Spring Semester Final
Escalon High School
Health Education
Directions: Read each specific question carefully ensuring you follow the directive for each question. Place/Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The saying, Could Fanny Play Violin Much Worse has a special meaning to our nutrition unit. What does C, F, P, V, M, W, stand for?
2. Write 5 statements of fact for each of the corresponding letters. For example the letter C Stands for Carbohydrates. Use the following as an example:
3. List the Macronutrients:
4. What does RDA stand for?
5. What are the two types of Carbohydrates?
6. What is the body’s most important sugar?
7. What are two types of fiber?
8. Fiber in our diets helps lower what in our blood?
9. How many essential Amino Acids are there?
10. What are the two main categories of vitamins?
11. What is the recommended intake of water for a person each and every day under normal conditions?
12. Is there a link between diet and disease?
13. What are the signs of Anorexia?
14. What are the signs of Bulimia?
15. Why are eating disorders considered to be “psychotic disorders”?
16. What is Binge eating disorder?
17. What are the 3 main functions of the immune system?
18. What is the name of the doctor that inoculated his own child?
19. Why do humans need to get “flu” shots each year?
20. Who discovered the cure for Polio?
21. What percentage of parents vaccinate their children in the USA?
22. How is measles spread?
23. If you are not vaccinated, what percentage of people can get measles?
24.Where in the world are they finding unvaccinated populations?
25. At the time of this film, what is the percentage of children NOT vaccinated in California?
26. What happened in Philadelphia in 1991? How many kids died?
27.How many children died from disease 500 years ago?
28.How did India prevent the measles infection from spreading?
29. When someone is vaccinated, what are the possible symptoms from a vaccine?
30. There has been speculation that vaccines cause Autism. Is this true?
31. What is the most common form of cancer?
32. Label the male reproductive accordingly:
33. Using a yellow marker, trace the path sperm travel through the male reproductive system in the above diagram.
34. List the effects testosterone has on the male (There are 7 that were given in class).
35. List the effects that estrogen has on the female (There were 9 given in class).
36. Label the female reproductive anatomy accordingly:
37. List and describe the 4 phases of the human menstrual cycle:
38. What are the 5 types of birth control (List was provided in class).
39. There are 7 positive benefits of birth control pills. List them:
40. What are the side effects of the bcp? List them:
41. What are the 5 barrier methods of birth control? List them: (5 of them)
42. There are two 100% effective methods of birth control. What are they?
43. What are the 5 most dangerous methods of transmission for STI’s?
44. What is the most common bacterial STI?
45. What is the second most common bacterial STI?