Funding for IT Projects Supporting Disadvantaged Groups (UK)
Funding is available to organisations with innovative IT related project ideas that can make a positive difference to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups - in the UK, developing countries and around the world. The funding is available through the Nominet Trust. The aim of the Trust is to fund innovative Internet projects that make a positive difference to the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people, primarily in terms of education, safety and inclusion. The Trust is particularly interested in funding projects that can be scaled up and replicated. There is no minimum grant application and applications for over £100,000 require an interview. Organisations wishing to apply need initially to complete and online eligibility questionnaire. Those organisations deemed successful will be provided with a link to a more detailed application form.
Previously projects supported through the Trust include:
· Dearham Primary School in Western Cumbria, to support their Internet Safety week for all pupils followed by pupil and parent workshops.
· The Everybody Online project which uses local champions to mobilize all available resources in a location to support new users of the internet and ensure internet usage delivers positive outcomes for individuals and the community.
For information on other projects supported by the Trust please go to
The next closing date for applications is on the 1st May 2012.
Funding for Youth Music Making Activities (England)
Youth Music, the UK's largest children's music charity has announced its grant making programme is once again open for applications.
Through its "Open Programme", grants of between £5,000 and £30,000 are available to support projects that provide music-making activities for children and young people in support of Youth Music's goals. Youth Music will fund any non profit-making organisation more than one year old that is committed to music-making activities for children and young people up to 18 (or up to 25 if they have special educational needs, disabilities or are in detention). Youth Music aims to support music making activities principally in out of school hours such as during weekends, holidays as well as in breakfast and after schools clubs.
Youth Music understands that programmes may need to begin in school hours especially if the proposal involves encouraging first time participation in music. To help with this, Youth Music will consider applications for programmes where up to 25% of the time is spent in school hours. The proposed programme should aim to encourage children and young people to eventually make music outside of school hours.
There is a two stage application process and the next closing date for stage 1 applications is 5pm on the 11th April 2012.
Music Grants for Older People (England & Wales)
The registered charity, Concertina makes grants to charitable bodies which provide musical entertainment and related activities for the elderly.
The charity is particular keen to support smaller organisations which might otherwise find it difficult to gain funding. Since its inception in 2004, it has made grants to a wide range of charitable organisations nationwide in England and Wales. These include funds to many care homes for the elderly to provide musical entertainment for their residents.
Some of the charities that have received grants from the charity include:
Age Concern, Exmouth which received a grant for entertainments for the elderly in Exmouth and surrounding areas.
Sue Ryder Care, Lancashire to fund access to music therapy workshops at Birchley Hall near Wigan and St Helen's.
The next application deadline is the 30th April 2012.
EAGA Charitable Trust Grant Programme (UK)
The EAGA Charitable Trust is a grant–giving trust that supports projects and research into the causes of fuel poverty and the promotion of energy efficiency the needs and preferences of vulnerable consumers. There is no minimum or maximum grant level that organisations can apply for and most grants last between two and three years. The Trust gives priority to funding proposals that have the potential to inform or influence national perceptions and policies and have a wide geographic focus.
A project that operates at a local level will only be considered for a grant if it: clearly demonstrates innovation:
· Identifies the policy relevance of the project
· Has wide applicability
· Has well developed evaluation and dissemination plans.
Previous projects funded include:
The development of a simple easy to use tool to help social housing providers in England and Wales identify homes that are energy inefficient and set targets for their improvement to ensure all homes are capable of delivering affordable energy.
The development of a methodology for predicting the level of fuel poverty in small areas. The Trustees meet three times a year to consider applications.
The next application deadline is the 14th May 2012.
Customer Donation Fund (UK)
Organisations that bank with the Co-operative Bank using their Community Directplus Bank Account, have the opportunity to apply for funding through the Bank’s Customer Donation Fund.
The Customer Donation Fund grows directly in relation to customers' deposits. For every £100 increase in collective balance held in Community Directplus accounts, the Co-operative Bank will add 20p to the fund. Then, twice a year, in April and October, the Bank will judge customers' applications for project funding and distribute a minimum of £5,000 amongst those customers that are successful. Every Community Directplus customer is entitled to make an application for funding for up to £1,000.
Previously successful projects include:
· Whiston Parish Council, which received a grant of £1,000 to purchase specialist equipment to make the village recreation ground more accessible to children with disabilities.
· Bradford's Buttershaw Millennium Green Trust, which is a not-for-profit organisation made up of people from the local community received a grant of £500 to launch a new community website, with the aim of promoting local events and encouraging a deeper sense of community.
The next closing date for applications is the 30th April 2012.,CFSweb/Page/Business-CommunityBanking
The Law Society Charity (UK)
The Law Society Charity, was set up in 1974 by the Law Society as a charitable fund. The Charity provides grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 to voluntary sector organisations for projects that:
· Promote Human Rights
· Access to Justice
· Legal Education.
Organisations supported in the past include:
· Youth Net which received funding towards the development of information to young people via alternative communication tools.
· The Legal Action Group which received funding towards the development of LAG's monthly magazine Legal Action.
· The NSPCC which received funding towards the 'Caring for Children in Court Appeal', part of the Young Witness Support Services.
The next deadline for applications is the 17th April 2012.
British and Foreign School Society Grant (UK)
The British & Foreign Schools Society (BFSS) offers charitable aid to educational projects in the UK and around the world by funding schools, other charities and educational bodies.
The Society supports organisations that reach out to children in remote or impoverished areas, improving inclusivity in education and providing much-needed facilities. The Society normally makes grants for educational projects totalling about £600,000 in any one year. Although a few grants are made to individuals, the majority (85% of grants) are made to schools, other charities and educational bodies.
The Trustees meet on a quarterly basis to consider applications.
Free Solar Panels for Schools (England, Scotland and Wales)
British Gas has announced that its “Free Solar Panels” programme is currently open for applications and is inviting schools in England, Scotland and Wales to register their interest in receiving free solar panels.
In total, British Gas is looking to install up to 150 free solar panel systems in primary and secondary schools and sixth form colleges that are located in England, Scotland and Wales. These will not only generate electricity for the schools but also help cut their carbon footprint. The money generated will then be used to install more solar panels in more schools.
Each winning school will win the following prize (subject to a satisfactory technical site survey):
· 1 Solar Photovoltaic Panel system (worth between £20,000 and approximately £160,000 per School) and installation
· 1 Smart meter
· 1 Solar Panel Display Unit.
The closing date for applications is 11:59pm on Friday 10thFebruary 2012.
Creative Enterprise Fund Opens for Applications (Scotland)
Creative Scotland and Young Scot have launched a new fund to support young people, aged 15-22, in activities which allow them to flourish within the creative industries. The Creative Enterprise Fund can offer awards of up to £200 for individuals or £750 for groups of three of more young people, where two thirds of any group are aged between 15-22. The Creative Enterprise Fund aims to encourage enterprising and innovative ideas and assist young people to become creative leaders and can support a variety of creative ventures such as running a local youth dance class; produce a theatre productions; and kick start a career in Filmmaking, etc.
The closing date for applications is the 12th March 2012.
Irish Youth Foundation Grants (UK)
Organisations in the UK that work to improve the lives of Irish children and young people in the UK are able to apply for funding through the Irish Youth Foundation. The grants available fall into two categories:
· Small Grants up to £2,500
· Standard Grants for over £2,500 and up to £12,000 (£5,000 in Northern Ireland).
The Foundation supports a wide range of activities including:
· help for the homeless
· employment and training schemes
· combating domestic violence and discrimination
· help for young offenders
· educational, cultural and social activities, etc.
The Foundation provides funding for a wide range of projects including:
· Training/Counselling
· Drug rehabilitation
· Advice/advocacy
· Youth work
· Family support
· Homelessness
· Educational, cultural & social activities
· Cross-community initiatives
· Travellers
· Disability.
The next closing date for applications is the 27th February 2012.
Funding for Small Businesses (UK)
Individuals with a new business idea and existing small businesses that require funding can apply for grants of between £50 and £500 through Fund 101. The Fund which is run by “Enterprise Nation” and supported by “PayPal” and business support company “Intuit” ,can be used for a wide range of purposes such as buying equipment, promotion flyers, hardware etc. Every month £5,000 are made available through Fund 101. To apply, applicants need to post their proposal on the Enterprise Nation community website and then encourage as many people as possible to vote for them. The number of votes required is equal to the amount of funding you’re looking for so to obtain £500 you’ll need to secure 500 virtual votes.
Ben & Jerry’s Launch Competition to Find Socially Responsible Start Ups (UK)
Ben & Jerry’s are calling for socially responsible entrepreneurs to make themselves known for their latest competition, Join Our Core, which encourages entrants to put their business ideas forward for the chance to scoop a €10,000 cash prize, mentoring and the opportunity to see their name on tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Successful entrants will have to pitch their business idea to a panel of industry leaders - including Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Jerry Greenfield, as well as representatives from Ashoka, VSO and the Fairtrade Foundation. The first 100 entrants, who submit early application - before 15 March, will scoop the equivalent of a year’s supply of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Entrants will have until the 15th April 2012 to put themselves forward, with 25 entrepreneurial semi-finalists being invited to present their ideas to the judging panel in London in May. There will also be a ‘People’s Choice Award’, where the Join Our Core community will pick five winners who will each receive €1,000 in cash.
New Fund Launched to Help Small Businesses Work Together To Recycle More (Scotland)
Zero Waste Scotland has launched a new support fund which aims to make it easier for small businesses to identify and take forward innovative and cost-effective solutions to help them recycle more and comply more easily with proposed Zero Waste Regulations. New Zero Waste Regulations proposed by the Scottish Government will require all Scottish businesses to sort and present key recyclable materials for separate collection by 2013. This includes separate collections for:
· paper and card
· plastics
· metals
· glass.
Up to four projects will receive funding in the pilot phase of the fund. Marking an initial investment of up to £50,000, Zero Waste Scotland says further funding could become available at a later date if the pilot projects prove to be successful. Zero Waste Scotland requests initial expressions of interest are made by fore Friday 3 February 2012.
CBA's Project Development Fund (UK)
The Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) has announced that the next round for applications through their Project Development Funding will be 14th March 2012.
The scheme aims to bring the richness and diversity of the wider world to UK audiences by awarding funding to programme makers so that they are able to spend time in the developing world researching stories. Only established UK programme makers are eligible to apply for funding via the scheme, although more international co-production partnerships are being encouraged and contact from programme makers working for CBA member broadcasters outside of the UK are welcome. Preference will be given to projects promoting better understanding of the developing world highlighting the challenges and importance for both developed and developing countries of reducing poverty.
Funding for Christian Charities Promoting Social Inclusion (UK)
The Anchor Foundation provides grants of between £500 and £10,000 per year to Christian Charities that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. Funding can be awarded for up to three years. The Foundation will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding. Only in exceptional circumstances will grants be given for building work.