IE 722 Material Handleing system (2005, Fall)

Professor : Hark Hwang Tel. 3113

Teaching Assistant: Young Joo Kim Tel. 3153

A. Conventional Warehouse

A-1. C. Kallina and J. Lynn, “Application of the cube-per-order index rule for stock location in a distribution warehouse”, Interfaces, 7, 37-46 (1976)

A-2. H.Hwang, Yong Hui Oh, and Chun Nam Cha, “A Stock Location Rule for a Low Level Picker-to-Part System”, Engineering Optimization, V.35, N.3, 285-295, (2003)

A-3. Wilson, “Order quantity, product popularity, and the location of stock in a warehouse”, AIIE Trans., 9, 230-237 (1977)

* A-4. C.G. Petersen II and R.W.Schmenner, “An evaluation of routing and volume-based storage policies in an order picking operation”, Decision Sciences, V.30, N.2 (1999)

A-5. H. Hwang, Y.H. Oh, Y.K. Lee, “An Evaluation of Routing Policies for Order Picking in Low-Level Picker-to-Part Warehousing System”, IJPR, V.42, N.18, 3873-3889, (2004) (Y.H. Oh)

A-6. M.B.M. De Koster, E.S.Van Der Poort, and M. Wolters,” Efficient orderbatching methods in warehouse”, Int.J. of Prod. Res., Vol.37, No.7, 1479-1504, (1999) (D.G. Kim)

A-7. H.Hwang and Dong Guen Kim,” Order-Batching Heuristics based on Cluster Analysis in Low-Level Picker-to-Part Warehousing System”, to appear in IJPR (D.G. Kim)

B. AS/RS Travel Time Model

B-1. W.H. Hausman, L.B. Schwarz, and S.C. Graves, “Optimal storage assignment in automatic warehousing systems,” Mgt. Sci., 22, 629-638 (1976)

B-2. M.J. Rosenblatt, and A.E. Eynan, “Deriving the optimal boundaries for class-based automatic storage/retrieval systems,” Mgt. Sci., V.35, N.12, 1519-1524 (1989)

B-3. Y.A. Bozer and J.A. White, “Travel-time models for automated storage/retrieval systems” , IIE Trans., 16, 329-338 (1984)

B-4. H. Hwang and C.S. Ko, “A study on multi-aisle system served by a single S/R machine”, I.J.P.R., 26, 1727-1737 (1988)

B-5. D.T. Chang, U.P.Wen, and J.T. Lin, “The impact of acceleration/deceleration on travel-time models for automated storage/retrieval systems”, IIE Trans., V.27, N.1,108-111 (1995)


C-1. * HAND OUT *

C-2. H. Hwang and J.W. Ha, “Cycle time models for single/double carousel system”, I. J. P. E., 25, 129-140 (1991)

C-3. J.W. Ha and H. Hwang, “Class-based storage assignment policy in carousel system”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, V.26, N.3, 489-499 (1994)

* C-4. H. Hwang, Y.K. Song and K.H. Kim, ” The impact of acceleration/deceleration on travel time models for carousel systems”, to appear in computers and Industrial Engineering

D. AS/RS Operation

D-1. H. Hwang, R. Baek, and M.K. Lee, “Clustering algorithms for order picking in an automated storage and retrieval system,” I.J.P.R., 26, 189-201 (1988)

D-2. H. M. Hong et al.,“On Sequencing retrivals In an AS/RS system,” IIE Trans., March (1987)

D-3. H. Hwang and J.M. Lim, “Deriving an optimal dwell point of the storage/retrieval machine in an automated storage/retrieval system”, I. J. P. R., V.31, N.11, 2591-2602 (1993)

* D-4. Van den Berg JP, Gademann AJRM, “Optimal routing in an automated storage/retrieval system with dedicated storage”, IIE Trans., V.31, N.5, 407-415, May (1999)

E. AS/RS Design

E-1. Karasawa, Nakayama, & Dohi, “Trade-off analysis for optimal design of automated warehouses,” Int. J. of Sys. Sci., 11, 567-576 (1980)

* E-2. Hwang et al., “An economic design of refrigerated automated storage and retrieval systems”, Eng. Opt., 32, 249-266 (1999)

E-3. Bozer & White, “Design and performance models for end-of-aisle order picking systems”, Mgt. Sci., 36(7), July (1990) (C. Bum)

E-4. Bozer & White, “A generalized design and performance analysis model for end-of-aisle order-picking systems”, IIE Trans., 28, 271-280 (1996) (C. Bum)

E-5. Rosenblatt, Roll and Zyser, “A combined optimization and simulation approach for designing automated storage/retrieval systems,” IIE Trans., V.25, N.1, 40-50 (1993)

F. Palletizing

F-1. Smith & DeCani, “An algorithm to optimize the layout of boxes in pallets,” J. of O.R Soc., 31, 573-578 (1980)

F-2. Steudel, “Generating pallet loading patterns: a special case of the two-dimensional cutting stock problem,” Mgt. Sci., 25, 997-1004 (1979)

F-3. Tsai R.D.,et al.,“A two-Dimensional Palletizing Procedure for Warehouse Loading Operations,” IIE Tr.,Vol.20,No.4, 418-425, (1988)

* F-4. Chen et al.,“The pallet packing problem for non-uniform box sizes”,I. J. P. R., V.29, N.10 (1991)

* F-5. Tsai et al., “Three dimensional palletization of mixed box size”, IIE Trans., V.25, N.4, July (1993)

G. Conveyor & Hoist

G-1. Muth, “Analysis of closed-loop conveyor systems, the discrete flow case,” AIIE Trans., 6, 73-83 (1974)

G-2. Muth, “Modeling and system analysis of multistation closed-loop conveyors,” I.J.P.R., 13, 559-566 (1975)

G-3. Muth, “A model of a closed-loop conveyor with random material flow,” AIIE Trans., 9, 345-351 (1977)

G-4. Phillips & Unger, “Mathematical programming solution of a hoist scheduling program,” AIIE Trans., 8, 219-225 (1976)


H-1. Maxwell & Muckstadt, “Design of automatic guided vehicle systems,” IIE Trans., 14, 114-124 (1982)

* H-2. Kaspi, Tanchoco, “Optimal flow path design of unidirectional AGV systems,” I..J.P.R., V.28, N.6, 1023-1030, (1990)

H-3. C. W. Kim, Tanchoco, “Conflict-free shortest-time bidirectional AGV routeing,” I.J.P.R., V.29, N.12, 2377-2391 (1991) (D.W. Choi)

H-4. Sinriech, Tanchoco, “An economic model for determining AGV fleet size,” I.J.P.R., V.30, N.6, 1255-1268 (1992) (D.W. Choi)

* H-5. Chen et al., “Design and Operation of Single-Loop Dual-Rail inter-bay Material Handling System”, IJPR, 37(10), (1999)

H-6. H. Hwang and S. H. Kim, “Development of Dispatching Rules for Automated Guided Vehicle systems”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 17(2), (1998)

* I. FMS & Transfer Lines

* I-1. John J. Liu,“The periodic routeing of a flexible manufacturing system with centralized in-process inventory flows,”I.J.P.R., V.27, N.6, 943-951, (1989)

* I-2. Han et al.,“Throughput Rate Maximization In Flexible Manufacturing Cells,” IIE Trans., V.20, N.4, 409-417, (1988)

* I-3. Jafari & Shanthikumar, “Determination of optimal buffer storage capacities and optimal allocation in multistage automatic transfer lines,” IIE Trans., V.21, N.2, (1989)

J. Just-In-Time

J-1. Okamura & Yamashina, “A heuristic algorithm for the assembly line model-mix sequencing problem to minimize the risk of stopping the conveyor”, I. J. P. R., V.17, N.3, 233-247 (1979)

J-2. Miltenberg & Sinnamon, “Scheduling mixed model multi-level just-in-time production systems”, I. J. P. R., V.27, N.9, 1487-1509 (1989) (Y.J. Kim)

* J-3. Yano & Rachamadugu, “Sequencing to minimize work overload in assembly lines with product options”, Mgt. Sci., V.37, N.5, 572-586 (1991)

J-4. Miltenberg & Wijngaard, “The U-line balancing problem”, Mgt. Sci., V.40, N.10, 1378-1388 (1994)

(K.S. Jung)

J-5. Miltenberg, “Balancing U-lines in a multiple U-line facility”, E.J.O.R., V.109, 1-23, (1998)

(K.S. Jung)

K. Distribution Center and Vehicle Routing

K-1. “A methodology for cost versus service trade-offs in wholsale location-distribution using mathematical programming and analytic hierarchy process”, Journal of Business Logistics, V.18, N.2, (1997)

(K.S. Jung)

K-2. M. Candida & M. Rersa Almeida, “Low-bounding and heuristic methods for a refuse collection vehicle routing problem”, E.J.O.R., V.121, N.2, 420-434 (2000)

K-3. Marius M. Solomon, “Algorithms for the vehicle routing and scheduling problems with time window constraints”, Operations Research, V.35, N.2, 254-265 (1987) (C. Bum)

K-4. Jean-Yves Potvin & Jean-Marc rousseau, “A parallel route building algorithm for the vehicle routing and scheduling problem with time windows”, E.J.O.R., V.66, 331-340 (1993) (Y.J. Kim)

K-5. I-Ming Chao, Bruce L. Golden, Edward A. Wasil, “A fast and effective heuristic for the orienteering problem”, E.J.O.R, V.88, 475-489 (1996) (Y.J. Kim)

K-6. Irnich S, “A multi-depot pickup and delivery problem with a single hub and heterogeneous vehicles”, E.J.O.R., V.122, N.2, 310-328, (2000) (D.G. Kim)

K-7. Louis Y. Tsui & Chia-Hao Chang, “An optimal solution to a dock door assignment problem”, Com. And I.E., V.23, N.1-4, 283-286, (1992) (Y.H. Oh)

K-8. Gue K.R., “The effects of trailer scheduling on the layout of freight terminals”,Transportation Science, V.33, N.4, 419-428, (1999) (Y.H. Oh)