Echoes of Thoughts……………….…………Prof. Ali EL AZOUZI




The importance of songs in F.L.T

Undoubtedly, no one can negate the importance of songs in Foreign Language Teaching (F.L.T) mainly with modern Teaching Trends. Songs are essential for their cultural, pedagogical, linguistic and entertaining dimensions.

The use of songs in teaching in foreign language classrooms gains much ground nowadays. Songs are part and parcel of each and every culture and therefore of every language. Teaching songs in FL classes is of paramount importance for a multitude of reasons. With regard to the cultural and linguistic facets, songs are means to know about some of the cultural aspects of the target language, to acquire some great language values like tolerance, openness, democracy, attitudes, to name but a few, and to get attuned to the authentic type of discourse and different artistic forms in which songs are made of.

With respect to the entertaining and pedagogical reasons, songs are vehicles that blend learning and entertainment, i.e., creating a relaxing atmosphere wherein the affective filter is so low. In equal parallel, songs can be exploited prudently. They can be employed to enhance aural/ oral intelligibility, be integrated with other skills (Reading, Writing & Speaking) and into other dimensions of language like Grammar, Vocabulary, Functions, etc. Thereby, learners internalize teaching related ‘things’ naturally, subconsciously and without being aware that they are launched into new language learning.

However, and unfortunately,such instructional activities, songs, are not fully put into use in FLT in Morocco. This is due to the perception and attitudes jointly teachers and students hold towards this pedagogical new strategy to learning as well as the materials seminal to language teaching and learning. Put it otherwise, a great number of schools in our country are not equipped enough to use such a modern teaching tool that is recently gaining a great momentum.

In a nutshell, regardless of what teachers might confront with in employing songs in foreign language classrooms, they should use and keep abreast with the new technical innovations insofar as students learn from them and yield more effectively fruitful outcomes. So, for these benefits, and others, songs are to be scheduled as an effective didactic way of teaching in our Moroccan FLT curriculum.



Table of Contents


  • Editorial:

The importance...”Ali El AZOUZI

  • Poet’s Corner:

“You should…” Dounia ESSAYOUTI

“You are my life….”Hakima SLITI

“To Mum….” Leila AIT SOUABNI

“Passion flower…….” Atika SLITI

“Don’t tell me...” Latifa JAMMAA

“My Mother..” Hassna MESSOUDI

  • Current Issues:

“Smoking………..” Youness AFKIR

“The impo……”Faisal ABOULHAB

“TV: Its advent…...” Siham AQSBI

“Women...... ” Mohamed KAJJOUN

“Brain drain……..” Younes TAHIR

“The internet…..” Tarik LAADIMI

“Immiga….….” Karima HAMRICH

“Pollution…………...” Laila BADIA

  • Creative Pens:

“The clever…..…” Khadija DARIR

“The friend of …….”Fatima-Zahra ELIDRISSI

“The suffering……..”Laaziza FAIQ

“Juha and….” Mariem ELGORCH

“The Imilchil……”Fatima AIT ALI

“The sud…..”Khadija NAHROUNI

  • Proverbs of the moment:

-By Youness NEJJAR

-By Mariem AEFANI


-By Myriam HAMOUCH

  • A Variety of School News:
  • Crossword Puzzle:

-By Souhaila BENMIK


N.B:All SidiBou-OthmaneHigh School students are invited to submit their writing work to me in person prior to the deadline. Such writings should be typed, or presented as clear as possible. Attempts either published or not, will not be returned. Any further suggestion is cordially welcomed to the following website:

The editor


The Poet’s Corner:


You shouldn’t have said it!

You told her you loved her,

And you didn’t mean it,

There was love in her eyes,

And you couldn’t see it,

When she said, “I love you”

You should have realized that

It was true……..

You told her you loved her,

And she believed you.

You said,“I am yours”

And I’ll never leave you,

Every word was a lie,

Now look at the tears in her eyes,……….

You shouldn’t have said it!


You shouldn’t have said it,

If it wasn’t true.

You shouldn’t have said it

No! No!

Now you see what lies can do………

You know you didn’t love her……..

You should have told her

At the present

Instead, you broke her heart,

You shouldn’t have said it

No! No…..!

You shouldn’t have said it.


T.C .L1


You are my sunshine

You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

We shall all be free,

We will all stand together,

Staring at the moon at night,

You make me happy,

How much I love you,

I know you like me,

And you really loved me,

But you’ve ruined my entiredream……

You made my joy fly,

You are my nicer lover

Now, it isn’t. It’s good to know……….

That you’ve got your own love,

Oh! I believe in yesterday,

You are only now and in future…….

Now I need a place in your heart!


You’ve got a friend

When you’re down and troubled,

And you need some love and care,…………..

And nothing, nothing is going right,…………

Close your eyes and think of me,………….

And soon I will be there,

To brighten up even your darkest night.

You just call my name,

And you know, wherever I’mI’ll come running……

To see you again,

Winter, Spring, or Fall



We shall live in peace,

We are not afraid,

We shall be free;

We will all stand together,

Staring at the moon at night!

By: Kakima SLITI,

T.C.S 2


To Mum,

Year after year,

But you didn’t come,

I waited for ages,

Still waiting, not losing patience,

And nostalgia,

Life passes by, you know

But you are silent, not talking,

Where are you mum?

Why you gone?

Today is your day.

Will not you come?

Your parting really hurts

Makes me feel alone!

I learned from you

To be patient,

To be good for other people………

And not to let the heart Sink down.

I miss you. I really miss you mum!

Wouldn’t you know?

That better die than left me down….

To join you where you are!

Sweetie! Whatever my love

For you is!

Is deep inside my heart

I love you mum,

I love you, forever.


2 BAC L 1


Passion flower

You are my mother,

My only mother,

You make me happy

You give me advice,

You are as daylight.

How much I love you,

Oh! Please excuse me, dear

As I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you

In my arms,

When I awoke, dear

I was mistaken,

But you are right,

Now, I am very happy,

You make me feel so nice,

You can fly away,

In the sky today,

Oh! Mum, give me your answer,

You told me once, dear

That you really loved me,

But now you’ve left me

I don’t wish your loss.

By: Atika SLITI,

2 BAC L 1


Don’t tell me

Don’t tell me to stop,

Tell the rain not to drop,

Tell the wind not to blow,

Cause you said so,

Tell the sun not to shine,

Not to get up this time,

Let it fall by the way,

But don’t leave me,

Where I lay down.

Tell me love isn’t true,

It’s just something that we do,

Tell me everything,

But please, don’t tell me to stop,

Tell the leaves not to turn,

But don’t ever tell me

I’ll learn…………

Take the black off a crow

But don’t tell me I have to go

Tell the bed not to lay,

Like the open mouth of a grave,

Not to stare at me,

Like a calf down on its knees.

Suggested by: Latifa JAMMAA , T.C.L1


My mum!

Oh! Mymother,

Oh! Mymother;

Your life is my life, too

Your life is the most

Expensive for me,

If you love me,

I love you, too

You must stay with me,

You must advise me,

You mustn’t abandon me,

Oh! Mymum!

Please tell me,

I don’t know where you going?

Please Mum! Advise me,

O knows not what I am doing?

Please my lover!

I need your advice

I need every moment your tender;

Oh my mother!

You are the best in my world.

By: Hassna MESSOUDI,



Current Issues:



Smoking is a big problem in all countries. It is bad for our health. I wish smokers knew more about the dangers of smoking. When in the past, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere else even in hospitals, but today the situation has changed. We are more aware about howsmoking is bad for our health. Smoking is bad. It is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarettes companies are no longer all allowed to advertise on TV. Radios and in many magazines almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema and heart diseases, that is, it can shorten your life and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year, so; how come people are still lighting up? The answer in a word is addiction. Some people find out they have a few relapses before they manage to recover for good. Staying smoke-free will give you a whole lot more of everything, more energy, better performance, better looks, more money in your pocket, and in your pocket, and in the run, more life to live.

By: Younes AFKIR,

2 BAC L 2


The importance of learning English

English is a very important language because it is international and spoken all over the world. So, whatare the reasons that make us be more motivated to learn this language and to what extent is English language important for us?

English language is very useful to learn and speak because all people worldwide use it to communicate. It is also interesting because we can find a lot of information when searching in the internet about different topics in English. Even sometimes we can translate from one language to English. Some other people learn English because they want to finish their studies abroad like in the United States, Spain, or France. So, this language will definitely help them to co-live with the natives. However, there is one point that is bad for learning this language is to neglect your mother-tongue, Arabic. For me, learning English is very important and essential. I like all much to speak this language, read books and even to write poetry. To summarize, learning English is nowadays important because it is the language of the technology, of the computer and it is necessary for one’s living.

By: Faisal ABOULHAB,

2 BacL.1


TV: Its advantages and drawbacks.

Over the last few decades, the issue of television has resulted in a great deal of controversy among researchers, educationalists, and people in general. It is paid a great deal of importance but still people have different views, opinions and viewpoints towards the issue under concern.

Some people think that TV is very significant in the sense that TV is very informative and the means of entertainment; it is also important because it is a good means for education. In sum, television is considered of great utility and therefore becomes fundamental and important in our daily life.

Other people, however, see it with different outlooks. They propose that TV is not that fundamental as television is bad for our eyes and is a waste of time; it is also unimportant because TV programs are boring. In short, TV is not important in our life, and thus people can do without it.

In conclusion, whatever the views discussed earlier are, the issue is still boiling and people find it uneasy to reach a satisfactory compromise on such a thorny subject. Hence more researches and inquiries are being conducted in an attempt to point out the clear-cut points of both the pros and cons of the issue under discussion.

By: Siham AQSBI,

2 BAC L.2


Women: Past and Present

Nowadays, we hear a lot of news about the development of women. Compared to the past, women at present have known a lot of changes. In the past, the status of the women was bad because they were deprived of their main rights, for example, they didn’t have the right to go to school, to go for work out, or even to vote. Besides, they just stayed home, taking care of children and doing the housework. But however, the situation of women these days is totally different, because they no longer stay home, rather independent and integrated in all domains. For instance, in the social, women are now members of organizations, foundations and of some associations, in politics, ministers and parliament members. To conclude, women are being given their rights and their situation is much better developed and promoted since recently.

By: Mohamed KAJJOUN,

2 BAC L.1


Brain Drain:

Brain Drain is defined as a departure of most highly intelligent people to other countries,especially scientists, for a set of reasons. So what are these reasons and what are the solutions?

A lot of intelligent skillful people immigrate to other countries leaving their homelands, like to the United States, and other similar rich countries to make more money, for a better life, that is, to raise their standard of living, and for better living and working conditions. Consequently, the origin countries don’t benefit from such brain drainers and let them be of some use to the host countries. In short, I wish the government had some solutions to this social problem, for example, why don’t society pay better to such intellectuals? And why don’t the government convince theebrainers to stay at their homelands?

By: Younes TAHIR,

2 BAC L.1


The Internet

At this time, the internet is almost in every house. It is a very important means of communication. Now,we find that the internet has some advantages like education, hobbies, culture and communication. For culture,you can know about others’ cultures. For education, youth people and students can search for educational things in the net very quickly and without problems. For hobbies the internet plays an effective role for a lot of people like children to play more games also for entertainment.As for communication, you can communicate with your family and other people all over the world.

But, however, the internet has some drawbacks The Internet makes people passive and lazy, that is, they no longer readbooks, or newspapers. Also it spoils the education of children through making them addicted to bad movies and aggressive televisedprograms. In short,I think that the internet is very important in our life and its advantages clearlyoutweigh its drawbacks All we need is to benefit from its good points and not the bad ones.



A long time ago, immigration was the only way for the human to improve his life and live a better life. So, he travels from a place to place to find a place which was warmer and contained enough food. So, it is the same reason as nowadays, but with more reasons. For example, people emigrate to finish their studies, to know more about other cultures and to have new experience. Immigration helps people to know a lot of things about different things, about new cultures and to know about different landmarks and monuments. However, immigrants confront with a lot of difficulties like homesick, which means you may miss your family and friends. Also, immigrants have always problemswith the natives and therefore suffer from racism, under-ratedness and are deprived of taking of taking part in social activities, voting is just one clear example.

By: Karima HAMRICH,

2 BAC L.2



Pollution is a dangerous phenomenon that is spread all over the parts of the word. It has many causes and negative effects on our health. As we know, pollution is the issue of the age, because its danger increases highly. For this reason, all the nations are against this phenomenon. The first reason of pollution is means of transportation; for instance, cars produce too much dangerous gazes in the air; consequently, these gazes pollute the air and cause a lot of serious sicknesses. The second is the factories that produce too much smog and this smoke causes suffocation. And the last reason is the ignorance of the people who cast garbage in public places. To solve this dangerous phenomenon, we must build the factories out of cities and organize campaigns to make people aware of the danger of this phenomenon. In sum, pollution is a serous problem; therefore, we must be all against this problem and put an end to it as soon as possible, tomorrow may be too late!

By: Laila BADIA,

2 BAC 1



Creative Pens:


The Clever Swimmer

Hassan is an intelligent student. He usually obtains the first grades, but he is sad because he is paralyzed. His sadness is more intense day after day. Atthat time, his father takes him to a nearer club, and he insists him to learn swimming because it suits him. Hassan becomes a good swimmer after exercising for a long time and makes better all rules of swimming. One day, the school organizes a journey to one dam. When the bus arrives to the lake, the boys hurry up happily. They run and hop quickly. Hassan wants to play with them but they don’t approach him. He becomes sad and he sheds tears. Hassan moves by his two crutches till he reaches the lake bank and sits down alone. Hassan observes the water of great river as he complains his sadness to this river. At that moment, his friends swim in the lake. Hasan says, ‘the river is profound and more dangerous. You mustn’t dive off into the water,’ but Said replies,’ you are paralyzed. You shouldn’t speak with us. We are strong. The friends of Said return but Said believes he is tremendous. Said drowns and begins to wave his hands while he is drowning. Hassan watches him and he strips off very quickly. He swims on the spot because he is a clever swimmer and saves Said from drowning. Now Said gives his excuse to Hassan and all his friends call him by the brave hero because he rescues theirfriend Said from drowning.