CEFPI Southeast Region

Board Conference Call: Friday, November 20June 19, 2009 at 110:030

Participants:Joe Bradham

Bill Brown

Howard Collins

Jim Copeland

Michael Hall

John Lee

Christina Lighthall

Ray Maher

Mike Mulheirn

Cynthia Richardson

Ken Swann

David Waggoner

Doug Westmoreland

Bill Brown

Michael Hall

Wayne Roberts

Don Shell


Bill Brown opened the meeting at 110:030.


Wayne Roberts will send out Minutes for the Board meeting October 16, 2009 conference call minutes.

March 28, 2009 and the General Membership meeting of April 1, 2009 were approved as submitted.


Doug Westmoreland reported that the was not present. The checking account stands at $6,236.503,474.05, savings account at $57,02142, and the six month CD money market has been renewed with a a balance of $100,264.8297,596.87.

Bill Brown reported that we owe about $79,000 for the 2009 Regional Conference, and have offsetting income of approx. $50,000, creating a $29,000 deficit. Room block charges are approx. $17,000 of the total deficit.


Don Shell and Bill Brown will be traveling to the Australasia conference.

Don attended the Georgia conference recently.


International Correspondence:

Region and Chapter Financial Policy: Wayne Roberts and Cynthia will put together a memo to the state chapters in the Region. Motion was made by Bill Brown, seconded by Doug Westmoreland to adopt Option 1, subject to successful clarification of final details by International. The motion passed unanimously.

Committee for International Board Elections: Michael Hall will chair this committee for the Region. If we have a candidate from the Region, this committee will put this name into International. December 7 is the deadline for submitting a nominee. Wayne Roberts and David Waggoner were mentioned as possibilities. Jim Copeland will contact Wayne Roberts to assess his interest in this nomination. Motion made and passed unanimously.We stll need input on the Governance strategic planning model.


Bill Brown may need letters of reference to support his Planner of the Year nomination.

International Conference Program and Local Arrangements assistance

Tours and the Service Day activities are being finalized.

2008-2009 Initiatives

A motion by Roberts , second by Hall, and unanimous approval was given for financial support for State Directors to attend the International Conference, with a maximum expense reimbursement in the amount of $1500 for each attendee.

Charleston visit for 2010 conference preparation

Michael Hall gave a short report on our visit to Kiawah Golf Resort. It is an exceptional family-oriented facility, and room rates will be about $160/night for a villa with kitchen, etc. Golf will be about $100. The final contract has been sent to International.

Federal Stimulus package update

Very little clear direction on implementation at this time.

Committee Development and assignment of Chairs

Finance Committee – Wayne Roberts will become the Chairman, and David Waggoner will remain on the Committee as a member.

School Building Week

We need to develop better communications within the region as to what the teams that are submitting[MH1][MH2].



– Howard CollinsThe Research Prize information is on the website, and the deadline for submittals is August 1st. We need jury members to evaluate the submittals.

Nominating Committee

No discussion

- ????


Jim Copeland sent out updated reports prior to the meeting. By-Laws Committee will be contacted to consider amending the by-laws to create the responsibility for State Directors to be members of the Region Membership Committee. The general membership would need to vote on this during the Spring Conference. The Board would need to review this change prior to the Conference.

International Board Member from the Region will need to be elected for 2010/2011 year.

No discussion


No report


No report


Howard Collins reported that he has obtained some samples in Charleston for awards. Howard will work with Cynthia to finalize these selections. Judging of architectural exhibits will be Sunday and presented at the banquet Monday evening.


Bill Brown will be chairing the Nominating Committee for the Region. The Executive Committee will be participants in this Committee.


Program: Survey on program has been posted on-line to gather program interest from the membership. 66 responses have been received. Highest response is on planning. BIM information was noted as an interest. 14 program submittals have been received. Keynote speaker suggestions are to be sent to Christina. Draft of program is being finalized by Christina and will be distributed.

Graphics: Graphics are being finalized and waiting on text and program finalization. Deadline for graphics needs to be determined. Graphics should also be used in the on-line program.

Finance: Tom Hughes will not be able to chair this committee.

School Tours: School tours will be Tuesday afternoon 12:30 – 5:00. Joe Bradham will be finalizing these with local schools. Recreational tours will be arranged for Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon. Recreational tours will be paid for by participants. Tea Plantation and Winery tour were mentioned as possibilities near Kiawah Island. Downtown Charleston tour will also be offered.

Exhibits: Duane Bruch is organizing the exhibits.

Facility: Area in the conference hall for architectural exhibits has been determined. Banquet will be moved to Monday evening.

Golf: Golf will be on Tuesday. No tournament, but tee times will be blocked for play. Golf sign ups should be added to the program.

Planner of the Year: Mike Mulheirn will be getting a package out to state chapters in December for Region Planner of the Year award.


Alabama: No report.

Florida: No report.

Georgia: No report

Jamaica: No report.

Kentucky: No report. No report.

Mississippi: No report.

North Carolina: No report.Wayne Roberts and Michael Hall will be attending the NCEFP conference.

Puerto Rico: No report.

South Carolina: No report. No report

Tennessee: No report. The Rosenwald School adoption is proceeding with another event at the site. Drawings have been completed, as has a cost estimate.

Virginia: No report.

West Virginia: No report.




1) Scholarships for school district attendees was discussed at length. This issue originated with a request from North Carolina for their upcoming conference. The approval a single-entity contribution was felt to be a detriment to the other states in the region that have conferences (six in total at this time).

It was noted that a rebate was available to some degree from International. A motion was made and unanimously supported to allocate $750 to each of the state conferences for scholarship/tuition/attendance fees of school district representatives., to be paid for out of the International rebate, and distributed following a request by each recognized state holding a conference.

2) San Diego State Certification - An email will be sent out noting that we will split the cost for one candidate from the region selected by a regional review committee, with final selection occurring by August 1st.

Reimbursement Policy: A policy developed in Ohio by Troy Glover for their region (MWGL) appears to be a valid approach for us. Bill Brown has the document.



None reported.



NOTE: Next Conference Call will be Friday, December 18 at 10:30.Conference Call will be Friday, July 17, 2009 at 11:00 AM EDT

The Conference Call was adjourned at 122:0000 pm.

If you have corrections or additions to these minutes, please contact Doug Westmoreland at oug WestmorelandMichael Hall at .

Notes submitted by:

Douglas D. WestmorelandMichael Mr. Michael E. Hall

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc.

7400 River Road Pike

Nashville, TN 37209


