Marysville School District

School Operation during Snow or Inclement Weather


This bulletin is to inform staff about procedures in effect during periods of extreme weather conditions. Please attach this bulletin to your refrigerator for information during bad weather.


a)Every reasonable effort is made to operate school every day.

b)There will be times when it may be desirable to operate schools even though it may not be possible to operate buses.

c)The State Board of Education requires that all days of school closure be made up during the school year.

d)Decisions regarding school closure or bus route modification for ice and snow will seldom be made the night before. Climate conditions in this area can change so rapidly during the night that such decisions are not feasible.

e)Decisions regarding school closures or bus route modification will be made by 5:00 AM whenever possible. Decisions for afternoon take home bus route modification will be made prior to 1:00 PM. Announcements are published on radio and television stations, the internet at , posted on the district website at shared via social media, and the district’s alert system.


RADIO: KMPS (94.1 FM)KRKO (1380) KOMO (1000AM)KIRO (710 AM)


INTERNET:, , Facebook () or Twitter (@msd25)

PHONE:360-965-0000 menu option # 8

Please do not call the U.S. Weather Bureau, School Authorities or radio stations for information.

III PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS **If there is a change to the regular schedule


If the announcement for this district proclaims a “Limited Transportation Schedule”, it means that Bus Service will be available on “Main Roads Only”. Adjustments to bus routes will be made as indicated on the attached schedule.


c)The District may determine that a “Late Starting Time” is desirable. Listen to the radio stations, or watch TV news for this particular announcement. The information will also be available online at , posted on the district website at shared via social media, and the district’s alert system. If school starts late, it will dismiss at the normal time.


School closure means complete CANCELLATION OF ALL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES involving students for that day. This includes before/after school activities and sports events.


Certain roads are closed by city or county officials during periods of “Load Limits” caused by thawing conditions. Buses will not travel on any roads that have been closed by the city or county officials.


The following shall apply in regard to work responsibilities on school closure days, or on late start days.

Twelve-month employees are expected to report for work on a school closure day, or late start day at their regular start time (or with approval of supervisor, as close to the regular start time as possible).


  • Employees are expected to report to work on their regular schedule at their regular start time. It is recognized that inclement weather conditions may prevent the timely arrival of employees for safety and/or related reasons. In such cases, when there is a delay of start time for students due to inclement weather, employees will make every effort to report to work on time, but will not be reprimanded if they arrive later than their regular time for work in consideration of safety and/or related reasons when the

employee contacts their administrator, supervisor or head secretary to advise them that they may arrive late due to road conditions*.

  • When school is in session and employees are unable to report to work due to circumstances out of their control, they will be required to charge the lost time per their union contract.
  • Employees who are unable to report to work must contact their immediate supervisor to report the absence and the reason, and report to the Sub Online system.


  • Employees whose work assignments coincide with student days do not report to work on the school closure day(s). The employee shall be required to work their regular schedule on the school “make-up” day(s).
  • Bus drivers, food service workers and secretaries whose regular work hours or duties require them to report to work prior to a school closure being announced shall be compensated for two (2) hours.
  • Bus drivers, food service workers and secretaries who may be required to remain at their work site by their supervisor on closure days shall receive compensation according to time required. These employees shall work their regular schedule on school “make-up” day(s).
  • In cases of individual building closures or when conditions render work at a site impossible, staff may be reassigned to different work sites and duties at the discretion of the supervisor.