RHLL AA Rules (2017-on)
-“Home” team uses 3rd base dugout, “Visitors” use 1st base dugout.
-When batting, team should have a coach pitcher and a “dugout coach”. 1st and 3rd base coaches can also be chosen from parents if not enough coaches are available. The pitcher coach will call balls and strikes.
-For the sake of rate of play, the strike zone should be wide (below knees to arm pits, with one ball extra width on each side of the plate). Don’t be afraid to call strikes (especially strike one and strike two).
-When fielding, team should have 1-2 coaches in field to direct players and one coach behind the catcher to shag balls.
-When in the field, team should play normal positions with addition of one extra outfielder (RCF, LCF).
-1st half of season, players hit exclusively off pitching machine. 2nd half of season, kid pitch with pitching machine backup. Kid will continue to pitch until either 3 straight balls or 4 total balls on a batter, then machine is used. Strikes carry over from kid pitch to machine pitch.
-3 strikes is an out. No walks.
-Each inning will end after 3 defensive outs or 5 runs.
-Pitching machine is to be placed with the back of the machine on the LL rubber (46 feet). Kid pitch is from 40 feet (softball rubber).
-Hitter/baserunners may take extra bases on hits to the outfield. Once the ball is in the infield, the runners may not advance. No advancing on overthrows.
-No steals.
-Safe/out calls in the field are to be made by the nearest coach (ie. Base coaches call plays at 1st & 3rd, field coaches call plays at 2nd, catcher coach calls plays at home plate).
-No new inning to start after 1 hour 30 minutes (approx. 5 innings).