Instructions for New Mover

There are many requirements to follow when you apply for your New Jersey Public Movers and Warehousemen’s license. We at the New Jersey Movers Tariff Bureau (NJMTB) are here to assist you when you apply for the license if you decide to use our tariff instead of writing your own tariff. Please make sure you have the items listed below in order before you make an appointment to come to our office; you must also bring the forms highlighted with you so we can assist you. Please fill out the required forms with the basic information before coming to the office. If you are not sure of certain questions, call the office and we will assist you. You must know how you intend charge your customers (such as hourly, weight, or other) and what rates you will charge your customers BEFORE you come to this office; we can not suggest any rates that you should charge and we will not disclose what other companies are charging; you can find that information yourself . We will explain the different rules and regulations of NJ and how rate methods can or cannot be combined. At our office you will receive 2 copies of a printed Tariff with the rates that you have provided; one of these you will submit to the DCA with your Movers application along with the other documents required by the State of NJ. Bring your corporation seal with you.

First Process:

· Create your business plan, investigate the business and understand the rules and regulations

· Contact NJ Division of consumer affairs, obtain & complete an application for public mover; available at

· Arrange for the necessary trucks, equipment, insurance, office and other business items.

· Complete our application for the NJ Movers Tariff Bureau (NJMTB) and fax it to our office with the Designated Agent Form (Authorizing NJMTB to act as your agent) (732) 341-5687

· Call our office for an appointment to create your tariff and review your license application.(732) 341-3934

· We will send you a questionnaire that explains the methods of rate filing allowed. This will help you decide how to charge for your moving & packing services. You must know what rates you wish to charge before your appointment. We do not suggest rates or reveal what other movers are charging; that is against the law.

New Jersey Movers Tariff Bureau: (You will need to bring these items with you to our office)

1. The completed NJMTB application and designation of agent forms that you faxed and signed (Not a Blank copy )

2. Schedule of all rates that you will charge for moving, packing and other assessorial services.

3. Check payable to NJMTB for membership fee, application fee and training if needed

4. Copy of your Certificate of Incorporation

5. Copy of Trade Name Registration form or Corporation Business Registration Certificate.

6. Copy of your completed NJ Public Movers and Warehousemen’s License application form; ‘Robert Russo- NJ Movers Tariff Bureau’ can be named as your designated agent at the above address, unless you choose otherwise.

State of New Jersey Requirements:

After we supply you with a tariff, you must send the following documents to DCA with your completed application for a moving license to start the process:

1. Completed State of NJ application for moving license

2. Copy of Insurance Certificates: E, H & Workers Compensation (originals must be submitted by your insurance agent).

3. Financial Statements (Balance Sheet or business bank statement)

4. Designated Agent Form (Authorizing NJMTB to act as your agent)

5. A Completed Tariff (The tariff that you receive from us, must be filed with the application)

6. Proof of Valid Business Forms (Certificate of incorporation etc.)

7. State License Application Fees

8. Copy of all sample forms that you intend to use (Estimate, order for service, Bill of Lading, Important Notice form, and warehouse receipt)



Applicant Trade Name (DBA):___________________________________________Date:___________________

Corporation Name______________________________ Date of Inc__________ FEID#______________________

Address:________________________________ City:_____________________ State:_______ Zip:___________

County:______________ Phone:_______________ Fax:_______________ Email:__________________________

Company Officer:_______________________ Title:____________ NJ Movers License(if known) #:_______________

Company Officer:_______________________ Title:____________ Company Officer: ___________________Title:_____

( ) Household Goods ( ) Local Moving ( ) Long Distance Moving ( ) Storage ( ) General Commodities

( ) Forwarder or Broker ( ) Other Services ____________________________________________________________

Number of Moving Vans ____ Tractors:___ Trailers:____ Stg. Space for Household Goods ____________ Type of Storage offered: Palletized _____ Containerized ______ Loose Stacked:_____ General Commodities__________________

Van Line Affiliation _____________________________________ US DOT No._________________

Please include these documents with the application: POWER OF ATTORNEY FORM (Properly filled out and signed with Corporate Seal); Copy of NJ Movers License Application: Copy of certificate of Incorporation and NJ Business Registration.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE: $375.00 Initial Application Fee $50.00

As long as the participant is using the NJMTB Copyrighted Tariff, the membership fee is due yearly, whether or not changes are made to the existing tariff. If you decide to cancel your membership, you must create a new tariff to keep your license

Upon receipt of your completed Power of Attorney Form and appropriate fee, the Bureau will publish your name and your requested rates in the agency tariff. Upon receipt of your copy of the tariff, please review the information and report any discrepancies immediately to the Tariff Office. We do not offer or suggest rates or legal advice.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Improperly filled out or incomplete forms will be returned to you and will delay your membership in the Tariff Bureau. Forms returned without payment will be returned to you for payment. If you have any questions regarding the proper completion of either of the forms or the proper amount, call the Tariff Bureau Office for assistance. Please either print or type the forms. We are not liable for any delays. We do not offer legal advice.

“We would like the NJ Warehousemen & Movers Association and the NJ Movers Tariff Bureau, to send us emails or facsimiles, including seminar information, promotional materials, advertising, and other commercial materials, so we can take advantage of the various programs and services offered by the NJWMA to nonmembers.”

Yes, NJWMA and NJMTA have permission to send us email and facsimiles! Signature__________________


This is a CONDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP to the Tariff Bureau based on you or your company receiving a valid NJ License to perform intrastate moves. This is not a membership application for NJWMA. You are not authorized to use the logos of the NJWMA or COE.

If you do not receive a New Jersey license to perform intrastate moves in New Jersey then membership is forfeited and we have the right to retain up to 100% of all fees paid to NJMTB for consultation. Membership in NJMTB does not grant you the right to perform intrastate moves in New Jersey without a valid NJ mover’s License. If you perform intrastate moves before you receive your NJ License, your membership and tariff in NJMTB will become null and void.

If your membership in NJ Movers Tariff Bureau is discontinued for any reason whatsoever, you must return the tariff sent to you by our office, you are prohibited from using any part of the Bureau’s copyrighted tariff and we will notify Consumer Affairs to cancel your filed tariff. I hereby agree to all above terms & swear that I am authorized to sign this form.

SIGNATURE_________________________________________ Date _______ Name _______________________Title______________

revised 5/6/09