Chapter 12 Stress, Adjustment, and Health Differences
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Underlying psychosomatic medicine is the idea that
A) medications are relatively useless because illness is a mental state.
B) the mind is capable of affecting the body.
C) medicine should be used to treat illnesses that are “all in one’s head.”
D) medications can be used to treat psychiatric disorders.
Answer: B
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
2) Which of the following sets up the scenario for a link between personality and health via health behaviors?
A) Jeannette enjoys spending time with her children and has a good sense of humor.
B) Jeannette is extremely extroverted and often attends parties.
C) Jeannette is an anxious person and often calms herself by smoking.
D) Jeannette is a very religious person.
E) Jeannette is often depressed and lethargic.
Answer: C
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Application
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
3) Smoking and drinking have been linked to which of the following personality characteristics?
A) Alienation
B) Impulsivity
C) Rebelliousness
D) Aggressiveness
E) All of these
Answer: E
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
4) Which of the following is NOT a subscale of Zuckerman’s “sensation seeking”?
A) Disinhibition
B) Boredom susceptibility
C) Experience seeking
D) Social-support seeking
E) Thrill and adventure seeking
Answer: D
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
5) In a study by Furnham & Saipe, it was found that fast, reckless drivers scored higher than “good drivers” on
A) Eysenck’s psychoticism and Costa & McCrae’s neuroticism.
B) Zuckerman’s sensation-seeking and Scheier & Carver’s optimism.
C) Zuckerman’s sensation-seeking and Eysenck’s psychoticism.
D) Beck’s depression and Costa & McCrae’s neuroticism.
E) Scheier & Carver’s optimism and Costa & McCrae’s neuroticism.
Answer: C
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
6) Farley’s “Type T” is most similar to which of the following?
A) Type A
B) Type B
C) Type C
D) Shyness
E) Sensation-seeking
Answer: E
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Analysis
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
7) Of the following, who has entered the “sick role”?
A) Nancy was recently diagnosed with cancer, but she refuses to accept it; she works full-time, goes out with friends, and hasn’t told anybody.
B) Matt mopes around the house and sleeps a lot. He is convinced he has the Epstein-Barr virus or perhaps chronic fatigue syndrome; the doctors haven’t been able to make a diagnosis.
C) Andrew has HIV but doesn’t know it; he lives his life as usual.
D) Sharon has been diabetic for many years, but she carefully controls her blood sugar level with diet, exercise, and insulin, so the disease is not causing problems for her.
Answer: B
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Application
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
8) According to the theory of B.F. Skinner, some of the reinforcers that encourage adoption of the sick role might be
A) days off from work.
B) attention.
C) sympathy.
D) receiving help from others.
E) all of these.
Answer: E
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Analysis
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
9) Which of the following can affect symptom reporting?
A) How neurotic the person tends to be
B) How depressed the person feels at the moment
C) The level of anxiety the person is experiencing at the moment
D) The person’s usual level of attention to bodily sensation
E) All of these
Answer: E
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
10) In the 1940s study of Johns Hopkins medical students, which temperament was found to be the biggest risk factor for serious health problems and even death?
A) Rapid and facile
B) Slow and solid
C) Irregular and uneven
D) Generous and kind
E) Introverted and humble
Answer: C
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
11) June has a history of skin problems, and as a teenager, she had severe acne. Her breakouts are now controlled, but when she gets stressed out, her acne flares up. This is an example of the
A) reactance model.
B) reciprocity model.
C) diathesis-stress model.
D) operational-diagnosis model.
E) vulnerability-diametric model.
Answer: C
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Application
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
12) According to Bernard Lown, which of the following does NOT precede sudden cardiac death?
A) A triggering event
B) Electrical instability in the heart muscle
C) A previous heart attack
D) A pervasive emotional state
Answer: C
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
13) How would someone taking the interactionist approach to personality explain good health?
A) As a result of being biologically superior to sick people
B) As a result of good behaviors that have been learned thought the years
C) As a result of a good homeostasis; the integration between the self and environment
D) As a result of a good amount of control between the person and the environment
E) As a result of being able to release stress by using defense mechanisms
Answer: C
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Analysis
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
14) Who coined the term “Type A Behavior Pattern”?
A) Farley & Dunbar
B) Alexander & Zuckerman
C) Rosenman & Friedman
D) Menninger & Menninger
E) Glass & Seligman
Answer: C
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Evaluate the link between personality type and proneness to heart diseases
Topic/Concept: Personality, Coronary-Proneness, and Other Disease
15) What would someone who has “learned helplessness” be likely to do?
A) Attack aggressively at the first sign that someone is trying to force him or her to become helpless
B) Remain in a bad situation even when there is an available way to escape it
C) Wait patiently in a bad situation until the right moment comes for escaping
D) Expect other people to take care of him or her
E) None of these
Answer: B
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Application
Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Evaluate the link between personality type and proneness to heart diseases
Topic/Concept: Personality, Coronary-Proneness, and Other Disease
16) Friedman & Booth-Kewley’s meta-analysis on personality and various diseases found that
A) there is no evidence for a “disease prone” personality.
B) depression is related to arthritis, but not to other diseases.
C) anxiety is related to asthma and ulcers, but not heart disease.
D) depression is related to cancer, but not to other illnesses.
E) there seems to be a generic “disease prone” personality.
Answer: E
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Evaluate the link between personality type and proneness to heart diseases
Topic/Concept: Personality, Coronary-Proneness, and Other Disease
17) Terman began his longitudinal study of bright children in the
A) 1960s.
B) 1980s.
C) 1940s.
D) 1920s.
E) 1990s.
Answer: D
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Appraise the study on intelligence research conducted on Lewis Terman's termites
Topic/Concept: The Human Termites
18) Using the Terman archives, Friedman and his colleagues found that __________ children tended to live longer, while __________ children tended to die earlier.
A) neurotic; conscientious
B) sociable; neurotic
C) cheerful; neurotic
D) conscientious; cheerful
E) cheerful; sociable
Answer: D
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Appraise the study on intelligence research conducted on Lewis Terman's termites
Topic/Concept: The Human Termites
19) The link between experiencing parental divorce as a child and subsequent mortality risk has been shown to be partially explained by the
A) decreased ability to sleep restfully in those who have experienced parental divorce.
B) increased rate of marital breakup in those who have experienced parental divorce.
C) increased level of openness in those who have experienced parental divorce.
D) increased cheerfulness in those who have experienced parental divorce.
Answer: B
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Analysis
Learning Objective: LO 12.3: Appraise the study on intelligence research conducted on Lewis Terman's termites
Topic/Concept: The Human Termites
20) What is one reason it’s sometimes tempting to “blame the victim” for his or her illness?
A) We don’t like victims.
B) We crave an unpredictable world.
C) We don’t want to take personal responsibility.
D) We desire a predictable world.
Answer: D
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Analysis
Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Inspect the tendency of blaming the victim for diseases
Topic/Concept: Blaming the Victim
21) Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the healthy people in Maddi & Kobasa’s (1984) study of stressed executives?
A) Excitement
B) Aggression
C) Commitment
D) Control
Answer: B
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess how constructively challenged personalities are generally healthier
Topic/Concept: The Self-Healing Personality
22) Rotter’s work on “locus of control” is well-known, but his which other topic did he also address extensively in his work?
A) Trust
B) Intelligence
C) Hypnotism
D) Acupuncture
E) Ingenuity
Answer: A
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess how constructively challenged personalities are generally healthier
Topic/Concept: The Self-Healing Personality
23) Which of the following individuals best portrays a self-healing personality?
A) Pamela is constantly on the go, and she loves her work and never seems to get tired.
B) Ian is kind of boorish, but nobody will ever take advantage of him, because he is constantly on the offensive and has no anxiety.
C) Brent is quiet and shy. He doesn’t seem to “match” with his siblings, who are all very outgoing, and in the past, this has made him feel badly about himself, so he now tries very hard to be outgoing and gain more friends.
D) Alicia is constantly on the go, and she always wants to win out over her peers.
E) Petra worries about everything, but she is able to put it out of her mind and walk around with a smile on her face.
Answer: A
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Application
Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess how constructively challenged personalities are generally healthier
Topic/Concept: The Self-Healing Personality
24) Individuals with a borderline personality disorder
A) are self-destructive.
B) struggle to avoid abandonment.
C) may attempt suicide.
D) have fragile relationships.
E) have all of these.
Answer: E
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
25) The broaden-and-build model proposes that
A) there is a biological basis of resiliency.
B) it is important to have an open mind when beginning a romantic relationship.
C) in order to love another person, you must first build a friendship.
D) negative life experiences provide an opportunity for growth.
E) positive emotions can broaden people’s modes of thinking.
Answer: E
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Describe the Rogerian therapy approach to helping and treating patients
Topic/Concept: The Humanistic and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing
26) A somatopsychic effect is when
A) the mind affects the body.
B) the body affects the mind.
C) physiological deterioration in a person’s health is clear by their physical appearance.
D) a psychological explanation for sickness is found.
E) a connection between the body and the mind cannot be determined.
Answer: B
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Describe the Rogerian therapy approach to helping and treating patients
Topic/Concept: The Humanistic and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing
27) Research suggests that stress
A) is only unhealthy for “Type A” individuals.
B) very rarely occurs in most people’s lives.
C) is psychologically disturbing but has no impact on health.
D) can contribute to triggering a heart attack.
E) does not affect health very much.
Answer: D
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Evaluate the link between personality type and proneness to heart diseases
Topic/Concept: Personality, Coronary-Proneness, and Other Disease
28) If you consider Julia to be immoral, and therefore deserving of the disease she just got, you may be
A) blaming supernatural forces.
B) an proponent of retribution theory.
C) a proponent of germ theory.
D) choleric
E) blaming the victim.
Answer: E
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Application
Learning Objective: LO 12.4: Inspect the tendency of blaming the victim for diseases
Topic/Concept: Blaming the Victim
29) Mechanisms linking personality and health include all of the following EXCEPT
A) contracting contagious diseases due to difficult personalities.
B) underlying third variables that affect both personality and health.
C) personal responses to disease.
D) unhealthy habits and behaviors.
E) personality directly affecting physiology.
Answer: A
Diff: Medium
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Analysis
Learning Objective: LO 12.1: Analyze whether personality can be a risk factor for disease
Topic/Concept: Disease-Prone Personalities
30) A person who is hasty, impatient, and hyperalert is most likely
A) Type A.
B) Type B.
C) Type C.
D) Type T.
E) neurotic.
Answer: A
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Evaluate the link between personality type and proneness to heart diseases
Topic/Concept: Personality, Coronary-Proneness, and Other Disease
31) Recent research suggests that hard work
A) predisposes one to cancer.
B) does not predispose one to heart disease.
C) predisposes one to asthma.
D) characterizes the Type B personality.
E) predisposes one to heart disease.
Answer: B
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.2: Evaluate the link between personality type and proneness to heart diseases
Topic/Concept: Personality, Coronary-Proneness, and Other Disease
32) A person with a(n) __________ feels that whatever happens to them is under their own control.
A) internal locus of control
B) healthy mental state
C) external locus of control
D) sense of spirituality
E) sense of over-control
Answer: A
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess how constructively challenged personalities are generally healthier
Topic/Concept: The Self-Healing Personality
33) Self-healing people
A) are all focused on being relaxed.
B) are all focused on seeking a stimulating environment.
C) may be one of two types, those who focus on maintaining a stimulating environment or those who are more calm.
D) are all focused on achieving success.
E) may be one of three types, those who focus on maintaining a stimulating environment, those who are more calm, or those focused on achieving success.
Answer: C
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.5: Assess how constructively challenged personalities are generally healthier
Topic/Concept: The Self-Healing Personality
34) The salutogenesis theory of Aaron Antonovsky claims that
A) a sense of childlike security is key to good health.
B) life changes are more important to health than is personality.
C) the key to good health is really laid out in the Good Book.
D) a sense of coherence is a key to good health.
E) hassles are good for keeping you on your toes.
Answer: D
Diff: Easy
Type: MC
Bloom’s: Understanding
Learning Objective: LO 12.6: Describe the Rogerian therapy approach to helping and treating patients
Topic/Concept: The Humanistic and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing
35) The self-healing personality is most characterized by
A) enthusiasm.