Central Dauphin Middle School
PTA Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2012
Call to order: Meeting was called to order by Joan K. at 7:04 PM
Review and approval of minutes: October 9, 2012 meeting minutes were read. Revisions were made. Motion made to approve minutes by Joan K. and seconded by Karen K. Motion approved and minutes were filed as read.
Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance on 10/9/12 was $21,984.36 and ending balance on 11/13/12 was $19,028.65 after deposits and disbursements. Treasurer’s report will be filed as presented.
Correspondence (Secretary’s report): Thank you note was read from grandparent of CDMS student. This note included a check donation to the PTA in lieu of purchasing magazines to show support to the organization and gratitude for what the PTA provides to the students of CDMS.
President’s report: Nominations are being accepted for officer positions. All four positions become vacant at one time. A suggestion was made to change the bylaws to see if we can stager the terms of the officers so only two leave each transition period to provide for a smoother transition.
Vice President’s report: No report.
Committee reports
Assemblies: Camfel Assembly “The Pledge” was well received by the students and staff. The program theme was bully prevention with emphasis on pledging to make good decisions in school. Mr. Matzner had several “mix it up” lunches in which the students sat at different tables at lunch with different friends. Music was played during lunch. Each table had questions for discussion during the lunch and each student was asked to make a pledge. This was well received by most students. Mr. Matzner may do this more often. The Brain Show Assembly will be presented late April or early May.
Collection/Redemption: Pam A., Chair. Box tops are being collected.
Dances/Socials/Friendship Center Fun Nights: Ginger Z., Chair. The October social was held at the same time as another large event at Landis so traffic flow was a concern for some parents picking up their children. Mr. Matzner stated traffic patterns were addressed with the help of the Lower Paxton Police Department and all students were dismissed by 9:20PM. There was a question about charges for snacks at the social. Some parents were not aware there would be a charge for snacks and did not send money with their child. The Social Committee will advertise the need to pay for snacks for the next event and apologizes for any miscommunications.
Eighth Grade Send Off: (Need Chairperson) Need a chair person for this committee. Melissa M. has information about last year’s send off party. Event was held at CDMS during school day with kick ball, dodge ball, DJ, grilled lunch, Rita’s, etc. Mr. Matzner asked if there is any interest on combining the end of year party with LMS. He discussed it with the Principal at LMS who was on board with this idea. Once we get a chairperson, we can announce information in the Principal’s Page.
Fundraiser: Cindy G., Chair. Gertrude Hawk packets will be delivered to students February 13th and will be due back February 27th. Delivery date will be March 20th since Easter is March 31st.
Hershey Park Volunteers: Cindy A., Chair. No report.
Hospitality/Staff Appreciation: Chrissy K., Chair. No report.
Membership: Julie W., Chair. We currently have 132 members.
PAC/Legislative: Teresa W, and Susan J., Co-Chairs. No report.
Program Liaison: Karen K., Chair. No report.
Public Relations: Morgan J., Chair. No report.
Rams reach/Community Outreach: Kathy S, Chair. (Jamie Z. and Nancy W. will co-chair this committee upon Kathy’s departure). Sixty-eight 6th Graders made craft kids. The 8th Grade will participate in January. The new chairpersons will take over this committee after Thanksgiving.
Reflections: Julie M., Chair. Eleven entries were received. High school faculty judged the entries. Results of reflections can be found on the CDMS PTA Webpage. Thank you to all who participated. All participants received a $10 gift card to B.A.M.
Scholarships: Jane B., Chair. No Report. Our PTA awards two $1000 scholarships each year.
School Spirit Wear: Alicia B., Chair. Spirit wear sale was successful. There was a problem with one check not clearing but the problem was rectified.
Volunteer Committee: Diane S., Chair. Mrs. Boran in Library always in need of volunteers to help reshelf books. No schedule is necessary. Just stop in and check with her to see if she needs assistance.
Webmaster: Karen K., Chair. Email Karen if you have any documents or information for your committee that you would like to see on the CDMS PTA Webpage. Webpage can be accessed on CDMS home page under the “Organizations” tab. The Reflections results are posted to website.
Central Dauphin School Board meeting update: No Chair. No report. Mr. Matzner did attend and informed those present that CDSD has agreed to hire a security firm to monitor large events at schools which will save taxpayers approximately $13,000.
Unfinished Business: Family night to support CDMS Hockey Team will take place. Flyer needs to get approval from District Administration prior to posting in school. PTA donated $50 to help buy spirit wear which will be donated via a raffle type format during the game. Follow up discussion on how to spend surplus PTA funds took between Mr. Matzner and Board members. PTA proposes to earmark $5000 towards a Teacher’s Wish List. This wish list will be run through Mr. Matzner. All teachers need to complete form for approval by Mr. Matzner before it gets presented to the PTA. Motion made by Joan K. to set up the Teacher’s Wish List funds with the amount of $5000 to be used at the school to benefit all children. Motion seconded by Amy L. Motion unanimously approved.
New Business: Mr. Matzner brought a hard ship situation involving a student and their family to the attention of the PTA. He provided background information on how he decided to come to the PTA to make a request for assistance and requested a donation of Giant Food Store gift cards to support this family during the Holiday season. The request was also supported by staff and a CDSD Psychologist. Lengthy discussions took place on how to handle this request while maintaining anonymity for the family. Mr. Matzner assured us the concern and request for this student and their family would be the same for any CDMS Student/ Family. Motion was made Karen K. to purchase a $200 Giant Food Store gift card to be presented to the family by Mr. Matzner. Motion seconded by Cindy G. Motion was approved with 6 “yes” votes and 2 “no” votes.
Principal’s report: Report cards are not being sent home with students. They are available online. If a family needs a printed copy, they are to call the office to make this request. Holiday break begins 12/24 with students returning to school on 1/2/13. The GPA/Class Rank can now be found on the website under student’s profile under “transcript”.
Upcoming Events: GRIP Team Warm and Fuzzy Social will be held on 12/7 with the collection of hats, gloves/mittens and scarves taking place 12/3-12/7. Students making a donation will receive free admission to the dance. The items collected will be donated to a local shelter.
Adjournment/next meeting date announced: Meeting was adjourned at 8:28PM. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8th at 7:00 PM in the CDMS Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Koussis