Allegheny One PTO Meeting

October 5, 2009; 6:30 p.m.

In attendance: Kim Martinek, Diana Smith, Pam Schobel, Lori Adams, Debbie Ferris, Teri Sponsler, Heather Boydston, Amy Dell, Leslie Rupp, Julie Noel, Tina Barton, Tricia Civils, Renee Heininger, Heidi Snyder, Ali Stroz, Denise Duraso, Jenifer Eger, Jody Petrunak, and April Helsel.


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. and began with introductions.


Diana Smith announced that Heather Davis, previously nominated and approved as secretary for the 2009-2010 year has moved leaving the position open. Ms. Smith then nominated Lori Adams as secretary which was seconded by Amy Dell. The motion was approved unanimously.


Amy Dellmotioned to approve the minutes of September 2009. Renee seconded the motion. The minutes of September were unanimously approved.


  • Ms. Endler welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  • Ms. Endler announced that the homecoming parade is scheduled for Friday, October 9. Allegheny 1 does not have a float this year, but the students and their families are welcome to be in the parade. Ms. Rupp said that she knows someone with a flatbed that could be used as a float. Ms. Endler asked that she contact Erin Leidy with details.
  • Ms. Endler announced that the Barnes & Noble book fair is scheduled for December 3. Student council received a percentage of the proceeds from the book fair.
  • Ms. Endler announced that Student Council is looking for volunteers and donations of shrubs to plant for a gardening club.


  • Pam Schobel reported on the budget.

General Account $2,449.72

Special Account 1,592.00

  • Pam Schobel reported that the $20 for each homeroom holiday party was distributed to the homeroom parent chairs.


  • After discussion Diana Smith asked for a motion to approve students paying half the cost of a yearbook. Heather Boydston made the motion. Pam Schobel seconded. It was unanimously agreed that students would pay half the cost of the yearbook with the exclusion of 6th graders who will still receive the yearbook free of charge.
  • Amy Dell has designed a yearbook order form so that parents can determine whether they want to purchase a yearbook and how many. The form also explains that the yearbooks will cost a minimal fee this year so that funds can be used for other projects.


  • Diana smith presented the budget for approval.
  • The line item cost of the yearbook was reduced from $2,300 to $1,500.
  • Pam Schobel motion to approve the budget. Heather Boydston seconded the motion. The budget was approved.


  • Deb Ferris reported that the Wolfgang fundraiser raised $9,000 last year, but this year the school has 30 less students. Also, a local boyscout troop is also selling Wolfgang at the same time which will cut our orders. The top selling class will receive $30 in class cash and a popcorn party.
  • Coupon books are available for $5. Allegheny 1 will receive $2.50 for each book sold. The coupons are for local stores. There is currently no end date on the program so order forms will continue to be sent home even as the orders come in. There is a one day turnaround for the coupon books. The top seller will receive class cash for the student store.
  • The spring fundraiser will be a walk-a-thon. Mr. Moore has agreed to help make it a wellness night.
  • In the spring we will also be selling Sheetz coupon books.


  • Heather Boydston said that we will use the same vendor as last year.
  • The dates are set for December 9, 10 and 11.
  • This is not a fundraiser, it will just cover the cost of Santa dollars.


  • Red Ribbon week will be celebrated October 26-30.
  • Students will plant tulips, there will be a slogan of the day, a poster contest and an anti-tobacco speaker from the Altoona Hospital.
  • Prizes will be chosen from things at the school and the winning poster will be featured in the yearbook.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

The next PTO meeting will be held Monday, November 2 at 6:30 p.m. at Hoss’s Steak and Sea House.

Notes submitted by Lori Adams