December 8, 2015 PTO Meeting Minutes
Amanda Anderson called the meeting at 7:00 PM.
Principal’s Report – Dr. Peters
Dr. Peters introduced the following: Mr. Ogle (school board), Mrs. Kilgore, Mrs. Fisher, and Mrs. Bradshaw (6th grade).
Dr. Peters shared that the pancake breakfast was a phenomenal event. He thanked the volunteers who helped to serve over 400 people. He said that the event was planned and prepared, and he enjoyed seeing the kids and parents interacting.
Dr. Peters mentioned tomorrow is sparkle and neon day.
He also thanked the PTO for all we do, in the spirit of the holiday, on behalf of the teachers.
President’s Report – Amanda Anderson
December 30th will be a Bowling Spirit Night. Mandy Lighty shared information about the upcoming event.
She also shared that the PTO will be funneling newsletters, informational things, etc. through the LJM building email, in order to reach more families and to save on paper.
The Sammy’s Subs/Sandwich fundraiser will take place in January. Order forms will be sent home the first week in January. Pick up will be 1/28.
We will home a Paint Night fundraiser for adults. More information will be coming in January. The event will take place in February or March.
Vice President’s Report – Meegan Nix
Meegan reported that the Jinglebell Jamboree event was great. 381 people ate pancakes/sausage. She thanked the teachers for helping with food prep and mentioned that some supplies need to be returned. Amanda shared that the event brought in about $400 unintentionally. The vendor side was also a successful event. Vendors were already asking to come back next year. The goal of reaching out to the community and providing a fun family event was definitely met.
Book Bingo is coming in January. Meegan asked for help in organizing the event. We will also need volunteers (i.e. planning food, covering the prize table, set up, clean up).
Treasurer’s Report - Amanda Anderson
Amanda shared that we are implementing a checks and balances system this year. The records are going to the business office to be checked. The checking account balance is $14,597.
Amanda discussed the financial report highlighting big events and gains/losses.
She reminded everyone that the clothing bin is an easy way to make money.
She shared that the playground equipment has arrived such as Skip-It’s, Cup Stacking, etc. A teacher asked if Mr. Saylor could help to show the kids how to use the different equipment.
Secretary’s Report – Mandy Lighty
Minutes were approved for September, October, and November by Jen May (1st) and Stephanie Lawson (2nd).
Karen Cutti asked about the accountant situation. Amanda shared that the extension was granted and everything has been filed. She then gave more information again about the accountant situation. We only had to pay $1102 to the accountant, as opposed to the initial amount we thought to be $1900.
Mandy Lighty reminded everyone about the Five Below Spirit Week.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25.