Africana StudiesDr. Marlon Moore, ENG,
and Dr. Sam Murrell, PAR
American StudiesDr. Lloyd Rohler, COM
AnthropologyDr. Eleanor Reber, ANT
Art HistoryMr. Donald Furst, ART
Asian StudiesMs. Yoko Kano, FLL
BiologyDr. Martin Posey, BIO
ChemistryDr. James Reeves, CHM
Choral MusicDr. Joe Hickman, MUS
Classical StudiesDr. Andrea Deagon, FLL
Community HealthDr. Jorge Figueroa, HAHS
Computer ScienceDr. Laurie Patterson, CSC
CriminologyDr. Christy Lanier, CRM
Digital ArtsART/CSC departments
EconomicsDr. William Sackley, ECN
EnglishMs. Kathleen Gould, ENG
English as Second Language
Environmental StudiesDr. Jack Hall, EVS, and
Dr. Robert Buerger, EVS
European StudiesDr. P. Kamenish, ENG
Forensic ScienceDr. A. Midori Albert, ANT
FrenchDr. Pascale Barthe, FLL
GeographyDr. Elizabeth Hines, ERS
GeologyDr. John Huntsman, ERS
Geospatial TechnologiesDr. Joanne Halls, GGY
GermanDr. Olga Trochimenko, FLL
GerontologyDr. Elizabeth Fugate-Whitlock, HAAS
HistoryDr. Paul Townend, HST
Information TechnologyDr. Laurie Patterson, CSC
International AffairsDr. Raymonde Kleinberg, PLS
Jazz StudiesDr. Frank Bongiorno, MUS
JournalismDr. Jennifer Brubaker, COM
Dr. Janis Chakars, ENG
Mr. Bill DiNome
Latin American StudiesDr. Jennifer Horan, PLS
Leadership StudiesDr. Joanne Nottingham, EDN
MathematicsDr. Kenneth Gurganus, MAT
Middle East Islamic StudiesDr. Lisa Pollard, HST
MusicDr. Frank Bongiorno, MUS
Native American StudiesDr. Lee Schweninger, ENG
OceanographyDr. Russ Herman, PHY
PhilosophyDr. Tom Schmid, PAR
Physical OceanographyDr. Russ Herman, PHY
PhysicsDr. Curt Moyer, PHY
Political ScienceDr. Roger Lowery, PLS
Postcolonial StudiesDr. Cara N. Cilano, ENG
PsychologyDr. L. Andy Jackson, PSY
Public AdministrationDr. Thomas Barth, PLS
Recreation, Sports Leadership
& Tourism Management
ReligionDr. Tom Schmid, PAR
Russian StudiesDr. Raymond Burt, FLL
Science, Humanities & SocietyDr. Diane Melroy, BIO
SociologyDr. John Rice, SOC
SpanishDr. Christopher Dennis, FLL
StatisticsDr. Dargan Frierson, MAT
StudioArtMr. Donald Furst, ART
TheatreDr. Paul Castagno, THR
Women’s & Gender StudiesDr. MichelleScatton-Tessier, FLL
Geographic Information ScienceDr. Joanne Halls, GGY
Professional WritingDr. Diana Ashe, ENG
PublishingDr. Barbara Brannon, CRW
Africana Studies– 21 hours: 12 hours core courses, 9 hours electives, 3 hours above the 300-level. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses. Courses to fulfill major cannot be used to fulfill minor. Core courses: AFN 130, ENG 232, HST 209, and PLS 340. Electives: AFN 290, COM 344, 346, CRM 370, ENG 355, HST 371, 372, 373, 374, MUS 116, PAR 377, PLS 330, SOC 325.
American Studies– 21 hours: 9 hours core courses, 12 hours electives, 3 hours above the 300-level, limit 9 hours from any one department. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses. Courses to fulfill major or another minor cannot be used to fulfill this minor. Core courses: ENG 223 or 224, HST 105 or 106, PAR 205 or 242. Electives: any courses not selected as core, AMS 200, ARH 309, 310, COM258, ENG 232, 350, 351, 352, 353, 355, 384, HST 330, 331, 333, 339, 346, 347, 348, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, MUS 116, PAR 351, 352, PLS 208, 272, 300, 301, 307, 309, 340, 405, 415, SOC 200, 304.
Anthropology – 21 hours: ANT 206, 207, 210, and 12 additional hours at least 6 of which are at the 300-400 level. ANTL 207 may be taken as an elective but is not required. In selecting the courses to fulfill the minor requirements, students are strongly encouraged to consult with the ANT faculty. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Art History– 24 hours: ARH 201, 202, 308, and 15 ARH hoursat the 300-400 level, maximum 3 hours ARH 491 or 498 credit. Courses to fulfill major in studio art (i.e. ARH 201, 202, 308) cannot be used to fulfill this minor, 9 additional ARH hours may be chosen to fulfill minor requirements for studio art majors. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Asian Studies – 21 hours: 12 hours core courses, 9 hours electives. Core courses: HST 103 or 104, PAR 232, PLS 317 or 339, 3 hours of a foreign language (either JPN 101, CHN 101 or transfer credit of study of another Asian language). Electives: FST 385, GGY 181, 388, HST 103 or 104, 203, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 366, 378, 487, 497, JPN 101, 102, 201, 202, 211, PAR 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, PLS 317, 339. At least six credits of the total 21 must be taken at the 300-level or above. A grade of “C-” or better is required in each course and a minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses. Substitution may be approved for topic courses, seminars, directed individual study, field work, and/or study abroad that focus primarily on Asia.
Biology–21 hours: BIO 201, 202, 2 courses (with or without laboratory) selected from BIO 335 or 366,or one from 325 or 340 or 345, and 7 additional hours in biology at the 300-400 level, one of which must be a laboratory course.A “C” (2.00) or better average is required on courses counted towards the minor in biology.
Chemistry– 22 hours: CHM 101, 102, CHM *211 and *212, or CHM *211 and *235, and 6 additional hours in CHM at the 300-400 level. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in each course and an overall average of “C” (2.00) in all chemistry courses.
Choral Music – (See Music, Choral)
Classical Studies– 18 hours: 6 hours core courses, 12 hours electives. Core: ARH 201, CLA 210 (ENG 210), PAR 201. Electives: LAT 102, 201, 202, 491, CLA 209 (ENG 209), 330, 345, 491, ARH 301, HST 306, PAR 302, 303. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Community Health – 24 hours: HEA 105, 207, 234, 245, 301, 452 and 6 additional HEA hours, of which at least 3 hours are at the 300-level or above. In selecting courses to fulfill the 6 elective credits, students are strongly encouraged to consult with the faculty in HEA. An overall 2.00 GPA is required in minor courses.
Computer Science– 21hours: CSC 100, 121, 133, 221, 332 and 6 additional CSC hoursat the 200-level or above, including at least 3 hoursat the 300-400 level. An overall quality point average of “C” (2.00) or better is required for all courses counted toward the minor.
Criminology– 21 hours: CRM 105 with a grade of “C” or better and 18 additional hours of CRM courses. A maximum of 6 hours below the 300-level (including CRM 105) may be used to satisfy the requirements. Students may also fulfill the criminology minor electives with any of the following courses: SOC 335, 375, 449. No more than one course with a grade of “D” may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 or better is required among courses in the minor.
Digital Arts– 24 hours: 18 hours core courses, 6 hours electives. At least 3 elective hours must be at the 300-level or above, and at least 3 elective hours must be chosen from outside a student’s major department. Core courses: ART 101, 260, CSC 112 or 121 (or other approved course), 204, 220 (ART 220) (FST220), 320 (ART 320) (FST 320) or COM 280 or FST 201. Electives: CSC 255, 320, 370, 421, 430 (FST 430), 475, 491, ART 311, 312, 320, 341, 343, 360, 365, 411, 412, 475, 491, 495, COM 160, 211, 286, 380, 387, 480, 482, 491, CRW 210, FST 220, 301, 302, 318, 320, 330, 331, 332, 333, 368, 392, 393, 394, 397, 398, 430 (CSC 430), 495, 497,MUS 110, 210, 310, 491, THR 211, 305, 411. Students must earn at least a “C” (2.00 average in courses counted for minor.
Economics– 18 hours: 9 hours core courses, 9 hours electives. Core courses: ECN 221, 222, 328. Electives: 9 hours of any ECN courses numbered above 299, for which one has the necessary prerequisite. Elective courses used to fulfill the requirements for the ECN minor may not be used to satisfy the requirements for other majors. Business majors are not eligible for an ECN minor. Minimum overall GPA of 2.00 in minor courses.
English– 18 hours: ENG 204 or 205, plus 15 hoursENG classes at 200-level or above (excluding ENG 200 or 201) with at least 9 hours at the 300-400 level. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses. Six hours from outside the department may be counted toward the major or minor.
English as a Second Language (ESL)– 21hours: EDN 265, 316, 417, 418, ENG 320 or EDN 326, ENG 321 or EDN 312, and an additional 3 hours in a foreign language (200-level or above). Minimum “C” average (2.00) in minor courses.
Environmental Studies – 24 hours: 12 hours core courses, 12 hours electives. Core courses: EVS *195, and 8 additional hours from BIO *366, CHM *377, EVS 325 (ECN 325), 330 (ECN 330), 360, 361, 362, 364. Electives: Students may select any EVS numbered courses not used in the core requirements. A minimum of 9 hours must be at the 300-400 level. A maximum of 12 credit hours counted toward a student’s major in another department will be counted toward completion of core and/or elective minor requirements in EVS. Students selecting the EVS minor are strongly encouraged to meet with an EVS coordinator to determine a specific course of study. Minimum overall quality point average of “C” (2.00) average in courses.
European Studies– 21hours: 12hours core courses, 9 hours electives. Core courses: ENG 370 or 371, HST 102, 394, 396, 398, or 399, and a course in FRH, GER, PRT, or SPN (chosen from offerings numbered 201 or higher, excluding those taught in English and those designated Spanish American or Latin American). Electives: ARH 202, 304, 305, 306, 307, ENG 370, 371, FRH 209, 311, 321, 322, 385, 437, 438, 439, FST 386, 387, 388, GER 209, 307, 311, 385, 485, 495, 496, HST 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325, 326, 379, 380, 391, 392, 394, 396, 398, 412, 414, 495, 496, MUS 351, 352, 361, 362, 363, PAR 202, 213, 238, 240, 401, PLS 314, 335, 336, 427, SPN 209, 211, 311, 321, 385, 411, 421, THR 322,and approved Study Abroad courses taken in Europe.Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses. Courses to fulfill major cannot be used to fulfill minor.
Forensic Science– 21 hours: One 3-hour core course and 18 hours of electives, including at least one course in each of two groups: Group 1: (A) Biology or (B) Chemistry, and Group 2: Social-Behavioral Sciences). Core courses: ANT 211. Group 1: Option (A) Biology: BIO 240, 241, *335, 488, Option (B) Chemistry: CHM 380, 417. Group 2: Social and Behavioral Sciences: ANT *207, *326, 426, CRM 255 (SOC 255), 320, 380, 381, 385, PSY 275. Some 400-level courses focusing on forensic science, such as independent study, seminars, or honors work, may substitute for courses in Group 2 if approved by the coordinator. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
French– 18 hours: Minimum of 18 hours at the 200-level and above, excluding FRH 209. Of these, at least 9 hours must be at the 300-level or higher. A grade of “C-” or better is required in each course counted toward the minor and a “C” (2.00) average or better for all courses counted towards the minor.
Geography– 22 hours: GGY 130, 140, 180 or 181, 220, and 9 additional GGY hours, 6 of which must be at the 300-400 level.Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Geology– 23 hours: GLY 101 or *120, 132, 205, 390, and 9 additional hours of GLY above the 299-level. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in all courses taken within the department and a “C” (2.00) or better in all requirements.
Geospatial Technologies– 21 hours: 9-10 hours core courses, 12 hours electives. At least 6 hours of electives must be at the 300-level of above. Core courses: GGY 215 or 220, GGY 222 or STT 215, GGY 328 or EVS 281. If a student completes both GGY 215 and GGY 220, 215 will count toward the core courses and GGY 220 will count as an elective. Electives: ANT 311 (max 3 credit hours), BIO *366 (max 3 credit hours), 466 (max 3 credit hours), 478 (max 3 credit hours), 480 (max 3 credit hours), CSC 332, 370, 415, 455, GGY 205, 422, 424, 426, GLY 390, 470, MIS 213, 315. Other courses may be applied toward the minor at the discretion of the coordinator or Chair of GGY and GLY. This minor is available for students majoring in an discipline including Geography and Geology. A maximum of 12 credits counted towards a student’s major may be applied to either the core or elective requirements. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
German – 18 hours:Minimum of 18 hours at the 200-level and above, excluding courses taught in English. Of these, at least 9 hours must be at the 300-level or higher. A grade of “C-” or better is required in each course counted toward the minor and a “C” (2.00) average or better for all courses counted towards the minor.
Gerontology– 21 hours: 15hours core courses, 6 hours designated courses. Core courses: GRN 101, 440, SOC 336, PSY 324, HEA 325. For designated course electives, students should contact the director for a list of current designated courses. Minimum “C” (2.00) average is required in minor courses.
History– 21hours: 12 hours from HST 101-250, only 6 hours of which can come from HST 200-250. An additional 9 hours in HST at the 300-400 level, at least 3 hours of which must be in an area other than Europe or the United States. 3 hours of HST 251-289 or HST 291 or 295, plus any number of HST 292 credits, may be counted toward fulfillment of the 9 credit 300-400 level requirement. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses and a grade of “C-” or better is required in each course.
Information Technology– 18 hours: 12 hours core courses, 6 hours of electives. At least 3 elective hours must be at the 300-level of above. Core courses: CSC 110, 112 or 121 or MIS 216 or equivalent, LIB 103, and any 3-credit 200-level or higher CSC or MIS course. Electives: Any 200-level or higher CSC or MIS course (not used to fulfill the core requirement), ART 220 (FST 220), ART 320 (FST 320), CHM 425, COM 286,EDN 303, 416, ENG 204, 314, 319, FST 201, 497, GGY 422, 424,MUS 110, PAR 110, 218, SOC 303. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses. Minor not available for students majoring in computer science.
International Affairs– 21 hours: Corecourses: PLS 220, 425. Choose 9 hours from the following: PLS 222, 422, 423, 426, 427, 495, 498. Choose 3 hours from the following: PLS 218, 230, 330, 331, 332, 335, 336, 338, 339, 424, 427, 428, 429. Choose 3 hours from the following: PLS 294, 317, 334, 494, HST 301, 379, 380, ECN 426, MGT 352.Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Jazz Studies –(See Music, Jazz Studies)
Journalism– 21 hours: 9 hours core courses, 6 hours COM electives, 6 hours ENG electives. Corecourses: ENG 202 and 204, COM 361 or 362. COM Electives: COM 265, 268, 280, 365 or 375, 465. ENG Electives: ENG 301, 302, 306, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 322, 498. Minimum “C” (2.00) is required in all courses towards minor and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50. Other courses may be counted with approval of the program coordinator. Courses taken to fulfill the Communication Studies major may not be used to fulfill the journalism minor. At least 9 elective hours must be at the 300-400 level.
Latin American Studies– 21 hours: Students are required to complete at least one course from the following 5 of 6 subject areas: ANT 304, 307, 310, 315, 317,GGY 383, 384, 386, HST 367, 368, 369, 370, 485, PLS 331, 332, 333,PRT 210, 312, 322, 422,SPN 210, 212, 308, 312, 322, 412, 422. In addition, students must complete a Spanish or Portuguese course at the 300-level or higher.Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Leadership Studies– 21 hours: 9 hours core courses, 12 hours electives. Core courses: LED 211, 311, 411. Electives: Students select an additional 12 elective hours from an approved list. For a list of approved electives, students should check the website for the online list. For any questions, students should contact the Leadership Studies coordinator. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Mathematics– 20 hours: MAT 161-162 and at least 12 hours selected from MAT courses numbered 261 or higher, or STT 315. These hours must include one of the following: MAT 261, 275 or 335. At least 6 hours must be from coursework at the 300- or 400-level. Minimum overall “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Middle East and Islamic Studies– 21 hours: 9 hours core courses, 12 hours electives in 3 different disciplines.Core courses: GGY 255, HST 101, 103, 104, PAR 230, 375,PLS 220. Electives: HST 305, 364, 365, 366, 374, 375, 381, 383, 386, 387, 388, 389, 483, PAR 225, 235, 376, PLS 331, 338. Up to 6 hours of Directed Individual Study and other appropriate special topics courses or seminars as offered, with the approval of the coordinator, may be included as electives. Minimum “C+” (2.33) average in minor courses.
Music– 24 hours: MUS *111, *112, 150, 351, 352,4hours of ensemble (MUS 183, 184, 185, 186, 187),4hours of applied music in the major performance medium (MUS 195, 196, 197),5hours music electives. Minimum overall “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.Admission to the program requires approval by the Department of Music and an audition in the major performance medium.
Music, Choral– 24 hours: MUS *111, *112, 114, 272, 273. 6 hours of Choral Ensemble: MUS 183 or 186. 4 hours of Applied Voice Lesson: MUS 195, student may substitute 1 semester of MUS 146 for 1 hour of the MUS 195 requirement.Choral-based independent study and/or elective study of at least one semester hour. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses with a minimum final grade of “C-” required in each MUS course. Admission to the program requires approval by the Department of Music and an audition in the major performance medium.
Music, Jazz Studies–24 hours: MUS *111, *112, 116, 136, 235, 3 hours ensemble (MUS 184), 6 hours applied music in the major performance medium (MUS 195, 196, 197), 4 hours electives from MUS 214, 236, 308, 309, 365, 372. Courses counted towards MUS major (i.e., MUS *111, *112) cannot be counted toward minor. 6 additional hours of electives may be chosen to fulfill minor requirements for music majors. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses with a minimum final grade of “C-” required in each MUS course. Admission to the program requires approval by the Department of Music and an audition in the major performance medium.
Native American Studies– 18 hours: 9 hours core courses, 9 hours electives. Core courses: HST 336 or 337, ENG 356, ANT 304 or 305. Electives: ANT 215, 304 or 305, 307,ENG 359, HST 250 or 336,337, PAR 350 or any appropriate special topics course or seminar as offered, with the approval of the minor coordinator. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Oceanography – 21-22 hours: 6 hours core courses, 15-16 hours electives. Core courses: GLY 150, 350. Choose 3 courses from the following: BIO 362, CHM 475, GLY 450, PHY 475. Choose 2 courses from the following: BIO 170, GGY 333, 422, GLY 420, 458. Minimum overall “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Philosophy– 21 hours: 12 hours core courses, 9 hours electives. Core courses: PAR 101, 110, 115, 201 or 202. Choose an additional 9 hours in philosophy courses at the 300-400 level.Minimum overall “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Physical Oceanography– 21 hours: GLY 150, PHY 201, 202, 475, 477, 481 and one additional course from PHY 315, 350, 478, 479, 480. A grade of “C” or better is required in each course counted toward the minor.
Physics– 18 hours: PHY 201, 202, 335 and 6 additional PHY hours not to include PHY 101, 102, or 105. 3 hours must be at the 300-400 level. A grade of “C” or better is required in each minor course.
Political Science– 24 hours: At least 12 hours from 300-level courses or above. Courses to be distributed as follows: PLS 101, at least one course in American government and politics (PLS 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 272, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 316, 340, 405, 406), at least one course in political theory and methodology (PLS 201, 212, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 415), at least one course in international relations (PLS 218, 220, 221, 222, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429), at least one course in comparative government and politics (PLS 230, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339). Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Postcolonial Studies– 21 hours: 9 hours colonies and nations core courses, 6 hours global contexts electives, 6 hours general electives. Colonies and Nations Core Courses: ENG 341 and PLS 331. Choose 1 from the following: HST 103, 104, 316. Global Contexts Electives: ANT 250, CRM 420, ENG 343, HST 380, PLS 111, GGY 180 or 181. General Electives: ANT 215, 304, 305, 317, ENG 356, 359, FLL 205, FRH 318, 412, GGY 210, 255, 340, 350, 383 and 384, 385, 386, HEA 320, HST 315, 336, 337, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 381, 396, 481, 483, 485, 487, PAR 230, 232, 233, 372, 375, 378, PLS 220, 222, 317, 330, 332, 333, 338, 339, SOC 366, SPN 212, 312, 412. Six credits from either Directed Individual Study or appropriate special topics courses may be included as electives with approval from the coordinator. Minimum “C” (2.00) average in minor courses.
Psychology– 18 hours: PSY 105 with a grade of “C” or better, one course from any 3 of the 6 content domains, and 6 additional hours in psychology. Content Domain 1 (Developmental PSY): PSY 220, 221 or 223. Content Domain 2 (Personality and Social PSY): PSY 246 or 264, Content Domain 3 (Abnormal PSY): PSY 247, Content Domain 4 (Biological PSY): PSY 256, Content Domain 5 (Cognitive PSY): PSY 211, Content Domain 6 (Learning and Behavior Analysis): PSY 217. No more than one course with a grade of “D” can count toward minor. Minimum “C” (2.00) or better average in minor courses.