small Talk
Beltsville Adventist SchoolDecember 5, 2012
Choir Performances
In order to get ready for our holiday performances, Treble Choir will have rehearsal after school. Here is the schedule for the after school rehearsals and upcoming events:
Sabbath (Dec. 8)Beltsville SDA Church
(2nd service-whole
worship-please be at the
church by 11:40 am)
Sabbath (Dec. 15)Perform at Hopeside
Community Church
(11:00 am)
Christmas Break
Our Christmas break will begin December 21 with a 12:30 pm dismissal. Please remember there will be no aftercare and there is no lunch on the 21st. School will resume on Monday, January 7, 2013 at the regular time.
Fruit Orders
Due to the higher than normal amounts of rain in Florida, there will not be any Florida navel oranges after this shipment. In January we will begin receiving California navel oranges. We will have Florida tangelos/honeybells in January. The deadline to order California navel oranges, Floridatangelos/honeybells and grapefruit is Monday, January 7 and pick-up will be Sunday, January 20. Please call your order into 301-937-7478 for fresh, delicious fruit.
Lost And Found
Now that the weather is changing, more coats, jackets, sweatshirts, hats etc. are brought into the school, but they are also left here. Please make sure your child’s name is on his/her jacket. This will make it easier for us to identify who it belongs to.
Happy December Birthday!!
5Katie Harter
5Laura Wortman
9Andrew James
9Hanna Soper
10Mabel Mabena
10Delmas Whitlock
12Rohan Panickar
15Camryn Jackson
15Amarpreet Sudhaker
20Denzel Bosire
22Daniel James
22Edward James
26Evelyn Solomon
30Tiana Bell
31Erin Beers
Snow Plan Reminder
Just a reminder that in case of inclement weather we will follow the plans announced for Prince George’s County. Please do not call the school,teachers or staff, but listen to your local television or radio stations for their announcement. Kindergarten students will follow the plan for the whole school as we have a full-day kindergarten. In the event that the public schools are closed and there is a question about the school being opened, listen to WTOP (103.9 FM/103.5 FM/820 AM) or WMAL (630 AM). Remember, when school closes early, there is no after school care.
Café Accounts
We understand that you have no way of knowing your child’s café account balance unless we contact you or you contact the office. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope that you will continue to work with us to maintain a positive balance in the lunch account.
The café system was never intended to be used as a credit system. The expectation is that students’ meals are paid for before they are received. If you are informed that your child’s account has a negative balance, we expect funds to be placed on the account before any more lunches are received.
We Recycle Inkjet Cartridges
Our school is asking for your participation in our fund raising recycling program. If you use an inkjet printer at home or at work, place your empty cartridge in a zip lock bag and turn it in at the office. BAS receives cash for each cartridge you send us.
Phone: 301-937-2933; Fax: 301-595-2431
After School Care Phone: 301-529-8872
Federal EIN (for income tax): 16-166523