As at 28th February 2014 the Trust’s monthly average sickness percent was reported at 4.31%. As a Directorate, Obs and Gynae reported at 3.39% which sits below Trust target of 3.75%. The Directorate reports overall as green.

Reflected annually, the Directorate reports above the Trust average sitting at 4.39% against a Trust average of 4.28%. This is illustrated in the graph below:

Obs and Gynae Directorate Total

The graphs below depict how sickness is reflected across the nursing/midwifery and HCA/MSWs staff groups in the Directorate:

Obs and Gynae Nursing/Midwifery Total

Obs and Gynae HCA/MSW Total

Obs and Gynae Junior and Senior Doctors Sickness Total

There was no reported sickness absence for Junior Doctors as at 28th February 2014. There was however 0.68% absence for Senior Medical staff at BHH reported with a cost of £22,409.

Cost of Sickness

As a directorate Obs and Gynae lost 689.30 full time equivalent days in February 2014 due to sickness absence, with a year to date cost totalling £925,252.

Long Term Sickness

In February the number of long term sickness cases reported was 15 and accounts for 11.45% of total sickness within the directorate. 7 out of the 15 cases have since returned to work, 1 employee has resigned, 1 employee has retired and 1 has gone on to maternity leave.

The overall summary for the Group is below:

Directorate / A&C / ANC / HCAS / JUNMED / MNT / PHARMS / PTA / PTB / QUALNRS / SCIS / SENMED / SMP / Month % / MAA % / Long % / Short % / Long Term Cases / Total Est Cost (YTD)
505A Paediatrics / 6.68 % / 11.43 % / 0.00 % / 6.44 % / 3.55 % / 0.00 % / 5.90 % / 4.47 % / 21.88 % / 78.13 % / 14 / £448,520
500A Obstetrics & Gynaecology / 4.96 % / 4.09 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 1.19 % / 3.53 % / 0.08 % / 0.00 % / 3.39 % / 4.39 % / 11.45 % / 88.55 % / 15 / £925,252
585A W&C Division Management / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 5.35 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 0 / £11,363
DIVISION TOTAL / 5.49 % / 5.74 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 1.19 % / 4.36 % / 1.73 % / 0.00 % / 4.14 % / 4.42 % / 14.87 % / 85.13 % / 29 / £1,385,134

Please can we again take this opportunity to request that individual managers accurately record the reason for absence on the turnaround document in order for us to be able to identify trends in sickness absence.

Workplace audits are being carried out annually by the HR consultancy team to ensure the Sickness Absence Policy is being implemented effectively.

Audits will be commencing March / April 2014.

As at 28th February 2014 the Trust’s monthly average sickness percent was reported as 4.31%. As a directorate Paeds reported a small increase from last month and is at 5.90% in month and reports as amber. However, reflected annually the Paeds directorate reports as 4.47% against a Trust average of 4.28%. This is illustrated in the graph below.

The graphs below depict how sickness is reflected amongst nursing and hca staff groups in the Directorate.

Annual sickness data by site for Junior Doctors

As at 28th February 2014 there was no reported for sickness absence of Junior Doctors at BHH and there were no long term sickness cases.

However, 12.27% of Senior Medical staff at GHH had sickness absence.

Cost of sickness


As a directorate Paediatrics lost 689.30 full time equivalent days during February 2014, which is slightly higher than the 607.43 days lost reported in January 2014 due to sickness absence, with a year to date cost totalling £448,520.

Long Term Sickness

In February 2014 the number of long term sickness cases reported was 14 and accounts for 21.88% of sickness in February.1 out of the 14 cases have since returned to work. The overall summary for the Group is below:

Directorate / A&C / ANC / HCAS / JUNMED / MNT / PHARMS / PTA / PTB / QUALNRS / SCIS / SENMED / SMP / Month % / MAA % / Long % / Short % / Long Term Cases / Total Est Cost (YTD)
505A Paediatrics / 6.68 % / 11.43 % / 0.00 % / 6.44 % / 3.55 % / 0.00 % / 5.90 % / 4.47 % / 21.88 % / 78.13 % / 14 / £448,520
500A Obstetrics & Gynaecology / 4.96 % / 4.09 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 1.19 % / 3.53 % / 0.08 % / 0.00 % / 3.39 % / 4.39 % / 11.45 % / 88.55 % / 15 / £925,252
585A W&C Division Management / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 5.35 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 0 / £11,363
DIVISION TOTAL / 5.49 % / 5.74 % / 0.00 % / 0.00 % / 1.19 % / 4.36 % / 1.73 % / 0.00 % / 4.14 % / 4.42 % / 14.87 % / 85.13 % / 29 / £1,385,134