 credit

In this Unit, you will develop the skills needed to deal effectively with people who are injured or who suffer a sudden illness before medical aid is available.

You will:

explain the theory and practice of life-saving procedures set out in the Health and Safety Executive Guidelines to ensure that the correct actions are taken promptly and effectively

demonstrate first aid procedures by effectively managing and treating specific injuries and conditions

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills of Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.

Health Promotion (F1RG 12) 1 credit

In this Unit you will learn about some of the factors that influence health promotion activities. You will be introduced to theories relating to health promotion and learn about different strategies used to achieve health improvements.

You will:

produce a plan for the implementation and evaluation of a health promotion activity

investigate factors that can influence the planning of health promotion activities

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Problem Solving and Communication.

Information and Communication Technology (F3GC 11) 1 credit

In this Unit you will learn how to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) independently, effectively, and responsibly to access, process, and present information while carrying out a range of tasks.

This is a Core Skills Unit. When you achieve this Unit, your Core Skills profile will be updated to show you have achieved Information and Communication Technology at SCQF level 5.

Introduction to Counselling (EF4J 11) 1 credit

In this Unit you will learn about basic counselling concepts.

You will:

present a clear understanding of the role of counsellors and counselling

demonstrate a knowledge of counselling, including its purpose and benefits in the various forms it takes, which you will align with the professional body responsible for the service

participate in a role-play, assuming the role of counsellor, using various verbal, non-verbal and listening communication skills

produce a descriptive written or oral representation of all activities

As you aredoing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.

Personal Development: Self in Community (H18N 45) 1 credit

In this Unit, you will develop you interpersonal skills while working in a group to plan and carry out a project.

You will:

evaluate your own interpersonal skills

review your progress on completion of a group project

This Unit has the Core Skill of Working with Others embedded in it, so when you achieve the Unit your Core Skills profile will be updated to show that you have achieved Working with Others at SCQF level 5.

Psychology: The Individual in the Social Context (F5B5 11) 1 credit

In this Unit, you will learn about a number of psychological processes that individuals experience, including personality, group processes, non-verbal communication, and altruism.

You will:

explain the impact of the social environment on individual experience and behaviour

define key terms related to the topic

explain relevant theories and concepts

describe, interpret and evaluate research studies

work with others in the group to conduct classroom demonstrations

describe strengths and weaknesses of psychological theories and concepts

research evidence relevant to the selected topics

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others.

Substance Use and Misuse (D12B 12) 1 credit

In this Unit you will learn about the substances most commonly used, misused and abused in Scotland, and their effect on the individual and society.

You will:

identify the major groups of substances

explain the effects of substance use on the individual and society as a whole

describe the legal issues relating to the use of non-prescribed substances

provide written and/or oral evidence to support your findings

As you aredoing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Communication and Problem Solving.

Teamwork through Sport and Recreation Activities (F40A 11) 1 credit

In this Unit, you will learn about the benefits of working as part of an effective team, whilst planning and delivering sport and recreation activities.

You will:

contribute to group decisions to plan, deliver and review two sport and recreation activities

learn the importance of issues such as management of equipment and resources, health and safety considerations

set aims and objectives and agree roles and responsibilities to produce successful sessions

measure the success of events by collecting numerical data, recording information on checklists and providing plans, action lists and progress reports

carry out a self audit of your own strengths and weaknesses, and measure the effectiveness of your contribution to the team

As you are doing this Unit you will be developing aspects of the Core Skills in Working with Others, Communication, Problem Solving and Numeracy.

Work Experience (D36H 12) 1 credit

In this Unit you will arrange and completea work experience placement.

This Unit has the Core Skills of Problem Solving and Working with Others embedded in it, which means when you achieve this Unit your Core Skills profile will also be updated to show that you have achieved Problem Solving and Working with Others at SCQF level 6.

Working with Communities: Adult Learning (F8LN 12) 1 credit

In this Unit you will develop skills and approaches required for actively engaging with adult learners.

You will:

develop an awareness of issues, such as why adults seek to engage in the learning process and how that engagement is fostered

consider the role of a community worker, and how they apply good practice and theory in adult learning settings

This Unit has the Problem Solving component of Critical Thinking embedded in it, so when you achieve this Unit your Core Skills profile will be updated to show you have achieved Critical Thinking at SCQF level 5.

Working with Communities: Community Capacity Building (F8LP 12) 1 credit

In this Unit you will learn about the importance of community capacity building, including community profiling, supporting collective action, promoting partnership working, and measuring progress and success.

You will:

identify the concept of capacity building and the role it plays within a community setting, including the critical role of partnership working and governmental support

explore the difficulties that may be experienced through such collaborations, and how they can be addressed, often by using identified resources and mechanisms

use appropriate evaluation methods to help your future planning