FinlandSlovenia eInvoicing LivingLab Initiative
Italy and Slovenia Delegation Meeting
Tuesday, August 23, 2005, 11.00 – 16.00
Mons Ljubljana Hotel & Congress Centre, Subic Hall
Pot za Brdom 55, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone: +386 1 470 2721
ALADIN – ALpe ADria INitiative Universities’ Network: Partner for eInvoicing Development in the eRegion
Dr. Walter Ukovich, Professor & Head
Operations Research Laboratory (ORTS), Center of Excellence for the Research in TeleGeomatics and Spatial Information
Dr. Paolo Inchingolo, Professor & Director, Higher Education in Clinical Engineering (HECE)
Chairman, IHE Transnational Committee for Central and Eastern Europe & Delegate, ALADIN – ALpe ADria INitiative Universities Network
Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Informatics, University of Trieste, Italy
Dr. Jože Gričar, Professor & Director
eCommerceCenter, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor
Business Opportunities in the Cross-border eInvoicing
Dr. Franc Bračun, Executive Director & Senior Lecturer
Branch Network, Abanka Vipa & Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor
Mr. Boris Bjelica, Director
Back Office Division, Banka Koper d.d.
Eng. Pierantonio Salvador,President & Managing Director
Eidon S.p.A., Udine
Dr. Ketty Segatti, Head of Economics and Finance
Municipality of Tavagnacco, Province of Udine,
eInvoicing Technology
Dr. Tomaž Domajnko, Director IT Reseach and Development
SRC.SI, Systems Integration d.o.o., Ljubljana
Dr. Cvetka Tinauer, CEO
Mr Miha Puc, Head of Development
EBA – Electronic Business Agency, Slovenia
Experimenting Cross-border eInvoicing in a LivingLab
Mrs. Kristina Bogataj, Teaching Assistant
eCommerceCenter, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor
Dr. Marianna Morelli, Eidon reference for eInvoincing Project
Eidon S.p.A., Udine
Address by
Mag. Jože Zrimšek, Acting Director
Directorate for Information Society, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology, Republic of Slovenia
Ms. Daniela Ciccarone, Commecial Attaché
Embassy of Italian Republic to the Republic of Slovenia
Stakeholders identification of the cross-border eInvoicing between organizations in Italy and Slovenia.
LivingLab environment development (location, space, technology, staff).
10th Business & Government Executive Meeting on Cross-border eRegion, taking place in Naklo, Slovenia on November 11:
Follow-up actions.
Lunch is sponsored by EBA, Electronic Business Agency, Ljubljana.
LCD projector for a PowerPoint presentation is available.
Action Plan as proposed by the Italy eInvoicing Delegation
This mail is to outline briefly the follow-up activities after yesterday’s meeting :
1.Week 36-Meeting with the Mayor of Tavagnacco and Dr. Ketty Segatti, who is coming back from holidays on 6/9/05. Issues to be discussed:
a.Definition of future actions of the Italian LivingLab.
b.Definition of the interface with the Hypo Bank, whose main Italian Headquarters are located in the town of Tavagnacco.
c.Actions for the EU deadline of the joint project proposal to DG Enterprise and Industry “crossborder eInvoicing” (due date 8/10/05).
d.Organization of the visit of TavagnaccoMunicipality at Naklo Executive Meeting on eRegion taking place on 11/11/05
e.Organisation of your visit in Udine-Tavagnacco in middle September.
2.Definition of actions to involve in the projects other enterprises in the FVG region, which partially have already been identified and contacted by Eidon and TavagnaccoMunicipality.
3.Definition of activities to be performed by the University of Trieste (and eventually by the University of Udine).
I will keep you informed about the developments of the above mentioned activities, and thanking you again send you my best regards,
Pierantonio Salvador