English 11/Mrs. Soto
August 2017
Dear Parents and Students,
This will be a year of setting and achieving goals, as well as using literature to develop writing and analytical skills.These skills will not only prepare students for tests, but also for college and other post-high school endeavors. Please be advised the academic and behavioral expectations for this class are demanding and difficult. A high level of maturity and strong work ethic are to be displayed by each student at all times while in my classroom. Before we begin our year together, please take the time to read through the following information about this course.
Rules and Policies
1. Materials: My Perspective workbook and novel need to be brought to class EVERYDAY, as well as loose-leaf paper and blue or black ink pens. Students will be responsible for taking daily notes and keeping track of assignments, handouts, and returned work. A folder designated for English purposes is recommended but not mandatory. Participation points will be deducted for materials not brought to class.
2. Participation: Students are required to participate multiple times during the school week in order to receive full points. Points may be earned by reading aloud during class, sharing written responses during class discussion, or offering analytical feedback on reading assignments, Points can be deducted for the following reasons: not bringing materials, sleeping, being off task, or being disrespectful and/or disruptive during the lesson. Full points are not rewarded for simply being present.
3. Routine Assignments/Make-up Work: All papers must be labeled appropriately (name, date, period, title). No name=No credit. Also, no late work will be accepted. Any assignment (including projects) not turned in on time will result in a zero. Students who are at school before or after my class on a day not in attendance, will not be able to turn in work the following day. (Students who are absent due to field trips or assemblies must still turn in work on required date.) It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and to arrange a time to make-up missed quizzes. I will not track students down to give make-up work in events of absences.
4. Attendance: Regular attendance is necessary in order to achieve success in this course. This includes arriving to class on time. All school attendance and tardy policies will be enforced. Assignments and/or assessments missed due to unexcused absences or lateness will not be accepted. (Truant-R; Other-O; Suspension-S are considered unexcused) Students will have as many days to make-up work as they were gone. If a student is absent on a day an assignment is due, the assignment will be due at the beginning of class on the day he/she returns.
5. Assessments: Assessment of student knowledge will include: essays, tests, and quizzes both in printed and digital form. Talking or any form of communication, including passing notes or texting will not be permitted; scores will result in a zero for students who violate this rule (even if those students involved have already turned in their assessment).
6. Honesty and Integrity: Students are expected to demonstrate academic honesty and personal integrity. Students who are caught cheating, “sharing,” copying or plagiarizing the work of others will receive zero points and face a referral.
Grading Scale
Students’ grades will be based upon a cumulative point system throughout the semester. To keep in accordance with the English Department policy, the following grade scale will be in effect. I DO NOT round percentages up.
A+ 100%-97% / B+ 89%-87% / C+ 79%-77% / D+ 69%-67% / F 59%-belowA 96%-93% / B 86%-83% / C 76%-73% / D 66%-63%
A- 92%-90% / B- 82%-80% / C- 72%-70% / D- 62%-60%
Core Material
" My Perspecitive English Language Arts Textbook
" The Crucible by Arthur Miller
" Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
" The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Technology Agreement
This class is designed to reflect a classroom of the 21st Century. Students will work regularly with a digital textbook and online resources. A set of crome books will be provided for in-class use. All students will be given the ‘Acceptable Use Policy for the Use of Electronic Information Resources in RUSD Schools’ contract and will be required to return the contract signed by both the student and guardian before given access to computers.
Permission to View Films
Occasionally, movies are used in the classroom in order to illustrate a particular curricular-related concept. Films may be shown in clips or in their entirety to complement the literature we study. Please let me know in advance if you would prefer your child work on another assignment as an alternative.
*Back to School Night: Thursday, September 7, 2017
*As always, students should focus on reaching Raider Goals.
Thank you for your cooperation in assisting me with the learning experience in this class. I am confident this will be a successful year for everyone. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with any questions of concerns. Email is the fastest way to reach me.
ClassroomPhone / (626) 965-3448 Ext:
Email /
Schedule / English 9H: 3rd; 5th period; English 11: 2nd, 4th period; Pep Squad: 7th period
Melissa Soto
English Department
Rowland High School
My signature below indicates that as a student in Mrs. Soto’s English 11 class, I understand and agree to the requirements and classroom conduct policy as outlined in the syllabus and will review the information with my parent/guardian.
Student Name Printed______Period ______
Student Signature______Date______
My signature below indicates that as a student in Mrs. Soto’s English 11 class, I understand and agree to the requirements and classroom conduct policy as outlined in the syllabus and will review the information with my parent/guardian.
Student Name Printed______Period ______
Student Signature______Date______
My signature below indicates that as a student in Mrs. Soto’s English 11 class, I understand and agree to the requirements and classroom conduct policy as outlined in the syllabus and will review the information with my parent/guardian.
Student Name Printed______Period ______
Student Signature______Date______
My signature below indicates that as a student in Mrs. Soto’s English 11 class, I understand and agree to the requirements and classroom conduct policy as outlined in the syllabus and will review the information with my parent/guardian.
Student Name Printed______Period ______
Student Signature______Date______