Rushbrook Primary Academy
Year 4 English
ReadingYear 4 Term 1 / Word Reading / Comprehension / Speaking / Listening
1. I can use a range of strategies to read with fluency and understanding.
2. I can attempt to decode words that I already know but have not yet seen in print. / 1. I can listen to and discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or text books.
2. I can read books that are structured in different ways and read for a range of purposes.
3. I can use a dictionary to check the meaning of words I have read.
4. I can identify the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise these.
5. I can back my comments up using quotes from the text.
6. I can ask questions to improve my understanding of the text.
7. I can make comments on a text identifying the main purpose (e.g. the writer thinks that homework should be banned).
8. I can respond to texts at a literal level.
9. I can express my personal response to a text but have little awareness to the writer’s viewpoint.
10. I can check that a text makes sense, discussing my understanding and explaining the meaning of words in context. / 1. I can use some exciting vocabulary to communicate my ideas.
2. I show an awareness of Standard English and when to use it.
3. I give well-structured descriptions and explanations. / 1. I can listen carefully and respond with appropriateness to what others say.
Spelling / Grammar / Composition / Handwriting
1. I usually spell common grammatical function words (words that express grammatical relationships with other words) correctly.
2. I can spell words that have the /i/ sound spelt as a y in the middle of words (e.g. myth, gym, Egypt...).
3. I can spell the /u/ sound, spelt ou in words (e.g. young, cousin, double).
4. I can spell words with the un- prefix.
5. I can spell words with the prefix super-.
6. I can spell words with the prefix re-.
7. I am beginning to spell all words for level 3 correctly. / 1. In most writing I demarcate sentences accurately with full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks.
2. I use commas but sometimes incorrectly.
3. I can write speech correctly when prompted.
4. I mainly write simple sentences.
5. With support I can edit my work and change my simple sentences into compound and complex sentences.
6. I mainly use and, but, so as connectives.
7. I often use tense and verb forms incorrectly. / 1. I rehearse sentences orally.
2. I organise my writing with relevant points placed next to each other.
3. I create an internal structure to my writing (e.g. one sentence paragraphs or ideas loosely organised).
4. I sequence my ideas logically.
5. My openings and closings are usually signalled.
6. I create links between sentences (by using adverbials or pronouns).
7. I select words for effect or occasion
8. I can create settings, characters and a plot in narrative writing..
9. I can assess the effectiveness of my own and others’ writing.
10. I can read my writing aloud to a group or the whole class. / 1. I form and orientate most letters correctly.
2. I use upper and lower case letters appropriately within my writing.
3. My letter formation is consistent.
4. I generally do not mix upper and lower case letters within words.
Year 4 Term 2 / Word Reading / Comprehension / Speaking / Listening
1. Through listening to new books, I am learning new vocabulary which I attempt to decode when I see it in print.
2. I read further exception words, noting the unusual correspondence between spelling and sound, and where these occur in the word. / 1. I can make simple inference based on a single point of reference in the text (e.g. he was upset because it said he was crying).
2. I can comment on the writer’s use of language (e.g. there are a lot of powerful verbs).
3. I can recognise some features of the context of texts (e.g. historical setting, social/cultural context, place, social relationships).
4. I can recognise a few organisational features at text level (e.g. it tells you how to make a sandwich).
5. I can record and retrieve information from non-fiction texts.
6. I can make simple connections between texts (e.g. similarities in plot, topic, books by the same author, about the same characters).
7. I have an increasing familiarity with a wide range of books, including fairy stories, myths, legends, and retell some of these orally.
8. I can discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination.
9. I can identify themes and conventions in a wider range of books. / 1. I can identify the pros and cons of an issue and debate these ideas with my peers.
2. I am able to tell stories from my imagination.
3. I maintain attention and participate in discussions, staying on topic. / 1. I can listen in an increasing number of contexts.
Spelling / Grammar / Composition / Handwriting
I usually spell common grammatical function words (words that express grammatical relationships with other words) correctly.
1. I can spell words with the dis- prefix.
2. I can spell words with the mis- prefix.
3. I know that adding un-, dis- & mis- prefixes to words gives them negative meanings.
4. I can spell words with the suffix
5. -ation (e.g. information, adoration).
6. I can add the suffix –ly to words and know that is forms an adverb from an adjective.
7. I have learnt the key words for level 3.
8. From memory, I can write simple dictated sentences including taught words and punctuation. / 1. I can use fronted adverbials (e.g. later that day, I heard bad news).
2. I can use commas after fronted adverbials.
3. I use commas but sometimes incorrectly.
4. I can use inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
5. I extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of connectives (when, if, because, although).
6. I use noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases (e.g. the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher with curly hair.)
7. I use nouns and pronouns appropriately to avoid ambiguity and repetition.
8. I subordinate occasionally.
9. I rarely use tense and verb forms incorrectly.
10. In most writing I demarcate sentences accurately with full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks. / 1. I discuss texts similar to the one I’m writing in order to understand and learn from their structure, grammar and vocabulary.
2. I plan my writing.
3. I can organise my paragraphs around a theme.
4. My openings and closings are usually signalled.
5. I use the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause.
6. I am building a varied and rich vocabulary.
7. I am increasing my range of sentence structures.
8. I elaborate on basic information (e.g. nouns expanded by adjectives).
9. I include appropriate ideas and content.
10. I sometimes signal the purpose of the writing to the reader.
11. I attempt to use the appropriate style, thinking about the reader.
12. I establish the purpose for my writing.
13. I use headings and subheadings in non-fiction.
14. I proof read my writing, checking for spelling and punctuation errors. / 1. I use diagonal and horizontal strokes to join letters and understand which letters are best left unjoined.
2. My handwriting is increasingly legible.
3. I ensure that downstrokes of letters are parallel and equidistant.
4. I make sure that lines of writing are evenly spaced
Year 4 Term 3 / Word Reading / Comprehension / Speaking / Listening
1. I can de-code unfamiliar words accurately and need few experiences of this before I can read it without overt sound-blending.
2. I apply my growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes (etymology and morphology), both to read aloud and understand the meaning of new words. / 1. I can use contents, subheadings and indexes to help me find information.
2. I can predict what might happen and from details that are stated and implied.
3. I can justify simple inferences using evidence from the text.
4. I can find information quickly by scanning.
5. I can tell the difference between fact and opinion.
6. I can read between the lines using clues in the text.
7. I can judge why characters act the way they do.
8. I can identify the structures and language features of fiction and non-fiction writing.
9. I can comment on the language the author has used.
10. I can recognise some different forms of poetry (e.g. Free verse, narrative poetry).
11. I can prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud and perform
12. I can participate in discussion about both books that are read to me and books I have read myself, taking turns and listening to what others say. / 1. I can change the way I speak to fit the purpose.
2. I can show that I have understood the main parts of a discussion.
3. I can justify my answers, arguments and opinions. / 1. I can demonstrate active listening skills.
Spelling / Grammar / Composition / Handwriting
I usually spell common grammatical function words (words that express grammatical relationships with other words) correctly.
1. I can add the prefix in- to words.
2. I can add the prefix il- to words.
3. I can add the prefix im- to words.
4. I can add the prefix ir- to words.
5. I can add the prefix anti- to words.
6. I can spell homophones and near homophones (e.g. accept/except, affect/effect, ball/bawl, groan/grown...).
7. I know words that are often mis-spelt when prefixes and suffixes are added (e.g. e.g. busy+ness= business).
8. I can use the first two or three letters in a word to check its spelling in the dictionary. / 1. I indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe with singular and plural nouns.
2. I can use fronted adverbials.
3. I can use commas after fronted adverbials.
4. I use commas but sometime incorrectly.
5. I can use inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
6. I extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of connectives (when, if, because, although).
7. I use noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases (e.g. the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher with curly hair.)
8. I use nouns and pronouns appropriately to avoid ambiguity and repetition.
9. I subordinate occasionally.
10. I rarely use tense and verb forms incorrectly.
11. In most writing I demarcate sentences accurately with full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks.
12. I can use paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme. / 1. I discuss texts similar to the one I’m writing in order to understand and learn from their structure, grammar and vocabulary.
2. I plan my writing.
3. I can organise my paragraphs around a theme.
4. My openings and closings are usually signalled.
5. I use the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause.
6. I am building a varied and rich vocabulary.
7. I am increasing my range of sentence structures.
8. I elaborate on basic information (e.g. nouns expanded by adjectives).
9. I include appropriate ideas and content.
10. I attempt to use the appropriate style, thinking about the reader.
11. I use headings and subheadings in non-fiction.
12. I can propose changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency.
13. I can read my writing aloud to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. / 1. I form and orientate most letters correctly.
2. Within my writing you can distinguish my ascenders and descenders.
3. My letter formation is consistent.