Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue

Executive Committee

P.O. Box 1604

Alamosa, CO81101

January 27, 2009

AVSAR Member Name:

Street Address:




Phone Contact:


Dear AVSAR Member:

Once signed, this letter shall serve as a contractual agreement between you, the recipient, and Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue (AVSAR). Before signing, please ensure you have read thisletter in its entirety, and that after signing, you keep this document in a safe place.

Thank you for participating in AVSAR’sprofessional equipment discount (Prodeal) program. This program is designed by outdoor equipment manufacturers to make their equipment more easily available to mountaineering professionals working in SAR or other rescue roles. Any AVSAR members with an active status, who have agreed to the terms in this contract, are allowed to participate in the professional discount program.

To participate in AVSAR’s Prodeal program, you must agree to the following terms:

(1)I understand that vendor participants intend for SAR members to buy allowable equipment at professional discounts for personal and SAR use only. I agree to never resell the items I acquire using professional discounts.

(2) I understand that vendor participants do not intend for AVSAR members to buy allowable equipment for anyone else including family members or friends even if it were to be a gift from the SAR member. I agree that all equipment I acquire through the Prodeal program will be for my personal SAR use only.

(3) In understand that purchases I make while participating in this program will be scrupulously documented and observed by both the vendor, the AVSAR program coordinator, and AVSAR’s Executive Committee. I agree to this rigorous record keeping as a means to keep AVSAR’s Prodeal program viable.

(4) I agree to not inform equipment retailers or their employees that I am participating in a Prodeal program. I WILL NOT DISCLOSE TO ANYONE WHILE SHOPPING OR BROWSING AT RETAIL OUTFITTERS THAT I AM A PARTICIPANT OF A PRODEAL PROGRAM. I agree that details of this contract and my participation in the Prodeal program are to remain confidential between myself, the AVSAR program coordinator, and the equipment vendor.

(5) I certify that all future purchases I make through AVSAR’s Prodeals program will comply with the above terms, and if any particular vendor has modified rules to their particular professional discount program, I will comply with that vendor’s terms when purchasing from that vendor.

(6) I agree that failure to meet the five terms listedpreviously will result in AVSAR Executive Officers and the AVSAR team taking any or all of the following actions:

(a) Nothing.

(b) Termination of participation in AVSAR’s Prodeals program.

(c) Suspension of AVSAR membership.

(d) Termination of AVSAR membership.

(7) Lastly, I agree that failure to meet the first five terms of this contract may result in criminal legal charges filed by the Alamosa Sheriff’s Office regarding appropriate fraud charges, and / or vendor companies seeking compensation and damages through litigation.

On behalf of Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue’s Executive Committee,

Kevin Wright, Director, Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue

George Rapoza, Assistant Director, Professional Discounts Program Coordinator

Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue

I have read the above letter and contractual agreement, and I agree to its terms.


Signed: Date:

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