Information & Research Officer
Job Description
Responsible To:CEO
Rotherham Healthwatch (HWR) is an independent body which represents and makes known the views of local people on health and social care services. In addition to this function Healthwatch Rotherham also provides information and signposting to Health and social care services. For Healthwatch to carry out its role, it undertakes engagement activities within the Rotherham Borough. The aim is to improve health services and the experience of service users and make recommendations for new and better service delivery.
Job Purpose:
Developing and sustaining an information, advice and signposting service.
HWR is a public facing organisation with community engagement at its heart, therefore all employees are expected to participate in our public events and activities, and to work flexibly across teams to deliver our services and our vision. To support this, the role is being advertised as office-based, although with the recognition that there may be travel to meet with clients and providers across the borough.
Key Accountabilities:
- Developing a comprehensive on-line directory of services for the with appropriate web links to services within and outside Rotherham borough, including national information and helplines.
- In cooperation with voluntary organisations and community groups developing information distribution networks and identifying and utilising existing systems including any existing email networks in order to publicise Healthwatch Rotherham and its member agencies.
- Developing a centre based information, advice and signposting servicethat has effective links and referral systems to relevant services acrossRotherham that is effectively coordinated with other information servicesso that local people can make informed choices about health, social careand other associated services and that improves people’s understandingof their rights.
- Working in collaboration with the Community Engagement Officers torecruit, train and support volunteer Healthwatch Champions to deliveroutreach information, advice and signposting services from communityvenues – particularly aimed at ‘seldom heard groups’ in the communitysuch as young people, people in work and isolated communities.
- Working to coordinate an independent NHS complaints advocacyservice that works in partnership with local PALS services and complaintsmanagers and advocates. Alsohaving an overview of the case management of Healthwatch advocacy andmediation activities.
- Assisting the Healthwatch staff team in the organisation of stakeholderevents and public consultation meetings, exhibitions and conferences invarious geographical locations and aimed at different sectors of thepopulation.
- Supporting Healthwatch Rotherham with research-based evidence, dataand statistics relating to local health and social care provision and detailedanalysis of Healthwatch service users to enable evaluation byHealthwatch Rotherham, Healthwatch England and the CQC.
- Developing with Healthwatch staff and members articles for placement inlocal media/newspapers, and in the newsletters/communications of statutory, voluntary and communityorganisations.
- Contributing to the production of evidence based reports, including HWR Annual Report, withrecommendations for the Healthwatch Board to inform their work plan.
- Liaising with other local and national Healthwatch services to identify bestpractice in research, information gathering and publicity.
- Undertaking administrative tasks necessary to achieve the outcomes.
- Undertaking any other duties as may be required within the scope of therole.
The jobholder should have previous experience in developing information andadvice giving services and carrying out research preferably within the contextof community development. Experience of working in a voluntaryorganisation, managing a website and in the production of newsletters orpublicity materials is highly desirable. Experience in complaints advocacywould be helpful.
Work experience- Experience in delivering advice, information and sign posting services in acommunity setting.
- Experience of collecting and organising community information in a paperor web based directory and liaising with a variety of community organisations
- Experience of recruiting, training and supporting volunteers from diversebackgrounds.
- Experience of organising community events, public meetings, seminars andworkshops.
- Experience of organising and prioritising a demanding workload
- Knowledge of information and advice particularly within a health and socialcare context.
- Knowledge of the voluntary and community and/or the health and socialcare sector especially in the Metropolitan Borough of Rotherham.
- Ability to communicate with, train and support a diverse range ofindividuals.
- The patience and listening skills to support people who have a complaint tomake against health or care providers.
- Ability to write, design and produce attractive leaflets, posters andinformation materials.
- Ability to maintain an attractive and informative website.
- Ability to use initiative, work unsupervised and be self- administrating.
- Ability to work as part of a team and support colleagues.
- A commitment to equality and diversity.
- To be creative and innovative but also willing to learn new skills.
- Adept in the use of Microsoft Windows and associated softwareapplications especially Word, Access, Excel and PowerPoint.
It is desirable that the post holder lives in the Rotherham area or within areasonable travelling distance of the offices in Rotherham. There will be some need to visit other organisations and projects acrossthe area and occasional travel to other parts of the country to attendconferences, meetings and training related to the national Healthwatchprogramme. Access to a car would be
highly desirable and travel expenses are paid.
It is essential that the post holder recognises that working with volunteers andcommunity groups will require flexibility in their working hours that will includeboth weekend and evening work. Very occasionally attendance at aconference or training may require an overnight stay