Your Spiritual GPS January 12, 2009
Where are you? & Where do you want to be?
GPS – God’s Prioritization System
Self Assessment of where you are in your Spiritual Journey
Begin to Map out a Strategy for Spiritual Growth & Success in 2009
Discover 3 Secrets that will Make 2009 your Best Year ever!
1. How to literally free up hours of time
2. How to experience greater productivity & fruitfulness for your efforts
3. How to replace the doom and gloom of life with an enduring genuine joy
Intro: Real time GPS Tracking SystemLiveViewGPS tracking
- GPS Monitoring of assets, vehicles, property, equipment & people
- Child, Teen, Family member at risk,
- Live Vehicle Tracking – 5-10 Second updates – Satellites
- Can watch where vehicle is live on computer monitor – satellite & map view
- System texts or calls notifying speeding, exit or entrance specified area.
- Disable starter, start vehicle, lock or unlock doors, honk horn
- Set virtual fences Speed boundary monitoring - 90 Day history
Your Spiritual GPS Self Assessment – Where are you?
Keep Score for each of 5 Questions & Total them at End
Every day I get one day closer to who I will ultimately be. Am I satisfied with who this will be? We want to be sure that busyness and fruitless activities don’t consume our person. It is important that we be more than we do or have.
1. Are you content with who you are becoming?#2
- Never Content
- Rarely Content
- Sometimes Content
- Often Content
- Always Content
Do you know what you do most effectively? Defining your unique gifting and calling. Is important because so many requests are made that take time and energy. Unless you know the things you can do uniquely well, you end up doing many things just please others.
2. How confident are you in knowing your unique gifts and calling ? #3
- Never Confident
- Rarely Confident
- Sometimes Confident
- Often Confident
- Always Confident
Is your “spiritual feeding” the right diet for you?
Not talking about a “devotional” reading/praying time. Rather a healthy menu uniquely fitted to your needs where you are drawing spiritual nourishment by spending time with God and His word, hearing Him speak to you – giving you direction and strength to face each day.
3. Do you have a good spiritual diet?#4
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always
We are living in an age when most people are busy seeking to juggle a multitude of demands upon their lives. There are responsibilities and commitments for family, work/career, church/volunteerism, personal care/development. upkeep of possessions, etc. It takes a secure knowledge of God’s will and purpose for our lives to bring a balance to those demands that brings satisfaction and fulfillment.(family/career/church)
4. Are you satisfied with the results from the time you are giving to your major life commitments? #5
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always
We were created by God to have joy-filled lives despite our circumstances because of the vital relationship with Jesus Christ. True Joy comes in being who God created us to be and doing the things He ordains for us to do?
5. Would you describe your life as a “Joyful” life?#6
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always
What is your Spiritual GPS location? (Enter your Score Now!) #7
- 0-5 “Help, I’m lost!”
- 6-10 “Don’t ask me!”
- 11-15 “Ahhh…that way!”
- 16-20 “We’re close!”
- 21-25 “Follow me!”