NEWS RELEASE-The regularly scheduledmeeting for Decemberwas held at the Santa Fe High Schoolat Alma and was called to order by Board President John Zitelmanon the 9th, 2010 at 6:00 pm. For the opening of the meeting, the mission statement was read and the consent agenda was approved.
Dr. Barnett reviewed the independent school audit with the board. The Audit Communication Letter from the auditors, Gerding, Korte, and Chitwood, CPA was read and discussed. There were no deficiencies considered to be material weaknesses. Deficiencies considered to be significant were evaluated and noted as either addressed or marked for further review. The Board approved the audit for the 2010 school year. Patrons may view, obtain, or request additional information regarding the audit at the Superintendent’s Office of the Santa Fe School District in Alma. A Statement of Revenues Collected, Expenditures Paid, and Changes in Fund Balances for Year Ended June, 30 2010 will be published in the Santa Fe Times newspaper for public review.
District goals were reviewed with the wording of one objective to be revised. The objective is 2h and was changed to read, “Maintain Dual Credit Options.” The Board approved the district goals revision.
The District’s Annual Performance Report (APR) was presented by Dr. Barnett. Based on the APR results, Santa Fe R-X has received the Distinction in Performance Award for the tenth consecutive year. Fewer than 5% of the total school districts in Missouri have earned the recognition for 10 straight years. The Board approved the program review of the APR.
Mrs. Amy Tieman, Santa Fe Elementary Principal, presented information regarding Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) scores and strategies to improve scores. Mrs. Tieman and elementary staff are spending considerable hours outside of the school day each week to strategize and plan for implementation of MAP score improvement techniques. Mrs. Tieman also presented modifications to the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). The updated CSIP plan was approved by the Board.
Updates to Santa Fe School Board Policy provided by Missouri Consultants for Education (MCE) were approved. Most of the updates were mandated changes with optional updates strongly recommended by MCE.
Mr. Burton, Santa Fe High School Principal, presented positive comments and thanks:
--Thank you to all community members who bought fruit from the FFA. Your support is greatly appreciated.
--Congratulations to the following volleyball players: All-conference—Molly Sander, Chelsea Winter, and Lauren Zitelman. All District—Molly Sander, Anna Sleeper, Chelsea Winter, and Lauren Zitelman. All-Regional—Molly Sander, Chelsea Winter, and Lauren Zitelman. All-State—Molly Sander.
--Congratulations to the following football players: All conference-Ross Tieman, William Laws, Tyler Wilkinson, Corey Fitzwater, Cody Schmidt, Dalton Wilkinson, Matt Bodenhamer, Brett Giffen. All District-Corey Fitzwater, Tyler Wilkinson, William Laws, Ross Tieman, Matt Bodenhamer. Dream Team-Ross Tieman, Tyler Wilkinson, Corey Fitzwater. All-State-Ross Tieman, Tyler Wilkinson, William Laws. Academic All-State: Ben Nienhueser.
--Thank you to Matt Engelbrecht for bringing straw for the Alma Christmas
--Thank you to Drake farms for the tractor for the hayride and thanks to Jacob Drake for driving it for the Alma Christmas.
--Thank you to Peter Loth for coming and talking to our kids about the Holocaust.
Mr. Burton also recognized a Thank You letter from Fitzgibbon Hospital, Marshall, stating appreciation to students and staff of Santa Fe for raising $362.50 in support of “Hats off to Cancer.”
Mrs. Amy Tieman, Santa Fe Elementary Principal, presented elementary news, attendance and discipline data, and positive accomplishments and thanks:
--Thank you to Cristi Drake and all of her volunteers for hosting the Santa Shoppe for our children to have fun “shopping” for their families for Christmas.
--Congratulations to our students, staff, and Ms. Capps for a super Christmas program this week. We appreciate all of the volunteers who also helped with decorations and such to make it a fun evening.
--Fifth/Sixth-grade basketball practice has started and the kids are working hard under the direction of Mr. Mark Blomberg and Mrs. Tina Burton.
The Board entered executive session to approve hiring of Shannon Templeton for a high school cook’s position.
The next board meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on January 13, 2011.