Dear Cast Member,
Congratulations and welcome to Devonport Choral Society’s 2015 production of ALL SHOOK UP.
We are extremely pleased to have you as part of our cast. This seven page Cast Kit contains information you need to know for the production, as well as forms which must be returned within the first two weeks of rehearsals.
Rehearsals for ALL SHOOK UP will be held on Tuesday and Friday nights (7:30-9:00pm) and Sunday afternoons (12:00noon – 4:00pm). There may be some additional rehearsals through April with the band. Our first rehearsal will be held at the Uniting Church hall, Steele Street on Friday 30th January from 7:30pm – 9:00pm. Please put this in your calendar now!
A rehearsal schedule will be given to you as soon as possible. Please read your rehearsal schedule carefully to ensure you are familiar with the scenes you are in and the relevant songs and dances you are required for. Please note and highlight all rehearsals at which you are required.
Any materials given out to the cast (eg schedules, newsletters etc) will be posted on the Devonport Choral Society (DCS) website – - on the All Shook Up Production Page. This page is password protected. The password is ASUp2015.
Also check regularly the closed group for All Shook Up cast and crew - You may also post to this group.
ALL SHOOK UP will run for a total of 10 performances during May 2015 at the Devonport Entertainment and Convention Centre. Opening night will be Friday 15th of May with closing night Saturday 30th of May. Show dates are 15th and 16th; 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th; 28th,29th, 30th X 2.
ALL SHOOK UP will be an extremely enjoyable, dynamic, challenging and successful show for all involved. We are looking forward to seeing you soon in rehearsals. Please call if you have any questions between now and then.
Yours sincerely, Sid (Director), Bronwyn (Musical Director), Shayne (Vocal Director), Phoebe (Choreographer), Elizabeth (Ass. Director and Ass. Choreographer), Rod (Producer), Maree (Exec.Producer), Vicki (Costume Designer), Jenny (Set Designer), Guy (Set Construction) and JLA (Stage Manager)
ALL SHOOK UP – Some of your Production Team
· Sid Sidebottom (Director) 0458 311 344
· Rod Viney (Producer) 0439 392 489
· Maree Brodzinski (Executive Producer) 0408 079 805
· Elizabeth Viney (Ass. Director/Ass. Choreographer) 0408 622 741
· Bronwyn Darvell (Musical Director) 0417 383 882
· Phoebe Wootton (Choreographer) 0400 508 691
· Shayne Lowe (Vocal Director) 0410 791 221
· Vicki Purnell (Costume Designer/Maker) 0409 547 949
· John Lee-Archer (Stage Manager) 0419 523 867
Natalie Laura Gillard
Sylvia Shayne Lowe
Lorraine Ally Douglas
Miss Sandra Jessica Smedley
Matilda Tash Turner
Chad Paul Wells
Jim Mike Brooke
Dennis Alastair Yeates
Dean Jonny Marchand
Sheriff Earl Jake Jacobson
Abbey Kelly (D)
Caitlin Hendrey
Claire Baker
Elizabeth Viney
Maree Brodzinski
Olivia Brodzinski (D)
Elora Woods (D)
Hannah Lee-Archer (D)
Helenmarie (D)
Jan Wootton
Kelcie Meldrum (D)
Kimbra Westcott
Lana Stokes
Jane Foote
Jenny Slater
Caitlin Singleton (D)
Marlii Stubbs (D)
(D = Dancer)
Tim Roberts
Joel King
Caleb Dyer
Kamil Douglas
Rob Douglas
Sam Lennon
*Most Principals and Ensemble will be required to learn and sing additional songs, which they will perform off-stage. Please note the Scene, Song and Dance Schedule.
**All Ensemble Players will be allocated a character/ name when rehearsals start.
Statement of Expectations
As a member of the cast, orchestra or crew of the Devonport Choral Society’s 2015 production of All Shook Up you are asked to note and observe the following expectations:
· All cast, orchestra and crew members must attend all required rehearsals.
· All cast, orchestra and crew members must be available for every performance: 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 & 30 May – 8:00pm, 24 & 30 May - 2:00pm.
· Be punctual for all required calls (rehearsals and performances).
Notify the Director, Vocal Director or Choreographer of the scheduled rehearsal if you are going to be late.
It is recognized and accepted that sickness, family or work commitments can cause attendance problems. In the event that you are unable to attend a scheduled rehearsal, you must contact the relevant Director as soon as possible beforehand. (See the Production Team Contact List)
All cast are required to become members of the Devonport Choral Society. A Membership Fee of $20 (adults), $15 (concession) or $40 (family) is applicable.
It is important you be prepared for every rehearsal and performance.
· Make sure you are adequately warmed-up prior to rehearsals and performances.
· Do not consume alcohol before or during rehearsals or performances.
· Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off during rehearsals and performances.
· If for any reason, you need to keep your phone on during rehearsals, please notify the Director/Vocal Director/Choreographer before rehearsal commences.
· Take care to prevent injury to yourself and others.
· Take all due care with books, equipment, props and costumes. Damage to these items through misuse or neglect may incur a replacement fee.
All cast members may be required to contribute some time towards backstage/offstage work on the production. This may include (but is not limited to) assistance with sets or costumes, assistance with publicity and seeking sponsorship.
Please be respectful to all members of the Company (production team, cast, crew, orchestra and committee).
All cast, orchestra and crew members associated with All Shook Up participate on a voluntary basis and it is a ‘one-in, all-in philosophy’ of hard work, high productivity, good will, and mutual support and respect. Importantly, enjoyment!
Devonport Choral Society Inc
PO Box 397, Devonport
Tasmania 7310
Devonport Choral Society – Membership
Type of membership: (please tick)
Single Adult ($20) Single Concession ($15) Family ($40)
Name of member:………………………………………………………………………………
Additional members: (if family membership)
…………………………………………….. ………………………………………………
…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….
Postal address:…………………………………………………………………………………..
Phone: …………………………………… Mobile …………………………………………...
Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Do you give permission for Devonport Choral Society Inc and their representatives to use photographs or videos depicting you and/or audio or video recordings that include your voice?
Yes No
Do you give permission for your contact details to go on a contact list to be distributed to other cast members?
Yes No
Signature ……………………………………………………… Date ……………………….
(Member or Parent or Guardian if under 18 years of age)
Official use only:
Paid $...... Receipt number ......
Biography for ALL SHOOK UP
The following information may be used as your personal biography for the ALL SHOOK UP programme and any media items. Please ensure all information is written and spelt correctly. Feel free to type responses and attach as desired.
Keep biographies succinct and relevant. Do not write in point format.
NB: Please also email biographies to:
Name: (as it will appear in all documents)
Please write in third person -
E.g. “Michael has enjoyed dancing and singing since the age of seven.”
Medical Information
Please note that this page is optional to complete, but we strongly recommend that you do.
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Do you have any medical information that any emergency medical provider needs to know about?
(i.e. disorders, pregnancy, current medication, etc.)
Emergency Contact Person 1:
Name: ______
Mobile: ______Relationship: ______
Emergency Contact Person 2:
Name: ______
Mobile: ______Relationship: ______
Signed: ______Date: ______
The information above is for the Stage Manager only. Confidentiality is assured.