January 8, 2015 @ 7:00 pm


Members present: Addie Ciannella (AC); Walt Cressler (WC); Greg Krykewycz (GK); Brian Taussig-Lux (BT); Scott Wittman (SW)

Council liaison: Kent Davidson (KD)

Guests: Sari Steuber (Transition Town Media);


  • Approval of Septemberminutes
  • Scott Wittman was welcomed as the latest EAC member. He was assigned to the Transportation & Land Use and Water subcommittees.
  • EAC goals for 2015 were discussed during the meeting.
  • GK and the subcommittee will work on a Media Bike Plan in 2015 to include recommendations for shared lane markings (“sharrows”), bike rack locations for the anticipated ten bike racks ordered by the Borough, signage, and promotional ideas. The plan will be submitted to Council for approval.
  • The Delaware County Transportation Management Authority will contribute funds for a centrally-located sculptural bike rack that will promote the bike initiatives.
  • GK will work with Karen Taussig-Lux on the RFP for the Wayfinding Signage Plan.
  • $140,000 has been approved for the South Avenue/Veteran’s Square Memorial Garden project. An engineer is currently working on the final plan.
  • AC advocated a continued focus on beautifying Media’s gateways.
  • AC advocated we continue considering pedestrian issues as well bicycle infrastructure.
  • KD said that the Wawa plan is moving forward. Borough would get a park and some traffic improvements at east end of town. Borough would also get a dog park on other side of Baker Street. Big changes are coming on west end as well, including a possible roundabout.
  • A residential recycling brochure is planned for 2015. It will include reminders of recyclable materials and reminders not to bag recycled materials using plastic bags.
  • A discussion took place regarding availability of commercial enforcement data. AC volunteered to contact Jim Jeffery to request data. BT volunteered to ask Karen Taussig-Lux if the Borough still collects commercial recycling data from businesses and haulers.
  • A composting recognition program was recommended.
  • AC volunteered to organize a paper shredding event again in 2015.
  • The Energy Subcommittee will meet to discuss PECO Smart Ideas and whether there are opportunities for Media to participate in this program.
  • The Delaware Valley Planning Commission did not get the grant for the Pilot Streetlighting Project. There is the possibility of a new loan opportunity for street lighting in 2015.


  • An engineer will be selected in March to create a Stormwater Master Plan. There is a possibility of using a TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program) grant to implement the Stormwater Master Plan in the future.
  • WC and VW are working with the Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association on implementation of the WREN (Water Resources Education Network) grant to enhance the signage and an informational website for the rain gardens. The grant includes a rain garden workshop and dedication ceremony for the new signs on Sunday, May 17th at 2:00 p.m. in the Media Community Center.
  • Vivian will purchase a new hose or hose caddy for the maintenance of the rain gardens.
  • Vivian suggested educating the public on storm drain safety and mentioned having an Enviroscope display for this purpose.


  • EAC will follow through onpromoting recycling and/or storm drain education at the Media Farmer’s Market in 2015.
  • The renovations at Houtman Park are coming along. The Outreach and Education Committee will work with Karen Taussig-Lux to create interpretive signs for the park.

Action Items

  • BT will ask Karen Taussig-Lux about commercial recycling reporting.
  • BT will research PECO Smart Ideas and send information to BO and GK.
  • AC will contact Jim Jeffery for an update on commercial recycling enforcement.
  • GK will contact KD re adding live solar monitoring data to website.
  • AC will begin work on 2015 shred event.
  • WC will write up goals for 2015 and an annual report for 2014.

The Next Meeting Will Be Held On Thursday,February 12, 2015 – 7PM