Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Pastoral Council Meeting
Pastoral Council Minutes
June 17, 2014 5:30 PM.
Parish Center
Present: Deacon Tom Sharrow, Joe Farry, Cecilia Holodak, Sharon Koegl, Fr. Bob Longobucco, Paul O’Brien, Mary O’Brien, Celeste Rossetti, Mary Jo Pierpont, Larry Grimmer, Karen Mills, Carl Garkowski, Anne Pomeroy
Dinner served – Deacon Tom Sharrow Top Chef. Anne Pomeroy’s farewell – she was thanked and congratulated on her 20 years of service.
Opening Prayer: Paul O’Brien
Annual Meeting Reports: Secretary Treasurer of the Parish, Father Bob, present along with both trustees, Larry Grimmer and Sharon Koegl. Most Reverant Bishop Scharfenberger and Very Reverant Vicar General Father Furano both absent due to prior commitments. Annual meeting reports were reviewed by each member. Parish Council members impressed and supportive of the amount and variety of ministries that are ongoing in the parish.
Council Membership: Mary O’Brien and Mary Jo Pierpont have completed their terms on the parish council. Geoffrey Buckingham has moved and Anne Pomeroy has retired. There will be four open positions on the council in September. Any parish member may be nominated or self-nominate for the upcoming open positions. Council members were asked to spread the word that these positions need to be filled. Paul O’Brien’s term as president completed. A motion to nominate Joe Farry for President was made first by Paul O’Brien and 2nd by Celeste Rossetti. Motion passed unanimously. Joe Farry elected as new Parish Council President. Joe Farry’s term as Vice Chair completed. A motion to nominate Celeste Rossetti as Vice Chair was made first by Mary Jo Pierpont and 2nd by Paul O’Brien. Motion passed unanimously. Celeste Rossetti elected as Vice Chair. Mary O’Brien’s term as secretary completed. Motion to nominate Karen Mills as secretary made first by Cecilia Rossetti and 2nd by Joe Farry. Motion passed unanimously. Karen Mills elected as Secretary.
Bridges Out of Poverty: Paul O’Brien praised his recent training on Bridges Out of Poverty. He encouraged members to look into the training and discussed how it had opened his eyes to new ways of looking at poverty. Father Bob said that he will be attending the training in the fall and encouraged other members to join him.
State if the Parish: Father Bob reappointed Larry Grimmer and Sharon Koegl as Trustees of the parish. He spoke about the importance of this council as it oversaw the merger of St. Helen’s and Our Lady of Fatima. He thanked all members for their dedication and leadership that made this transition such a success. Father Michael’s hearing has been postponed until July 13. Father Bob said, “Each of us are not alright but we know that we (our parish) is alright.” All look forward to resolution regarding this issue.
Theme for Next Year: Father Bob proposed, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, as a Parish theme for next year. New theme unanimously accepted.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary O’Brien