Lean Consultant for Training and Kaizen Events
Attachment 24 – Key Personnel Forms / Page 1 of 2
NameONE consultant for the positionof TRAINER/FACILITATOR. Using the chart below, describe in detail how the consultant meets or exceeds the Desired Specifications (on what projects/systems/software/etc.). Please provide clear and accurate descriptions of the consultant’s experience for each Desired Specification. Type to expand response areas on the form. Insert additional sections as needed to meet or exceed the desired specifications. Responses to this Attachment will be scored.
NOTE: All supporting information must be included on this attachment. The resume(s) and sample training materials and agendas supplied are considered to be separate documents.
Bidder Name:
Proposed Consultant:Desired Specification A: 3years of experience or better in conducting Kaizen sessions
Dates (month/year) of Proposed Consultant Experience:
Project(s) Name and Description (to include scope):
Description of Consultant’s roles and responsibilities related to conducting Kaizen Sessions:
Desired SpecificationB: 3 years of experience or better in conducting Lean training events
Dates (month/year) of Experience:
Project(s) Name and Description (to include scope):
Description of Consultant’s roles and responsibilities related to conducting Lean training events:
Desired SpecificationC: 3 years of experience or better in facilitating strategic planning sessions
Dates (month/year) of Experience:
Client Name(s):
Project(s) Name and Description (to include scope):
Description of Consultant’s roles and responsibilities related to facilitating strategic planning sessions:
Desired SpecificationD: Course Details, including number of times course given and subject audience for the following courses: Lean 101, Mistake Proofing, Standard Work, 5S / Workplace Organization, Total Productive Maintenance, Cellular Design, Hoshin Planning and Six Sigma/ Statistical Analysis.
Dates (month/year) of Experience:
Client Name(s):
Project(s) Name and Description (to include scope):
Description of Consultant’s roles and responsibilities in relation to specific training events (specify each event, use additional pages as necessary):
Educational Qualifications:
Other Certifications:
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that: (i) all statements made on this formare true and complete, to the best of my knowledge, including the verification of any experience; (ii) to the best of my knowledge, the consultant will be available for the duration of the engagement.
Authorized Signature: ______
Typed or Printed Name: Date: Click here to enter a date.