FY 2006-2007

duPont-Ball Library


DeLand, Florida

Submitted June 2007 by:

Susan Ryan, Associate Director

Jane Bradford, Coordinator of Library Instruction

Barbara Costello, Government Documents Librarian

Sims Kline, Outreach Services Librarian

Rob Lenholt, Electronic Services Librarian




Reference Desk Transactions


Library Hardware

Web Pages


Government Information Services

Access, Circulation, and Reserves

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Archives and Special Collections


Reference Services

Circulation and Reserves

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Archives and Special Collections

Electronic Services


Government Information Services

Outreach Services


Reference Services

Circulation and Reserves

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Archives and Special Collections

Electronic Services


Government Information Services

Outreach Services

GOALS FOR 2007-2008

Reference Services

Circulation and Reserves

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Archives and Special Collections

Electronic Services


Government Information Services

Outreach Services



Susan Ryan

Jane Bradford

Barbara Costello

Sims Kline

Rob Lenholt

Cathy Ervin

Dee Buckley


Reference Desk Transactions

Reference Desk Transactions by Hour

Internet Subscription Database Usage

FirstSearch Searches (see TAB 2)

Library Web Pages Usage Statistics

Gate Count

Circulation by Semester

Reserves by Semester

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loans Reasons for No Lending

Document Delivery

Instruction Comparative Data by Year

Instruction Statistics by Month (See TAB 2)

Instruction Statistics by Librarian (See TAB 3)

Instruction Statistics by Time & Place (See TAB 4)

Instruction Statistics by Department (See TAB 5)

Instruction by Database in Alpha Order (See TAB 6)

Instruction by Databases Ranked (See TAB 7)

Websites Demonstrated (See TAB 8)

RAP Sessions (See TAB 9)

Federal Documents Tangible Collection

Federal Documents Item Profile (See TAB 2)

Trends in Depository Receipts Last 5 Years (See TAB 3)

Claims (See TAB 4)

Florida Documents Uncataloged Collection (See TAB 5)

Public Hardware

Staff Hardware (See TAB 2)



  • Angela Story, part-time reference librarian, accepted a position as the Government Documents Specialist in Technical Services in June 2006 and Pat Nuzzaci was hired to replace her as part-time reference librarian in August 2006.
  • Other Public Services personnel include Jane Bradford, Instruction Coordinator and Reference Librarian; Barbara Costello, Government Document and Reference Librarian; Sims Kline, Outreach Services and Reference Librarian; Rob Lenholt, Electronic Services and Reference Librarian; Cathy Ervin, Circulation Supervisor; Susan Connell Derryberry, Interlibrary Loan Coordinator; Fred Tangeman, Evening Circulation Supervisor (part-time); Dee Buckley, Night Circulation Supervisor (part-time); Sandra Kopecny, Night Circulation Assistant (part-time); Tina Battistone, Weekend Circulation Supervisor (part-time); and Gail Grieb, Archives Specialist (part-time).

Reference Desk Transactions

  • Number of transactions:7,208 total desk transactions (down 11% from last year)

1,183 non-desk transactions in public area (up 170%)

491 personal non-desk transactions (down 4%)

8,882 grand total transactions (down 2%)


  • Database added: 10 new; one database switched vendors.
  • Databases added by name: African American Experience (Greenwood), Congressional Research Service Reports (LexisNexis), DRAM (Recorded American Music Listening Library), EuropaWorld, Hoover’s Business, JSTOR Arts & Sciences I & II, Music Index (switched from Harmonie to Ebsco), PsycBooks (Ebsco), Resources for College Libraries (Bowker), Value Line, Value Line Historical Company Reports.
  • Databases cancelled: Mergent Online.
  • FirstSearch Databases: 2,453 paid searches used ($2,085.05); 9,824 free searches used.
  • Electronic reference books:613(now listed only in WebCat) as of May 31, 2007.


  • Workstations:
  • 40 workstations in the public area as of May 31, 2007. Eleven new GX 620 workstations and ten new 19” flat panel monitors were added to the public area. The trickle down effect of the new machines allowed upgrades throughout the public area and eliminated ten older workstations which were five and six years old.
  • 35 faculty and staff workstations (five in the Music Library) as of May 31, 2007. One staff machine (Linda Zack) was upgraded to a GX 620 using library funds. Two workstations replaced in the Music Library by IT.
  • Printers: 62 printers (34 public; 25 faculty and staff; 2 back-up). Six HP 1320 LaserJet printers were purchased; three were deployed in the public area, one as a staff replacement, and two backups (the library took advantage of an HP promotion which reduced the price by 33%). An HP DeskJet 5650 printer was purchased to replace the Reference Desk unit.

Web pages

  • Library web pages: 415 active pages (up from 390 last year)
  • Usage statistics (June 2006-March 2007): 419,362
  • Top ten library pages (June 2006-March 2007)

Library home page105,761

Database page 33,958

Database information 8,285

Main subject-major page 6,126

Frankenstein pages 5,149

Reporter index 5,026

Sheet Music 4,396

Theater Subject Page 4,004

Library Calendar and Hours 3,911

Faculty Review 3,517


  • Number of instruction sessions: 69 (down 18.8% from last year)
  • Number of people attending instruction sessions: 1090 (down 21.5%)
  • Number of undergraduate sessions: 61 (down 17.6%)
  • Number of undergraduate students attending instruction sessions: 945 (down 24.1%)
  • Number of graduate student instruction sessions: 8 (down 27.3%)
  • Number of graduate students attending instruction sessions: 145 (same)
  • Academic departments receiving instruction: 16 (down 27.3%)
  • American Studies: 3
  • Chemistry: 1
  • Admissions: 1
  • Counselor Education: 3
  • EMBA: 1
  • English: 29
  • Environmental Science: 1
  • History: 2
  • Integrative Health: 1
  • Political Science: 1
  • Psychology: 1
  • Religious Studies: 5
  • Sociology: 2
  • Sport Management: 8
  • Teacher Education (undergraduate): 6
  • Teacher Education (graduate): 3
  • ELS: 1
  • At least 38 Research Assistance Program (RAP) sessions were held with reference librarians Bradford and Ryan, taking at least 27 hours of time in preparation and/or meetings/emails with students. (This is up 35.7% over last year’s 28 sessions.)

Government Information Services

  • Total number of physical documents in collection: 376,291 (down .5%)
  • Total number of physical documents added in 2006-07: 3,565 (up 5.3%)
  • Total number of physical documents discarded in 2006-07: 5,449 (up 275%)
  • Total number of online-only documents cataloged in 2006-07: 1,606 (up 58.7%)
  • Total number of Federal documents titles in the catalog: 72,603 (down 1.1%)
  • Number of uncataloged Florida documents received in 2006-07: 385 (up 155%)

Access and Circulation

  • Gate Count: 209,119 total gate count (down 1.4% from last year)
  • Circulation:24,802 total circulation (down 4.5% from last year)

6,900 total renewals (up 1.5%)

31,702 total circulation and renewals (down 3.3%)

20,079 books (down 3.9%)

2,784 DVDs (up 10%)

1,630 videos (down 24.3%)

91 docs (down 43.8%)

218 all other formats (down 16.5%)

  • Reserves: 4,113 total reserves (down 5.2% from last year)

3,086 books and articles(down 15.5%)

294 videos and DVDs(up 216%)

733 headphones and equipment(up 22.8%)

Summer 2006 (May 8 – June 30): 79 (up 68% from last year)

Summer 2006 (Fiscal year only, June 1-30): 47

Fall 2006 1755 (down 5.9%)

Spring 20072267 (down 5.4%)

Summer 2007 (Fiscal year only, May 7-31): 44 (up 37.5%)

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

  • Borrowing: 2,974 requests (up 4.8% from last year)

2,659 filled (up 5.4%)

304 unfilled (up 3.4%)

1,730 filled loans (up 2.1%)

929 filled copies (up 12.3%)

  • Borrowing fill rate:89.6% filled (up .79%)

10.4% unfilled (down 6.3%)

Average time filled (in days): 8.5

Average time unfilled (in days): 14.4

  • Lending:5,203 requests (down 2.1%)

3,524 filled (down 2.4%)

1,741 unfilled (down 2.3%)

1,151 filled copies (down 4.9%)

2,373 filled loans (down 1.2%)

  • Lending fill rate:66.5% filled (down .75%)

33.5% unfilled (up 1.5%)

Average time filled (in days): 1.33

Average time unfilled (in days): 1.19

Note: new OCLC automatic deflection feature deflected 263 lending requests during the fiscal year (implemented in August 2006). This deducted 263 from requests that would have been printed off of OCLC, searched, and then denied based on a non-lending policy (in almost all cases, formats such as video and DVD).

  • IFM: 151 transactions; $2,311.00
  • Non-IFM: 7 transactions: $98.00
  • Dialog searches: 9 searches (Social SciSearch, SciSearch, Beilstein); total cost: $430.39
  • CAS Chemical Abstract searches: 13 searches (9 student; 5 faculty); total cost: $461.65
  • Dissertations purchased: 20 (12 student; 8 faculty); total cost: $580.00
  • Copyright Clearinghouse: no copyright charges incurred in FY 2006-2007

Archives and Special Collections

  • Number of items in Archives spreadsheet: 1,710; up 584 items from last year’s 1,126 total.
  • Number of Reporter articles indexed this year:1381; includes 464 current articles (all articles published in FY 2006-2007), plus 917 articles indexed from 1989 and 1990 issues. Total Reporter articles indexed in spreadsheet and available on the web: 2,480.
  • Items in the E. Clay Shaw, Jr. Collection:

Audiotapes: 1

Books: 24

Cassettes: 11

CDs: 4

DVD: 1

Files: 99 linear feet

Films: 7

Government Documents: 46

Memorabilia Items: 129

Notebooks: 316

Photos: 2,466 plus 105 proof sheets

Videos: 393


Reference Services

  • Conducted a comprehensive review and weeding of the reference collection that resulted in the withdrawal of about 5,000 volumes.
  • Worked with Technical Services to integrate electronic reference books into the collection.
  • Completed the fourth reference study and compiled and analyzed data from all four studies to use in future reference collection decisions.
  • Created new research guides and updatedolder research guides.
  • Conducted the annual review of ICUF database offers and other databases and recommended purchases to Technical Services and the Library Director.

Circulation & Reserves

  • Consistent and thorough student training.
  • Improved stack maintenance.

Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery

  • Implemented newly available OCLC lending parameters (automatic deflection) to cut down on requests for items that cannot be loaned; result has been fewer loan requests that would have been denied.
  • Updated interlibrary loan instruction manual.

Archives & Special Collections

  • Added 584 items to Archives spreadsheet.
  • Creation of Johnson Room (fenced-in area) on ground floor. Stetson collection moved from Archives office to Johnson Room.
  • Shifted the entire Archives collection, including Treasure and University papers; opened up 25 shelves for President Doug Lee’s papers.
  • All boxes in Archives, including Presidents’ papers, were inventoried and labeled.
  • Eight large boxes from Institutional Research reviewed and weeded or filed. Several large boxes from the Council of Deans reviewed and weeded or filed. Three large boxes of Church Relations files reviewed and weeded or filed.
  • Spike Kelley military photograph collection reviewed, some scanned, properly stored, and added to Archives master spreadsheet.
  • Kate Claxton theatre material reviewed, some given to other institutions, properly stored, and added to Archives master spreadsheet.
  • Ray Jordan memorabilia (mostly Stover Theatre-related material) reviewed, properly stored, and added to Archives master spreadsheet.
  • 1989, 2006, 2007 (to date) Reporter indexing completed; additional issues from 1990 indexed.
  • Web page (spreadsheet) created of Stetson Student Government Association Presidents and Vice Presidents.
  • Web page (spreadsheet) created of famous speakers or performers who appeared at Stetson.
  • Tour given for Bethune-Cookman librarians.
  • Receipt of collection of Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (see Overview for statistics), including unpacking of boxes, inventory of items recorded in spreadsheet with accession numbers, tagging or labeling items, repacking of personal items, assessing damage to some items, scanning and photographing memorabilia and photos, and space and cost planning.
  • Homecoming display with items from Archives, March 2007.

Electronic Services

  • Built and deployed new images for the six different workstation models on the Library’s forty machines in the public area.
  • Worked with Coordinator of Library Instruction setting up a Blackboard website with a pre- and post-assessment test. This involved enrolling all EH-121 students from 10+ sections (one at time) in the course. Data was captured from both tests for comparison.
  • Set up a Blackboard virtual meeting that uses the virtual classroom/chat function; members of the CLS/ACRL research committee were added to the roster. After each member was signed in, the virtual meeting was held; a transcript was recorded and used as the meetings minutes. Implementing the chat function was a goal set last year (but for use in a library instruction class), so the committee meeting was great practice.
  • Updated passwords web page to reflect changes in IT password defaults.
  • Continuously updated the proxy server’s configuration and user files to keep access available for off-campus students and faculty. Worked with many Celebration students and College of Law faculty to assist them with database connectivity.


  • Conducted a pre- and post-test of students in English 121 (fall term 2006) as the sabbatical project of Coordinator of Instruction Jane Bradford (sabbatical leave spring term 2007).
  • Coordinator of Library Instruction, Jane Bradford, participated in the first exchange of librarians between the duPont-Ball Library and the library of the Pädagogische Hochschule (P-H) in Freiburg, Germany. Bradford spent three weeks in March in Freiburg meeting with librarians at the Pädagogische Hochschule, librarians from the University of Heidelberg, the University of Freiburg, University of Basel (Switzerland), and the University of Konstanz. Bradford also made two presentations: one for the librarians at the P-H, and a second for librarians and member of the Department of English at the P-H.

Government Information Services

  • Successful training of and transfer of documents processing tasks and responsibilities to the new Government Documents Specialist, Angela Story.
  • Reclassified 662 volumes of bound federal government periodicals titles back into the SuDocs classification scheme and transferred the volumes from the Periodicals collection back to the Government Documents collection, including any necessary shifting in the Documents stacks.
  • Assumed responsibility for continuing to bind the government periodicals formerly in the Periodicals collection that were returned to the Documents collection.
  • Performed a comprehensive review of all electronic-only serial titles in our current item selection profile. Deleted the item numbers for 35 titles from our selection. Checked WebCat for the remaining titles; added catalog records for 183 electronic-only serial titles not yet in WebCat.
  • Compared the bound Serial Set collection to the contents of the newly acquired LexisNexis U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection. Weeded out 310 Serial Set volumes for which coverage was duplicated in the Digital collection. Prepared disposal lists and began the lengthy process of offering to other depository libraries in accordance with GPO guidelines.
  • Began initial steps to withdrawing the entire ERIC microfiche collection, including shadowing catalog records in SIRSI and preparing disposal lists to post to the FDLP National Needs & Offers Web site.
  • Edited or updated 319 SIRSI catalog records for documents titles as part of the documents records clean-up project.
  • Added more than 2,000 PURL links to catalog records for tangible documents already in SIRSI.
  • Added more than 50% additional electronic-only titles to the catalog than were added during the previous FY.
  • Applied to and was selected by GPO to participate in the NTIS/GPO Depository Access to Reports, Technical and Scientific (DARTS) pilot.

Outreach Services

  • Outreach Services Librarian Sims Kline made seven presentations to graduate classes on both the Celebration and DeLand campuses.
  • The new Passport B.B.A. program at Celebration was supported by presentations and information packets for the new students. Information packets also were distributed to new students in the M.B.A. program on both campuses.
  • Follow-up continued for the new E.M.B.A. students with presentations, as well as individual telephone and email support.
  • Twenty-one presentations were made to undergraduate classes. Also, an orientation was given during FOCUS for commuter students.

ASSESSMENT 2006-2007

Reference Services

  • Completed the last of four print reference use studies to help assess the current collection and aid in future purchasing decisions.
  • Compiled annual database statistics to track use of individual databases.
  • Compiled monthly reference desk transactions to track use of desk services.

Circulation & Reserves

  • Compiled annual circulation statistics by item type and user type for each semester and interim period throughout the fiscal year to determine use level and use patterns of library material.
  • Compiled annual reserve statistics by item type and user type for each semester throughout the fiscal year to determine use level and use patterns of reserve material.
  • Tracked monthly gate counts to help determine use of library.
  • Conducted several hourly “head counts” in the library over week-long periods throughout the year to determine patterns of library use by the hour.
  • Conducted late night “head counts” in the library to determine effect of adding extra hours during final exams.

Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery

  • Compiled annual interlibrary loan statistics for both borrowing and lending. Borrowing statistics tracked by patron type, department, and if the item was a loan or a copy.
  • Compiled “reason for no” statistics on requests for loans from other libraries to help determine ways to cut down on requests for items that cannot be loaned.
  • Tracked copyright compliance statistics; any journal titles that are requested beyond the copyright limit are reported for consideration for purchase.
  • Tracked dissertation purchases to determine use level by faculty and students and to determine the feasibility of subsiding all dissertation requests.
  • Tracked IFM, non-IFM, and document delivery fees for budget assessment purposes.
  • Supplied ILL borrowing data to Technical Services to identify areas for acquisitions.

Archives & Special Collections

  • Inventoried Clay Shaw collection to assess space, furniture, and equipment needs.

Electronic Services

  • Tracked additions and changes of equipment in the public and faculty/staff areas on the library’s hardware inventory spreadsheet.
  • Worked with Coordinator of Library Instruction to set up a Blackboard website with a pre- and post-assessment test. Data was captured from both tests for comparison.
  • Tested the Blackboard chat function with virtual meeting of CLS/ARCL research committee; a transcript was recorded. This proved to be good Beta test for goal set last year: “using Blackboard chat functions for use in a library instruction class.”
  • Tracked email reference questions received at Reference Desk.
