Believe, Succeed &
Grow Together
Pupil Premium Overview
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. Pupil Premium is calculated according to those who are registered as being eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years, pupils in Local Authority Care, pupils that have been adopted, pupils from British forces families or any other specific care arrangement.
Allocation for Acacdmic Year 2016/2017
Total Number of Pupils on Role 210
Total Number of Pupils eligible PPG 35
Amount of PPG received £46,200(£1,320per pupil)
Service x 1 £300
Looked After Children x 3 £5,700 (£1,900 per child)
Children in Care £3,040
Total Pupil Premium 2017/2017 £55,240
PPG c/fwd from 2015/2016 £12,826
Total amount of PPG £68,066
Allocation for Acacdmic Year 2017/2018
Total Number of Pupils on Role 214
Total Number of Pupils eligible PPG
Amount of PPG received figures to be confirmed in June
Service x 1
Looked After Children
Total Pupil Premium 2017/2018 estimate £46,040
PPG c/fwd from 2016/2017 £10,700
Total amount of PPG £56,740
Pupil Premium Teacher / Mrs J. RaynerGovernor Responsible for Pupil Premium / Mr G. Harris
To raise standards so that the attainment gap is reduced for disadvantaged pupils
To support the emotional and physical well-being of pupils
To increase attendance of disadvantaged pupils to above 97%
Outcome of Pupil Premium Plan 17/18
Item/Project / Costs / Objectives / Actual Outcomes1-1 Tuition / £7,000 / To highlight gaps in understanding for children who are either underperforming or stuck and to provide focused intervention to close the gap / For pupils that are entitled to PPG funding to have access to high quality tuition that is specifically tailored to their needs so they can make accelerated progress.
Direct 1-1 interventions for specific needs – Dyslexia, FFT, ELS, 1st Class Number, Sound Discovery, Success @ arithmetic
Rapid Reading, Elkan
Speech and Language Support / £25,000 / LSA’s working afternoons to support children on a 1-1 or small group basis delivering specific interventions. / For specific, research based interventions to be run within the classroom to maximise learning and impact on accelerated pupil progress.
School Trips/Residential Trip / £1,500 / To enable all pupils to access trips and residential visits. / For all pupils to take part in trips, and curriculum enrichment activities and to enable the school to provide a range of experiences.
Breakfast Club / £700 / To support families and enable pupils to be well prepared for the day ahead / To ensure that all pupils have an opportunity to have a breakfast at school and have an alternative drop off time for parents who find it hard to get their children to school on time.
Homework Club/ cooking / LSA Support
£700 / LSA support 1 hour per week £9 per hour (Summer/Autumn/Spring Term 12 weeks per term / Provide support for pupils who may not have access to support or facilities at home to complete homework tasks.
To provide opportunities for pupils to cook simple recipes and learn about nutrition.
Family Liaison/Learning Support Mentor / £4,000 / Daily Learning Mentor time to support groups, specific children and families. / Provide emotional and wellbeing support for vulnerable children.
ICT Hardware / £1,500 / Purchase laptops for specific children so they have access to alternative methods of recording at all times. / To have access to Clicker 6, internet based learning games and other needs specific software.
Attendance Rewards / £200 / To improve attendance and punctuality by providing child initiated incentives and end of year awards. / To increase the general school attendance to at least 97% and continue to reduce the number of persistent absences.
Smaller class sizes for a focus cohort. / £20,000 / To provide an additional teacher to support a cohort for morning sessions each day. / 1/3 of the year six cohort for 2017/18 are entitled to PPG support. Smaller class sizes should reduce low level disruption that limits learning and enable class teachers to provide a more personalised curriculum.