Location: Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Grand Chenier, Louisiana

Supervisor: Joseph Marty

Target Universities: Louisiana State University, McNeese State University, University of Louisiana Lafayette

Background: Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge (RWR) is a 71,000-acre refuge managed by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF). LDWF has conserved the wildlife and habitat on RWR through biologicalmanagementfor more than 100 years. Today, the refuge serves as a test site for marsh management strategies to limit saline encroachment, reverse marsh deterioration, and provide productive wildlife habitat. Avian biologist recently deployed artificial nest boxes throughout RWR in an attempt to provide breeding habitat for Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (BBWD). Little is known about how BBWD or other wildlife species are utilizing these boxes. A comprehensive evaluation of nest box use will help biologists understand breeding propensity and nest success on RWR.

Project Scope: The student intern will work full time to conduct an extensive evaluation of artificial nest box use by BBWD and other wildlife species on RWR. Biologists will clean nest boxes prior the start of breeding season and the student intern will closely monitor them using trail cameras, visual surveys, and periodic physical box checks. The intern will gain experience with survey design and implementation, egg candling, and other skills critical in the field of wildlife management. The student will also assist with BBWD banding efforts at RWR and must be able to lift 50lbs. to perform baiting operations. Data collection will require approximately 3-4 months of field work. The intern must be able to work long and irregular hour’s (pre-dawn and post-dusk daily). The intern must be willing to work in extreme heat and humidity and be able to tolerate mosquitoes and other biting insects while working in the field. The intern must be able to take detailed notes for data collection and be proficient with Microsoft Office Excel program. At the end of the summer, the student intern will compose a research paper outlining BBWD nest box use, breeding propensity, nest success, and predation by wildlife species on RWR.

Timing: 14 May–10 August 2018, Full Time

Housing: Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge will provide housing

Compensation: College credit will be contingent upon university approval. Students receive financial compensation at the rate of $10/hr.

Application deadline: 17 March 2018

Send cover letter and resume to:

Joseph R. Marty, Ph.D.

Biologist Supervisor

Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

5476 Grand Chenier Hwy

Grand Chenier, LA 70643

Email: (preferred)