
Using the information gathered from writing the research paper, all Honors Biology students will develop a “real world” project based on the theme “Think Globally, Act Locally”. Students will identify an environmental issue, topic or problem of interest and develop a project in which they can provide or contribute to some type of solution.

Project Guidelines

The created project must be one that actually involves the student in a “hands-on” experience. In other words, what can the student do to actually help solve the problem? Considering all of the environmental challenges in the world today, the solutions are limitless. Some examples of student projects are listed below but you may also develop your own. All students will present their completed project to the class via a PowerPoint presentation or creating a photostory using MovieMaker or IMovie.

Ø Participate or lead a beach, park or highway clean-up

Ø Volunteer at an environmental organization and document the experience

Ø Join an environmental organization as a student and increase awareness to others

Ø “Go Green” in your home and journal your changes

Ø Start a recycling program

Ø Plant a butterfly garden

Ø Plant a vegetable garden and grow your own food

Ø Raise money to adopt an endangered species

Ø Raise money to purchase and save an acre of the rainforest

Ø Create a PowerPoint presentation with environmental solutions and present to others

Ø Publish an informational brochure and distribute to others to read

Ø Create a photostory or video using MovieMaker or IMovie and show to an audience

Think Globally, Act Locally!