The Parishes of St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, London Colney,
St Anthony of Padua, Radlett & the Good Shepherd, Shenley.
Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Moule; Radlett Presbytery, 22, The Crosspath, Radlett, WD7 8HN.
Tel: Radlett Presbytery: 01923 635541; Web: or londoncolney or shenley e-mail:
The Ascension of the Lord & Pentecost Sunday, 28th May & 4th June 2017. Newsletter Deadline Wednesday 9am.
St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham
Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR (LC)
*St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Radlett Presbytery, 22 The Crosspath
Radlett, WD7 8HN* (RA)
*(Postal address for all parishes)*
The Good Shepherd,
Black Lion Hill, Shenley, WD7 9DH (SH)
Please use the envelopes available, Stating RIP or intentions of & which Parish it is to be offered in. Then return to Fr Kevin or put in the collection, or send it to the Radlett address above. (Mass Intentions may change if there is a funeral, & moved to the next available date.)
If you want to know the date please write your phone number or e-mail address clearly on the envelope, thank you. Please do not use the envelopes for any other purpose.
The Ascension of the Lord MASS TIMES
2nd Collection for Catholic Communications
(LC (Sat) 6.00pm: Cecilia Frances Dorgan
(SH) 8.30am: Int John Whittamore
(RA)10.00am: Int Liz & Mike Henman
(LC) 11.30am: Mrs Clare Killen
(LC) Mon 10.00am: Pro Populo
(RA) Tue 9.30am: David Malone
(SH) Wed 9.30am: Gerardos Erdos
(LC) Thu 10.00am: William Moule
(On Fridays only, Mass is celebrated at St Albans Cathedral, St Albans, AL1 1BY at 12 Noon)
Pentecost Sunday MASS TIMES
(LC (Sat) 6.00pm: Mary Ferrick
(SH) 8.30am: Int John Whittamore
(RA)10.00am: Alexander Franko & Ivan Franko
(LC) 11.30am: Pro Populo
(LC) Mon 10.00am: November Dead List
(RA) Tue 10.00am: David Malone
(SH) Wed 9.30am: Int Esther, Barney, John, the children, Angela & Angela
(LC) Thu 10.00am: Int Milner Family
Please pray for the sick, for those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.
London Colney: Saturdays at 5.15pm
Radlett: Tuesdays at 9.30am
Shenley: After Mass on Wednesdays
In the first instance contact Rev. Anthony to arrange a preparation session. After the preparation session is complete you can then arrange the date for the baptism of your child. Email:
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you. The chaplain for Watford & St Albans area is Collette Lennon 07801930246.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
Mon/ Thu: Rosary & Divine Mercy after Mass
Tues: 1-2pm Church Cleaning and from 2-3pm
Prayers & Rosary. All are welcome.
Thu: 8pm Choir rehearsal.
Fri: 8-9pm Transformed Prayer Group
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
Mon: 7.30-8.30pm Contemplative prayer
Tue: Refreshments after 10am Mass.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
7 - 9.30pm Carpet Bowls
3RD Sat: Church Cleaning.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Closed until Monday 5th June
Parish Administrator: Mrs Catherine King
Please note: This is a two week newsletter.
Mass on Tuesday at Radlett will be at the earlier time of 9.30am. Fr Kevin apologises for any inconvenience.
The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have issued a letter about the forthcoming General Election which they hope will help people to discern the issues at hand.
Tony Barter’s Ordination to the Diaconate will be on Saturday, 8th July at 12.30pm at Westminster Cathedral. Everyone is welcome to attend. It may be prudent to arrive an hour early. If enough people wish to go from our parishes then we could arrange a coach so if you are interested please e-mail the office with your name(s), as I am away next week, and there will be further information in the next newsletter in two weeks time, as to whether it is viable or not. Catherine King.
Please be considerate when parking for Mass in residential streets and make sure that you are not overlapping or blocking someone’s driveway, thank you.
· 7am from outside the Radlett Centre, Aldenham Avenue, WD7 8HL.
· 7.15am Depart Our Lady of Walsingham, Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR
· 7.30am Depart St. Bartholomew's, Vesta Avenue, St Albans, AL1 2PE.
Between 4.30pm and 5.00pm the coach will depart from Walsingham calling at
St. Bartholomew's, then London Colney & then Radlett. We hope to be back in Radlett by 8pm. Cost is £25 for adults & £15 for those under 12. If you would like to join the pilgrimage then please e-mail or ring the Radlett parish office (details above) to book a place; To secure your seats please send your full payment to our Radlett Office, (address above) (cheques payable to St Anthony’s Church Radlett). This is open to Parishioners from all local parishes so please reply with your payment ASAP to secure your place, thank you.
Fr Kevin has been asked by Pax Travel to lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from Sunday 3rd December to Thursday 7th of December 2017. The cost for this pilgrimage is £799.00. Brochures are available from the back of Church. This short pilgrimage will include all the important sites associated with the life of our Lord. It is likely to be popular so please book soon if you would like to join the pilgrimage.
Fr Kevin will also be leading a pilgrimage to Fatima & Tomar from10th – 14th September 2017 on the occasion of the Centenary of the Apparitions in Fatima of Our Lady in 1917. Leaflets available at the back of Church.
Reflections with Sr Avril at St Anthony’s, Tues Eve at 7.30pm: 20th June: Christian and Family values in musicals.
Children’s Liturgy at St Mary’s, Our Lady of Walsingham, Sunday: TBA
You can now text £5 as an offering.
For London Colney text: Parish LONDC; Radlett text: Parish RADLE; Shenley text: Parish SHENL; to 70800.
Pope’s Prayer Intentions: Christians in Africa: That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace.
Urgent Intention: Priestly Vocations: Led by the Spirit for Mission, May he give us priests enamored of the Gospel, close to all their brothers and sisters, living signs of God’s merciful love.
Today, we are taking up the collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). Your support helps the CCC connect people to Christ, here and around the world, through the internet, television, radio, and print media. Half of the funds we collect remains in our diocese to support local efforts. Be a part of this campaign to spread the gospel message and support the collection today! To learn more, visit
There will be a cake sale directly after Mass at London Colney on Sunday 4th June to raise funds for the church.
St Anthony’s Day celebration will be on 11th June at Radlett from 11am onwards. Please bring a plate of food for the shared lunch. All are welcome.
Fr Peter Dwyer will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of his Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood on Sunday 18th June. Next weekend there will be a second collection for him.
Filipino Vigil Adorers Prayer Group at London Colney: Vigil Adoration will take place on the following Fridays from 9pm until 12.30am: 23rd June, 28th July, 25th Aug, 22nd Sept, 27th Oct, 24th Nov
Food bank donations: We are always grateful for your contributions to the food bank. Please consider donating the following items which are running low at the moment: Cereals, coffee, squash, cooking sauces, tinned meat meals & toilet rolls. All items are gratefully received by our clients. God bless you for your generosity to others in need. The Food Bank Team.
Transformed Living - Friday evenings 8pm to 9pm at Our Lady Walsingham parish. Come and join the group to explore Ephesians 4–6, verse by verse, and begin truly living out your transformed life. All are welcome - for more details contact Dcn Anthony:
Health & Social Care: A Particular Vocation for Catholics in serving the sick on Monday, 19th June at 7pm at Our Lady & St Michael, Crown Rise, Garston, Watford, WD25 0NE. Register free on
The Alban Pilgrimage 2017 on 24th June, starting at St Peter’s Church, St Peters Street, St Albans, AL1 3HG: Further info: www.stalb
St John Bosco (SVP) Children’s Summer Camp Provides a week of an exciting, activity-packed, holiday in the Essex countryside for boys aged 8-13yrs (from 22-29 July)& girls 9-12yrs (from 5-12 August) for either the first or second week. All activities are well supervised. Further info:
Collection - Thank you for your generosity.
London Colney £632.63
Radlett: £776.40
Shenley: £337.49