(Affiliated to ASA North West Region)



Season 2013




(Affiliated to ASA North West Region)




76 Westview, Littleborough,

Lancashire, OL15 0JD

Telephone: 01706 372246




2 Bedford Avenue, Worsley, Manchester M28 7GG

Telephone: 0161 790 2067



B.Cadwell, Mrs.E.Ford, Mrs.D.Stafford

G.Wynne, B.P.Smith, L.R.Baddley & A.Stafford


J.Fraser, J.W.Hallwood, Mrs.G.Chadwick

N.Powers, J.Entwistle



30 Rydal Close, Tyldesley, Manchester M29 7EQ

Telephone: 01942 891902




167 Starring Way, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 8RE

Telephone: 01706 372498



Development/Age Group Committee



5 Ebor Close, High Crompton, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 7YR

Telephone: 01942 891902, Telephone: 01706 848047




G.Wynne L.R.Baddley

5 Ebor Close, High Crompton, 17 Belvedere Avenue,

Shaw, Oldham, OL2 7YR Atherton, Manchester M46 9LQ

Telephone: 01706 848047 Telephone: 01942 874734

Mobile: 07736 034043 Mobile: 07890 687014

Email: Email:


Mrs.B.Gendall B.Cadwell & J.W.Hallwood

4 Shalebrook Close


Atherton L.R.Baddley

Manchester Telephone: 01942 878875

Telephone: 01942 892658 Email:


L.R.Baddley Mrs.E.Kidd

Telephone: 01942 874734 Telephone: 0161 790 2067

Email: Email:


Mrs.Y.Kelley & Mrs.J.D.Stafford

Telephone: 01457 838583

Telephone: 01942 891902


Any proposal to change an Association By-Law may only be considered at a monthly Council meeting, providing that the proposed change has been notified to Council at the Council meeting immediately prior to the meeting when the change is proposed.

All changes will require a simple majority of those members voting to be approved.


99.1 The annual subscription shall be £30.00 to be paid before the end of January. Clubs wishing to withdraw from the Association shall give notice in writing to the Association Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting or be liable for the current year’s subscription.

99.2 A late payment fee of £10.00 shall be payable for all affiliation fees not received by the end of January


100.1 All nominations for Life Membership of the Association to be forwarded to the Association Secretary prior to the November Council Meeting in order that the Sub-Committee may make recommendation whether the name of the nominee is to be put forward to the December Council Meeting.

100.2 The criteria for Life Membership are as follows:

100.2.1 To have given outstanding service to the Association for 10 years or more

100.2.2 Seniority of the person nominated to be taken into consideration.

100.3 The Sub-Committee to comprise of:

President President Elect

Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer




101.1 The Senior Swimming Competition shall take place annually between 1st March and 31st October.

101.2  Clubs shall meet each other twice (home and away) each season.

101.3  Entry fees shall be £18.00 to be paid by the end of January.

101.4 All competing Clubs in the Senior Swimming League must swim the complete Order of Events as below:

1.  Junior Gents 4 x 2 Freestyle Squad

2.  Junior Ladies 4 x 2 Freestyle Squad

3.  Gents 4 x 2 Individuals

4.  Ladies 4 x 2 Individuals

5.  Gents Intermediates 4 x 2 Freestyle Squad

6.  Ladies Intermediates 4 x 2 Freestyle Squad

7.  Junior Gents 4 x 2 Medley Squad

8.  Junior Ladies 4 x 2 Medley Squad

9.  Gents 4 x 2 Freestyle Squad

10. Ladies 4 x 2 Freestyle Squad

11. Gents Intermediates 4 x 2 Medley Squad

12. Ladies Intermediates 4 x 2 Medley Squad

13. Junior Gents 4 x 2 Individuals

14. Junior Ladies 4 x 2 Individuals

15. Gents 4 x 2 Medley Squad

16. Ladies 4 x 2 Medley Squad

101.5 Once League competition fixtures are commenced they shall be continued without break until the League fixtures are concluded, except in special circumstances and then only with the consent of the Association Official in charge and the Captain or Manager of both teams.

101.6 Each Club shall be required, before the end of January, to submit the time at which they propose to commence league fixtures for approval of Council.

101.7 Any Club causing a contest to commence late must be reported to the Association and such Clubs be fined £25.00, if unable to show just cause.

N.B. The before going to apply to home or away teams.

101.8 The fixtures shall be mutually arranged prior to the February Council Meeting, and all Clubs must hand to the League Organiser a list of fixtures prior to this meeting, to be received prior to the start of the meeting. Any Club failing to do so shall be fined £25.00.

101.9 Clubs shall be allowed double or triple fixtures if they so wish.

101.10 A list of persons competent to act as Referees shall be adopted at the Annual General Meeting but additions may be made at any ordinary meeting of the Council.

101.11 Referees shall be appointed by the Organiser of the Senior Swimming League Competition. The home team shall pay him his expenses, as defined in A.S.A. Laws. Clubs failing to comply with this By-Law shall be fined £25.00 in addition to the Referee’s Expenses. No Referee shall act as such in a competition in which his own Club is taking part, unless by the consent of both teams, such consent shall be in writing.

N.B. – This By-Law shall not apply to the Association Secretary if he is on the list of Official Referees.

101.12 Home Club shall be responsible for confirming fixtures with all appointed officials seven days prior to the fixture. In the event of the Home Club not being able to contact any of the appointed officials personally or any of the appointed officials being not available, the Home Club shall report the facts to the Organiser of the Swimming League Competition six days prior to the fixture. The penalty for any breach of this By-Law shall be £25.00.

101.13 Maximum Admittance Charge at Galas - £2.00 (including Programme)

101.14 All Juniors to be under 17 years and all Intermediates to be under 20 years on 31st October in year of competition.

101.15 The Gents, Ladies, Gents Intermediates, Ladies Intermediates, Junior Gents and Junior Ladies Freestyle Squads will consist of four swimmers to swim two lengths of the bath Freestyle.

101.16 The Gents, Ladies, Junior Gents and Junior Ladies Medley Squads will consist of four swimmers each to swim two lengths of the bath. The order of swim to be: 1 – Backstroke, 2 – Breaststroke, 3 – Butterfly, 4 – Freestyle.

101.17 The Gents, Ladies, Junior Gents and Junior Ladies Individuals shall consist of four individual races in the following order: 1 – Backstroke, 2 – Breaststroke, 3 – Butterfly, 4 – Freestyle. No swimmer may swim more than one style.

101.18 All races in the Individuals shall be swum from scratch and to follow each other immediately, all swimmers taking part in these races to be on the side of the bath before the first race starts.

101.19 The Team Manager or Captain will furnish the Referee, after the competition but on the date of the competition, with a completed Team Sheet and a certificate confirming By-Law 1001.1 has been complied with. The Home Club must forward the Team Sheets and certificates, together with the Result Sheets, within seven days to the Organiser of the Swimming League Competition, who shall keep a record of all competitors taking part in the Association Competitions. Clubs failing to comply with this By-Law shall be fined £25.00.

101.20 Any Club being unable to field a complete team for any fixture shall forfeit the points to the opposing teams in the events concerned

101.21 A Club failing to fulfil any of its fixtures without just cause on the date fixed shall be fined £25.00 and suspended from the competition.

101.22 All protests against the eligibility of a competitor shall be forwarded within seven days of the match to the Association Secretary, accompanied by a fee of £25.00. Such fee shall be forfeited if the protest be considered frivolous. The protesting Club must notify the Referee within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the contest.

101.23 Any Club found guilty of including an ineligible competitor for any fixture shall be fined £25.00 and the points awarded to the opposing teams in the events concerned.

101.24 The Club gaining the most points in the League Fixture will be awarded 2 points. In the event of both Clubs scoring the same number of points in the League Fixture will be awarded 1 point.

101.25 Points awarded for the individuals shall be 1 point for a win and ½ point for a dead heat.

101.26 The swimmer recording the highest number of points and the Runners-up for each style in the Gents, Ladies, Junior Gents, and Junior Ladies Individuals shall be awarded suitable mementos.

101.27 Points awarded for each squad event in the Senior Swimming League Competition shall be two points for a win, one point for a dead heat and ½ point for second place.

101.28 In the event of a tie between two or more teams for overall Champions of the league, the number of points gained in the League fixtures will be taken into consideration.

101.29 Cases arising out of breaches of By-Laws of this Association, or in connection with the fixtures which transpire before the end of each month, shall be decided in the presence or absence of those concerned at the following meeting. Fines inflicted must be paid within 21 days, failing which, the Club concerned shall take no further part in any competitions or business of the Association until the fines are paid.

101.30 The League Champions and Runners-up of each Competition shall be presented with four Medals, or other mementos, of such value as the Council shall determine.

101.31 In the event of a tie for first place at the end of the season, the Clubs concerned in the tie shall be declared Joint Champions with no Runners-up being declared. In the event of more than one Club tying for Second Place the Clubs concerned in the tie shall be declared Joint Runners-up.

101.32 In the event of two or more competitors tying with the same number of points in the Individuals, the competitors concerned shall be declared Joint Winners and awarded suitable mementos with no Runners-up being declared. In the event of more than one swimmer tying for Runners-up the swimmers concerned shall be declared Joint Runners-up and awarded suitable mementos.

101.33 In the event of a Club withdrawing or being suspended from the League during the season, their record of points shall be expunged from the League tables.

101.34 The Home Club will make available to each opposing Club a copy of the Result Sheet at the end of each fixture. Any Club failing to do so shall be fined £25.00.


201.1 The Intermediate Swimming League Competition shall take place annually between 1st March and 31st October.

201.2 Entries to be made to the Association Secretary by the end of January.

201.3 Entry Fee to be £18.00 to be paid by the end of January.

201.4 The Competition shall consist of one or more Divisions depending on the number of Clubs entered, with a maximum of nine in each Division.

201.5 Teams shall meet each other once each season. The Intermediate Swimming League Organiser to arrange that each Club has the same number of Home and Away fixtures (where practicable)

201.6 Each Club will swim two swimmers in each Individual Event and one team in each Team Event.

201.7 New Teams entering the competition for the first time may only enter in the lowest Division.

201.8 The fixtures shall be mutually arranged prior to the February Council Meeting, and all Clubs must hand to the League Organiser a list of fixtures prior to this meeting, to be received prior to the start of the meeting. Any Club failing to do so shall be fined £25.00.

201.9 All protests against the eligibility of a competitor shall be forwarded within seven days of the match to the Association Secretary, accompanied by a fee of £25.00. Such fee shall be forfeited if the protest be considered frivolous. The protesting Club must notify the Referee within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the contest.

201.10 Cases arising out of breaches of By-Laws of this Association, or in connection with the fixtures which transpire before the end of each month, shall be decided in the presence or absence of those concerned at the following meeting. Fines inflicted must be paid within 21 days, failing which, the Club concerned shall take no further part in any competitions or business of the Association until the fines are paid.

201.11 Order of Events to be as follows:

Odd Numbers 1 to 35 – Girls Events

Even Numbers 2 to 36 – Boys Events

Event 37 – Mixed Event

1 / 2 11 years & under 2 lengths Backstroke

3 / 4 13 years & under 2 lengths Breaststroke

5 / 6 15 years & under 2 lengths Butterfly

7 / 8 11 years & under 2 lengths Freestyle

9 / 10 13 years & under 2 lengths Backstroke

11 / 12 15 years & under 2 lengths Breaststroke

13 / 14 11 years & under 2 lengths Butterfly

15 / 16 13 years & under 2 lengths Freestyle

17 / 18 15 years & under 2 lengths Backstroke

19 / 20 11 years & under 2 lengths Breaststroke

21 / 22 13 years & under 2 lengths Butterfly

23 / 24 15 years & under 2 lengths Freestyle

25 / 26 11 years & under 4 x 1 Medley Relay

27 / 28 13 years & under 4 x 1 Freestyle Relay

29 / 30 15 years & under 4 x 1 Medley Relay

31 / 32 11 years & under 4 x 1 Freestyle Relay

33 / 34 13 years & under 4 x 1 Medley Relay

35 / 36 15 years & under 4 x 1 Freestyle Relay

37  Mixed Freestyle Cannon (1 Girl, 1 Boy from each Age Group) 6 x 1 length Freestyle Relay in the order of 11 years & under, 13 years & under, 15 years & under.