Map Unit: 17—Houston Black clay, 1 to 3 percent slopes
Component: Houston Black (100%)
The Houston Black component makes up 100 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 1 to 3 percent. This component is on circular gilgai on ridges on plains. The parent material consists of residuum weathered from calcareous shale of Taylor Marl and Eagleford Shale. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is moderately well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 3 percent. This component is in the R086AY553TX Blackland 40+" Pz ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 2e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches, typically, does not exceed 25 percent.
Properties and qualities
- Slope: 1 to 3 percent
- Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches
- Drainage class: Moderately well drained
- Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr)
- Depth to water table: More than 80 inches
- Frequency of flooding: None
- Frequency of ponding: None
- Calcium carbonate, maximum content: 40 percent
- Maximum salinity: Nonsaline to very slightly saline (0.0 to 4.0 mmhos/cm)
- Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum: 2.0
- Available water capacity: High (about 9.2 inches)
Interpretive groups
- Land capability (nonirrigated): 2e
- Ecological site: Blackland 40+" PZ (R086AY553TX)
Typical profile
- 0 to 6 inches: Clay
- 6 to 64 inches: Clay
- 64 to 80 inches: Clay
Map Unit: 30—Tinn clay, frequently flooded
Component: Tinn (90%)
The Tinn component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on circular gilgai on flood plains on plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium of Holocene age derived from mixed sources. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is moderately well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This component is in the R086AY198TX Clayey Bottomland 28-40" Pz ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 5w. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches, typically, does not exceed 15 percent. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface.
Component: Unnamed, hydric minor components (10%)
Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. The Unnamed soil is a minor component.
Properties and qualities
- Slope: 0 to 1 percent
- Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches
- Drainage class: Moderately well drained
- Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low to moderately low (0.00 to 0.06 in/hr)
- Depth to water table: More than 80 inches
- Frequency of flooding: Frequent
- Frequency of ponding: None
- Calcium carbonate, maximum content: 25 percent
- Gypsum, maximum content: 2 percent
- Maximum salinity: Nonsaline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm)
- Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum: 6.0
- Available water capacity: High (about 9.8 inches)
Interpretive groups
- Land capability (nonirrigated): 5w
- Ecological site: Clayey Bottomland 28-40" PZ (R086AY198TX)
Typical profile
- 0 to 10 inches: Clay
- 10 to 76 inches: Clay
- 76 to 80 inches: Clay
Minor Components
Unnamed, hydric minor components
- Percent of map unit: 10 percent
- Landform: Depressions