5. What was the most valuable part of the workshop?
1. Interacting with other attendees
2. Networking w/other churches
3. Specific ideas that we can take & use, especially getting started in individual congregations. Appreciate having the sessions on a web site that we can refer to.
4. Saving energy
5. Getting ideas from other churches. Ideas for how the congregations could work together.
6. Thanks for getting started
7. The computer recycling for Africa flyer. Have more turnkey thing like that.
8. Ideas our church can use to reduce energy & water use, educate members and help needy members.
9. The exchange time with other congregations who had already started. We needed way more time.
10. Interchange of participants
11. Janet McCabe’s sharing the started up process from her church. Purdue presentation
12. Meeting people w/some interests from other groups. Tue, 2/17/09 9:29 AM
13. Session for
14. The speakers were excellent - lots of good, useful information.
15. Coordinating with interested individuals
16. Ideas about getting started
17. Review of opening steps to get started w/o making the same mistakes others have made.
18. Talking with other congregation reps - using ideas; energy session
19. Getting Started session
20. Steps in the process for the Geting Started grop
21. Lots of good tips for starting our program at church.
22. Information on green power; how to get started
23. Saving energy
24. Saving money/energy/planet
25. Energy
26. Tips on getting started for our church.
27. Hearing what other congregations are doing
28. Breakout session A
29. Energy savings
30. Networking at tables at breakout session.
31. Energy panel
32. Geting Started info Conclusion
33. Saving. . . . . saving...... saving
34. Sharing session "B"
35. Knowledge that I'm not alone. Info about resources.
36. Seeing how many people are interested in reducing waste.
37. The connecting of (?) communities focused on green uses - what the individuals can do, what groups can do and what organizations can do.
38. Networking - making connections
39. Energy saving ideas
40. Info alone on energy ideas & types of programs.
41. Networking & encouragement as well as education.
42. Talking to other congregations
43. How to get started
44. Plenary for start-up. . . . Janet McCabe to relax & (?) up a bit - be people patient (?) thought
45. Step-by-step suggestions we can take back to our fellowship right away.
46. Connections made; concrete steps to getting started; humor & enthusiasm.
47. Expert reps
48. Geting Started was well presented
49. Sharing ideas
50. Chance to hear what other congregations have already had success with.
51. Energy session
52. Sharing info from other congregations
53. Finding new ideas Seeing how many others are getting on board
54. Learning what others are doing
55. Interplay of infor & deod(?) interchange of ideas
56. Getting Started
57. Concrete suggestions
58. Information gathering; meeting people
59. Session B Discussing what others are doing & how to work together.
60. Ideas from other congregations
61. Sharing in the already started session
62. I enjoyed all of it and learned a lot.
63. Nitty gritty of how to start a go green committee, practical opo? for the other sessions, lansiously? . . . . . to be posted on line (the pp presentation) so much wonderful info - thank you!
64. Tangible examples
65. Getting together
66. The information sources and terminology to search on.
67. Probably the getting started session
68. That it was held; attendance
69. Sharing session Also utility speakers
70. Hearing what worked and what didn't @ UUC
71. Case studies of energy efficiencies
72. Idea sharing in the breakout session.
73. Getting Started - well structured, lots of details. I wouldn't have thought of Jodi Perras - great examples!
74. Principles given in breakout session
75. All most valuable More details the better
76. How to get started Steps to take
77. Breakout & speakers
78. Energy savings
6. What was the least valuable part of the workshop?
1. Networking
2. Show casing ideas in displays
3. Hearing IPL defend coal plants
4. The seats were a bit packed together.
5. All
6. Stop all the plugs for buying a Prius. There are other car companies that make great hybrids!
7. The detailed utilities presentation.
8. Too much time in plenary.
9. IPL presentation & Citizens Energy
10. The breakout session was fun and interesting; but I got more useful info from the speakers.
11. The detailed specific organization rebate/project programs
12. I didn't get around to the info fair.
13. concluding session
14. n/a
15. n/a
16. Closing
17. All was value
18. It was all valuable
19. All good
20. Where do we go from here - no specific commitment
21. Saving energy portion - simplify info. ‘
22. Ed on Getting Started
23. It was all interesting
24. All valuable
25. I should have gone to already started breakout rather than beginning group
26. Advocacy pitches - they are important but a hard place to start with church members.
27. Recycling
28. Emphasize on "bible-based" approach idea this is (?) & a "put-off" for some.
29. Purdue's presentation
30. Gloom & doom
31. Need time for questions
32. Energy efficiency - IPL & Citizens Gas not applicable programs for our church.
33. Getting started session
34. Nothing - it was an outstanding experience! Please encourage speakers to use interfaith lanquage that also appeals to Jewish, Muslim, and other faiths (e. g. , temple, mosque, Torah-based, Koran-based, etc. )
35. Saving Energy valuable, but could be separate event from other activities
36. Hard to navigate the info fair
37. The Indianapolis - specific utility info - I'm from Greenfield.
38. Absence of discussion of legislation; public initiatives.
39. Concluding Plenary - a lot of discussion-starters presented at the end of the program. Many of these ideas could be fleshed out to workshops or organizing sessions.
40. Energy upgrades @ church. This is largely out of the scope of our cmt.
41. Purdue pgm - not anything new for me here - maybe OK for others.
42. Our congregation isn't in the area of Citizen Gas
43. 0
44. That directed to businesses
45. Fair
7. How could this workshop be improved?
1. Improve displays & ideas represented
2. Yes, a templated "How To" kit would be great for churches getting started.
3. Give a little more room for seats - impossible to sit without bumping arms. More time.
4. A future workshop or workshops could take participants from today & have them work on some of the joint projects that were proposed in the "Already Started" group.
5. Allow more time for questions. Could use more on involving neighborhood in program.
6. All
7. Do a "role call" so that people can ut faces with names/network w/others.
8. More time for networking and just more time overall.
9. insert time for persons from same congregation have time to reflect together.
10. Repeated on small basis "N. side? southside - definitely east side west side
11. Invite Raoul Moore INCAA to talk about how to save energy. Have a talk or panel about relevant legislation. Have a talk or panel on food.
12. Not much - I really liked it all but ask people to bring their own cups - no disposable cups! Thanks!
13. List of attendees. To network w/in our communities. Need water representative - runoff avoidance
14. You did a great job
15. Good job!
16. Make the important points for green - it is the morally correct thing to do - without reference to the controversial issue of global warming.
17. How about a session on political action and the legislative process - a primer for people to get involved in advocacy.
18. What did and didn't work at your churches. What books to recommend. What speakers do you recommend having at your church. Any thoughts on organic foods or the health aspect. The workshop all seems to focus on recycling and energy.
19. Specify seating for certain sections of the city or sign-up sheets for neighborhoods or sections for peoplewho want to work collaboratively.
20. More organized pre-registration
21. A little longer for speakers
22. The Action Plan/Getting Started phase seemed to be run through maybe too quickly
23. Workshop itself great - offer "Part 2" later ? to expand in same topics
24. Quieter room - tables separated much further.
25. Hand offs with speakers Sound system coordination
26. More than once a year
27. Nice job thanks
28. Include time for regionally located congregations, to have a short amount of time to connect with each other. Case studies of how churches help their neighbors with this issue.
29. Opportunities for interaction/discussion rather than just listening. Maybe a chance to meet regionally - get to know others from your area. Have presenters explain jargon. Please let Andrew Ferry know it is not a good idea to chew gum when talking to groups. Bible based language is OK if just Christian faiths represented but excluded other faiths.
30. More specific things we could do, not just planning but real actions/examples. Give the panelists more time.
31. Accessible by bus
32. More people next year.
33. More consideration of spiritual underpinning of "care for creation"; social justice is incentive for environmental stewardship
34. More of Janet & real money survey, reusable energy & ways to research grants & rebates
35. 1. Reach out to black & Hispanic churches 2. More gender(?)
36. More breakout sessions
37. Interactive component, more time for energy component
38. Need media present
39. Increase the time to share ideas and work w/churches in specific geographical areas.
40. Start groups in other cities in Indiana.
41. The language surrounding "Bible-based" and Diocesan could be more inclusive. Many denominations have different faith literature and structure. More generalized approach would attract more peple (e.g. Hindus and Muslims).
42. Need in geographic groupings for neighborhood focus Get C?C involved
43. More time to share what others are doing.
44. More time for questions
45. Smaller breakout groups
46. Provide sources online to allow people to connect/network with others in their area of the city.
47. Hold a conference with more speakers, possibly concurrent or repeating sessions.
48. Share contact information of participants - this may be forthcoming afterwards 49. Offer quarterly?
50. Verbal/slide showinfo from KIBI, HEC, Nature Conservancy, exal Biblical references for creation case.
51. It could be longer than a half day.
52. Add legislation; smaller breakout sessions, more focused breakout sessions.
53. Suggestions of simple but impactful things that churches can do to get started.
54. 2 options for afternoon - beginners vs more advanced.
55. More specific for congregations
56. Presentations were good but - out handouts, could not take notes on all the comments-details.
57. Longer energy savings section
9. Would you like to join the planning committee for the next workshop?
1.Why not the IAI's CCC?
2.In Kokomo David Swinehart make sure by email is correct
3.Maybe I would like to organize a similar thing statewide. I don't know that a new organization is needed. Could happen within existing organization.
5.Maybe - depends on time commitment. Julie Benson-Servants of
6.Tom Blake, Resurrection Lutheran
7.Anna Jetmore-Vargas; St. Monica Catholic Church;
8.Cindy Muse, Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, , (?)
9.Steve Brookmann, D Episcopal,
10.Gwen White, First Mennonite Church IDNR,
Enid Morrison Deacon, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
12.Marshall Gibson, 1rst Friends, Trinity Episcopal, North Meridian Friends
13.David Pilbrow - North Meadow Circle of Friends
14.Please check that you have correct email - Mona Swinehart -
15.Tom Hacker -