Justice Workgroup Meeting Notes
June 2, 2017
The intent of our meeting was to discuss barriers, gaps, needs, and concerns.
We talked about the need for a flowchart that shows where the system touches the life of the child/youth in order to find any gaps or barriers to care. Wanting to create a fail proof system to avoid anyone falling through the cracks.
Youth Voice and input is needed at the table.
Every child/youth needs to know that there is Peer Counseling available and how to access this resource and support.
There’s not enough adolescent inpatient beds in our county.
The need for better discharge planning from the adolescent facilities, there needs to be communication with families at time of discharge from a facility and capture the family perspective during discharge planning. This should apply to anyone and all ages when applicable.
After a child/youth is discharged from a facility there is a lack of follow up from the system of care with families, group homes, and foster homes.There’s also a lack of resources for families.
Family and caregiver engagement is crucial and can lead to follow through with next steps to continued care for the youth.
JJC has a Suicide Prevention Plan – JJC has a team-based approach and believes that support has to start at the top.
We discussed what prevents communication between agencies. The suggestion was given to create and use a consent form to be included in the enrollment packet at schools at the beginning of the school year. Also, the use of a consent form following an inpatient stay to be a part of the discharge plan and to help create a safety plan and supported reentry back into school.
There’s a lack of informational materials for families/caregivers after a 5150 hold or a suicide attempt. A solution would be to create the information materials and have available for First Responders to provide for the family/caregiver. The materials could include bullet points that would help families understand next steps.
The need for Trauma Informed Care training.
The need for training around cultural and religious differences.
Coming from an adult perspective, there’s a need for an understanding and education regarding conservatorship.
The need for more Student Resource Officers in all schools and ensure they receive proper training in a timely manner.
Training on Safety Planning at all levels of care including Judges.
Include training for Chaplains
Outreach to engage the Faith-Based Communities
Outreach to rural communities and engage the Boys & Girls Clubs and Resource Centers.
Contact info for those that were at the meeting:
Juan Sahagun Huron PD 559-350-7796
Kim Nystrom-Grist Fresno Courts 559-457-6380
Deputy Randy Alvarez SRO Fresno Sheriff’s Dept. 559-250-0788
Jean Rousseau Fresno County CAO 559-600-1710
Benjamin Rosenbaum FCOE 559-265-3003
Joy Thompson JJC 559-600-4984
Sgt. Brian Rogers FPD 559-621-6313
Kristi Williams, Family Advocate 559-341-5547