Assessing Reading and Writing Through Multi-Modal Digital Products
Dr. Robert Williams & Dr. Dan Woods
Radford University
Sample Instructional Set for Grades K-7
As a class, we will be tweeting our responses to the books we read this week. After choosing a book from the classroom or school library, we will answer questions in words and using the smiley face graphics on our tablets to respond to questions about the books we read. After everyone has responded fully, we will sort the responses to find out which books were most popular and highest quality. You may also use other emogees or emoticon images to indicate particularly strong responses (thumbs up, thumbs down, etc.)
We will tweet responses to the following questions:
Why did you choose this book?
Who was your favorite character in the book?
Did you find the plot (story) interesting (fiction) or did the book answer your questions about the topic (non-fiction)?
Was the setting, where the story happened, a good part of the book or not important?
What was your favorite part of the book?
Will you re-read this book? Why or why not?
Do you recommend this book to others? Explain.
Assessment Points (ranked as Proficient, Acceptable, Minimal, or Inadequate):
Difficulty level of book chosen, fiction or non-fiction?
Ability to articulate reasons for choosing book?
Ability to articulate reasons for choosing a favorite character?
Ability to articulate interest level based on narrative or informational text?
Ability to explain importance of setting?
Ability to articulate an explanation for a favorite part?
Rationale for re-reading or not re-reading?
Rationale / review for recommending or not recommending book to others?
Sample Instructional Set for Grades 6-12
Create a Pinterest Board for your chosen books and genre.
Create / Write / Search for images, quotes, reference sources (traditional and websites) related to your chosen genre and chosen texts, and to the context of those texts and author(s), and post those to the Board.
Include the following materials, at minimum in your Board:
At least 10 pins / images / references / quotes connected to scholarly examination of the novels or the genre.
At least one scholarly source reference for a journal article, including image of abstract or page of text with the citation in MLA or APA format.
At least one character(s) image with caption description of the character(s)
At least one setting image with caption description of the setting
At least one plot image with caption description of the plot
At least one scene image with a caption description of the scene
At least one image with caption description of a universal of literary analysis from Foster
At least one thematic image with caption description of the theme.
example:Literary Texts and Contexts: Alice in Wonderland
Address: as clickable link or as text to be copied and pasted into a browser address bar
Include explanatory notes in the title area of the Board
example: The Alice in Wonderland board includes posts on the language, the setting, and the main character, plus some additional notes about the process of finding material for the Board.
Tweet your board link to the class Twitter account as #PinterestBoardDiscussion.
Scoring: Maximum 100 pts.
scholarly source reference pin: 20 points
character’s image with description pin: 10 point
setting image with description pin: 10 point
plot image with description pin: 10 point
scene image with description pin: 10 point
Foster’s universals pin: 10 point
thematic image with description pin: 20 points
functional Pinterest link: 10 point
Assessment Rubric: Note that assessment points may be referenced for ability to complete tasks based on digital literacy domains or for reading comprehension and academic literacies.
Score Values:Required Elements: / Proficient: 10 pts.
Superior work with attention to every aspect or requirement / Acceptable: 5-9 pts.
Good to very good work with attention to most elements; some elements are not thoroughly developed / Minimal: 1-4 pts.
Fair work with attention to some elements; many aspects are not addressed, or are addressed superficially / Inadequate: 0 pts.
Unacceptable work with many omissions in quality and quantity; most elements are not addressed or are all addressed very superficially
Required Pin 1
Required Pin 2
Required Pin 3
Required Pin 4
Required Pin 5
Required Pin 6
Required Pin 7
Required Pin 8
Required Pin 9
Required Pin 10