RSVP is necessary for ALL trainings, due to limited space. Sessions marked with an asterisk (*) may be viewed via video
teleconference, from participating locations. A4 business day advance noticeis required for VTC coordination.
To RSVP, call our Training Line at (520) 318-6950 ext. 3000
Unless otherwise noted, all trainings will be held at CPSA Training Center, 2502 N. Dodge Blvd.
Monday 07 General Assessment & Intake Training
8:30a.m - 4:30p.m. Presented by: Sandy Loomis – SEABHS, Natalie Perry – Providence, Cyndi Deines - CPSA
This session provides a detailed overview of the strengths-based assessment and service planning
process. This training is for people becoming a clinical liaison, as well as for anyone interested in
learning this new process.
Tuesday 08 La Visión de Arizona y Los 12 Principios Presented by:Victor Flores - CPSA
9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Este taller es diseñado para proporcionarles un mejor entendimiento de los 12 Principios y los
Equipos de Niño y Familia. Los integrantes también recibirán información sobre el sistema de
cuidados. (Este taller es requisito bajo el Plan de Desarrollo de Mano de Obra)
Tuesday08ASAM "101" Presented by:Robert Moore - CPSA 2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m. Providers in the CPSA system are required to utilize Patient Placement Criteria developed by the
American Society of Addiction Medicine (A.S.A.M.) in assessing clients with substance use disorders. An introductory workshop providing an overview of those criteria and dimensional assessment criteria.
Tuesday 15 BHT Enhanced Assessment Training Presented by:Kevin Russell - SAMHC
8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. This training will cover strengths-based clinical interviewing, psychiatric mental status examinations,
DSM-IV-TR criteria and service planning. This part of the assessment training is needed for
Behavioral Heath Technicians to become a clinical liaison.
Tuesday 15 Infant & Toddlers: Social-Emotional Development and the Brain
9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Presented by: Kathryn Seidler - Blake Foundation
Part of our Infant & Toddlers Mental Health Series! Learn how infants & toddlers organize
emotions. Attendees will also gain an understanding of infant & toddler social and emotional
competencies development.
Wednesday 16 The Culture of Mental Illness Presented by:Deanna Bellinger - NAMISEA10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Our cultural perceptions of mental illness have changed over time. How might these perceptions
evolve in the future? This is an introductory discussion on the stigma related to people with mental
Wednesday 16Cultural Awareness Presented by: Victor Flores - CPSA
2:00p.m. -4:30p.m. This experiential class will give participants time to further explore their culture,
ways to help others express how their culture impacts their lives and how cultural
assumptions affect interactions with others.
Friday 18 * Overview of Substance Abuse Presented by: Bill Burnett - CPSA
9:00a.m. -12:00p.m. Learn the definition of substance abuse, its prevalence in our society and specific
drugs of choice. A brief overview of substance abuse neurobiology will also be presented.
(Required for personnel working in a Community Service Agency)
Monday 28 * Behavioral Health Service Delivery in Southern Arizona: A
2:30p.m. -4:30p.m. Roadmap to the System Presented by: Cyndi Deines & Dina Rosengarten - CPSA
Learn how behavioral health services are delivered in Arizona with special emphasis on services in
Pima County and southeastern Arizona. .
Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting Sheila McGinnis at 1-800-959-1063 ext. 8823, . Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange accommodation.
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