Gracee-Notes for the Week of October 22, 2017
Christ our Lord, you call us to give to the emperor the things that belong to the emperor, and to give to God the things that belong to God. As people marked with the sign of belonging, the cross of Christ, teach us how to give of ourselves to the work of God in this world. Open our hearts, our hands, and our lives that we might show our love with all that we have, and all that we are, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
The designated offering for October is: Ministry Excellence Fund of the Rocky Mountain Synod – this newly created fund (with significant support from the Lilly Endowment) provides encouragement and debt relief to rostered ministers and candidates for ministry in this synod who are working to get out of debt. The average school debt load for a new pastor is $45,000. Starting salaries are typically modest, and some will always serve in places where finances are a challenge. That spills over into credit card debt, and struggles when emergencies arise. Grants from the Ministry Excellence Fund are coupled with educational opportunities so that we have healthy leaders ready to lead healthy congregations and ministries.
Thanks to the Grace Foundation, all gifts through our designated offerings will be matched dollar for dollar in 2017. Please make your check to “Grace Lutheran Church” and add “MEF” to the notation line. You may place checks in the offering box or in the Church Office. Thank you for your generosity.
This Sunday – Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Come and give thanks for the remarkable, life-changing grace that continues to re-form our lives.
Rooted in Grace
Upcoming Adult Forums:
October 29 – We welcome Pr. Dee Watson to the adult class where she will share Reformation Art, building on her presentation last year. Showing us the art that was used to communicate theology 500 years ago, she has titled this year’s presentation “Law and Gospel.”
November 5 “We Must Plant the Church – the Story of Lutherans in America”
When Lutherans came to America, they brought with them Martin Luther’s belief that people of faith engage the big questions of the day. This story is characterized by the tension between honoring the European roots of the church and adapting to the new realities of American life. The Lutheran church, from its earliest days, faced religious pluralism, intolerance, racism, war, lack of state support and diversity of languages and traditions. It wasn't easy then, and it isn't easy now. Understanding American Lutheran history can change the way we see ourselves and our future.
This DVD series on the history of Lutherans in America transports learners through four centuries of the planting of the Lutheran church in this new land. Henry Muhlenberg provides the title for this series. His motto was Ecclesia Plantanda: "We must plant the church."
Grace Book Group: Grace's book discussion group continues on Tuesdays, 11:45-12:45 with a brown bag lunch. The group is reading On God’s Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn’t Learned about Serving the Common Good by Jim Wallis.This book seeks to move beyond the current media and political warfare and bring together a divided country, exploring how Jesus's agenda can serve the common good, what it takes to sustain a lifelong commitment to social justice.For the Oct. 31st, please read Chapter 4: “Lord, Help Us to Treat You Well” through page 87. Books are available from Ron Schwiesow for $3.00.
2nd Annual Longmont Beer Trolley Extravaganza
The 2nd Annual Longmont Beer Trolley Extravaganza is organizing again for this fall. If you are interested in an afternoon of socializing with your fellow Grace Members and sampling the microbrew options that Longmont has to offer, please sign-up on the bulletin board, showing your interest and available dates. Once a consensus date has been found, you will be contacted with more details.
ROMANIAN DINNER: Saturday, Nov. 4, 6pm @ Grace. Please join us for the annual Romanian Dinner: wine, appetizers, dance performances, and a homecooked Romanian meal complete with layer cake! This is a wonderful evening of entertainment, food, and a chance to donate to charitable work in Romania. Please sign up on the bulletin board to attend and find a second sign-up to help with the cooking the day before (rolling cabbage rolls!) and to set-up/serve/clean-up on the evening of the dinner. Both vegetarian and meat cabbage rolls are available every year. Bring your friends – sign up early with the total number in your party.
Sunday, November 5th , we will give thanks to God for the saints who have died since last All Saints Day. You are invited to write their names on the sheet on the bulletin board. They will be named in the bulletin, and named in our prayers on that day.
Reaching Out in Christ’s Love:
Remember Harvest of Hope food pantry when you shop for groceries this week. Our donations make a difference for those who struggle to find food each week.
New Beginnings Prison Ministry is thankful for the blank greeting cards they receive from us. The cards allow the inmates to send notes to loved ones, providing that invaluable “touch” they and their loved ones need. Thank you for sharing.
EFAA (Emergency Family Assistance Association) Needs Volunteers!EFFA (Grace’s April Designated Offering) is a local nonprofit in Boulder that works with family homelessness. EFAA is looking for volunteers to help in our food bank, children's program, front desk and intake. Please consider donating your time to support those in our community whose immediate needs for food, shelter and other basic necessities cannot be adequately met by other means. For more information visit EFFA’s website:
October 29 – Hymnfest at Mount Calvary, 3:00 pm. Then, Now, Always is our Reformation theme as we join our voices with our sisters and brothers from other ELCA congregations in the area singing hymns of our faith, both old and new. We will be reminded of the heritage that sends us into a new day as people of faith and good courage. Choirs, soloists, and ensembles from several congregations (including ours!) will help lead us through this time of celebration.
Reaching Out in Christ’s Love:
This Week at Grace
Sunday, October 22
8:45Luther and the Reformation Adult Class
10:00 am WORSHIP followed by fellowship
7-9Romanian Dancers
Monday, October 23
10-3Office Administrator Hours
7-8NA and Nar-Anon meetings
Tuesday, October 24
11:45 – 12:45Grace Book Group
1-3Valerie Hess organ practice
Wednesday, October 25
10-3Office Administrator Hours
6:30 – 7:30Confirmation class at Atonement Lutheran
7:15-9:00Grace choir rehearsal
Thursday, October 26
9-12LWR Quilting Group
10-12:30Office Administrator Hours
Friday, October 27
1-3Valerie Hess organ practice
5:30-7:30AA Meeting
7:30 – 9:30NA Meeting
9:30 – 11:30pmHA meeting
Saturday, October 28
9-12pmBoyd Hamilton rehearsal
Sunday, October 29
8:45Art of the Reformation Adult Class
10:00 am WORSHIP followed by fellowship
3-4HYMNFEST @ Mount Calvary
7-9Romanian Dancers