2017 Calgary Festival

Concert Honour Band Nomination Form

Calgary Festival – February 22 to 28, 2017

Grades 2-6 Concert Bands ●The University of Calgary

Attention High School Band Directors:

In 2004, the Alberta International Band Festival (Calgary) introduced to much acclaim the AIBF High School Honour Band, which, over the past twelve years, has proven to be one of the highlights of the Festival.

This year, all three festival adjudicators will take turns directing the AIBF Honour Band, allowing students to work with some amazing talent. The students will also get to perform with some of the best players from each high school concert band with challenging and exciting literature, culminating in a performance at the AIBF’s Showcase Concert on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017.

We are very excited about the “Honour Band” concept. The students involved will receive and practice the music in advance of the first rehearsal, and are required to attend ALL three evening rehearsals in addition to the performance, as indicated below:

  • Monday, February 6, 6:30-9:30pm –Central Memorial High School - Preparation rehearsal with Jeremy Legault
  • Wednesday, February 22, 6:30-9:30pm- University of Calgary’s Rozsa Centre - Rehearsal with Festival Adjudicators
  • Monday, February 27, 6:30-9:30pm- University of Calgary’s Rozsa Centre - Rehearsal with Festival Adjudicators
  • Tuesday, February 28, 5:00-5:30pm- University of Calgary’s Rozsa Centre - Dress Rehearsal
  • Tuesday, February 28, 7:30-9:00pm- University of Calgary’s Rozsa Centre - Performance

Please ensure your nominated students can attend all three rehearsals before you nominate them.

Please use the enclosed form to nominate your three (3) best players, per ensemble, regardless of what instrument they play. Although not limited to Grades 11 and 12, the honour band is limited to students able to perform at a Grade 5 level. If you feel your students can handle Grade 5 music with only three rehearsals, and they can attend all three rehearsals, then please nominate them. Attending all three rehearsals is essential – if a student can not make all rehearsals, we would like to make room for a student who can. Also, please include one to three alternates per band performing at the festival to allow for as balanced an ensemble as possible. These alternates may be included or not, but you will have at least three students, per ensemble registered in the festival, in the Honour Band.

Please do not inform your nominated students that they are in at this point. Each student selected will receive a letter inviting them to participate, along with the music and information regarding the rehearsals and performance. They are required to respond to this invitation on their own, to: y Friday, January 20, 2017.

Please visit our website ( for more information on the concert and awards night.


Jeremy Legault

Coordinator, AIBF Concert Honour Band –Alberta International Band Festival, South

Calgary Festival – February 22 to 28, 2017

Grades 2-6 Concert Bands ●The University of Calgary

Director Information

Name of Director:

Name of Bands(s):

Director Email:

Director Phone Number:

Honour Band Nominees

Please name the three players from each concert ensemble you are bringing to the AIBF Calgary Festival this year whom you wish to nominate for the concert honour band ensemble. List your nominations in order of highest skill, starting with the strongest player. We have left room for some additional students to be added if our numbers require additional players to meet the required instrumentation.

We will endeavor to ensure the participation of the first student you nominate; however, we reserve the right to select players in accordance with instrumentation needs of the ensemble.

Directors, we welcome you to nominate some of the same students for both Jazz and Concert Honour ensembles, however it is very unlikely, except in exceptional circumstances, that we will select students to play in both ensembles. If you add up the rehearsals this would impose on the students during both festivals, plus your own school’s festival schedule, we believe it would place a major stress on the students. Only in the rarest of circumstance and student development would this option be explored.

Student Name (in order of aptitude): / Instrument / Student Email (required)