Wednesday, February 20, 2013–7:00 Pm – 9:00 PM
Lightning Room – Appleton North high School
- Call To Order
- Roll Call
Jodi Schabo, Brad Klitzke, Angie Laux, Michelle Henrikson, Mark Cochrane Jason Vanden Berg
- Decisions Made at last meeting (or since last meeting)
- See Minutes
- Approval Of 1/16/13Meeting’s Minutes
- Financial Report
- Open Business
- Meet with Ross VanHandel and Steve Hoeft
- Discuss March 24 tournament.
- Discuss outcome of 5th/6th State Prep Tournament.
- Review parent survey
- Mark C. and Jason met with Joe to talk about the relationship with the high school. They will give an update on the meeting. Joe will be attending the meeting as well.
- Discuss Joe (or a high school representative) joining the Board.
- How do we help the third grade team for next season? How do we get word out to all grades?
- Discuss bringing Tim to March meeting to potentially join the Board.
- Discuss financial checks and balances at tournaments and in general for the club.
- Discuss recommendation to HOVL for only two weekends of games. Talk about if we want/need to host.
- Open Business for a different meeting
- Discuss Concessions for high school scrimmage…who should work it?
- The Board discussed ANGBC membership eligibility. We agreed to review the WSCIT guidelines and intend to add them to the AGNBC policy.
- Define list of tasks that Mark B. managed and determine who to divide up the work
- In addition to, should we advertise on next season?
- Coaching guidelines. Can we find a board member to put these together? Create a library of resources for coaches at each level.
- Idea: Youth get in free to varsity games.
- Idea: Include jersey as part of enrollment fee.
- Idea: Make the club contribution to the high school dependent on the number of home tournaments where the high school girls are scorekeepers.
- Idea: Get rid of the summer picnic and make the parent/annual meeting in September more of an event. Joe can speak to the parents and some of the high school players can attend.
- Adjournment
- Adjourn Meeting